Thursday, November 4, 2021

November 2, 2021 – Week 4, Day 2

Mobility Prep

Wide Grip Romanian Deadlifts (5 seconds negative, straps, no hard belt)

Safety Squat Bar Zercher Squats

Walking Lunges

Paused Copenhagen Plank Lifts (3 seconds)

Paused Standing Band Hip Adductions (1 second)/Hanging L-Sits
mmb+µbx15/15 – bwx30 seconds
mmb+µbx15/15 – bwx30 seconds
mmb+µbx15/15 – bwx30 seconds

Single Leg Seated Calf Raises (0-5-0-5 tempo)

Comments: Stuff feeling stiff and tight. Not bad I guess but just noticing stuff. The left leg thing only bothers me when I do things that bother it so it’s nice that it isn’t like a constant discomfort like some things are. Some changes with this workout. Mobility stuff was good and different. The banded leg curls that I was doing before as part of the workout were moved to be part of this. It was interesting. Wide grip rdls up next. Same 5 second eccentrics and brief pauses. Or so I thought. It appears I was to do these with a normal hand spacing but didn’t realize until it was time to go and didn’t want to make the wrong assumption here. The plan was to work up like previously with 5-3 reps and then do a top set of 10-12 with 2RIR and then drop off a bit to do two matching rep sets. I had 315lbs in my head and when I get a number in my head, it is hard to not go for it. It was challenging to do for the 12 reps. I also had to check what I was wearing last time as far as support to make sure I wasn’t wearing more than I had been (just rehband). The downsets were quite a bit easier even though time under tension pretty similar for the upper body. After that  a new one added. Well I guess new for this year’s trainings. Zercher squats. Advised to use whatever bar I wanted and do work up to 3x12 with increasing weight. No belt. Controlled movement. I figured I’d be doing 200lbs minimum on these but warming up these felt like they were going to a lot more taxing than expected. Considering I was to leave plenty of reps in the tank and the movement wasn’t as fresh for me, I went on the lower end to insure I didn’t make mistakes and had quality movement here. It’s a strange movement. I prefer the ssb on these for comfort and stability. The levers I have do make these a bit awkward as I can rest the bar on my thighs fully above parallel and I’ve done these where I’ve used my thighs supporting it to get into a better advantage point for the lift (like a stone) but I know that that isn’t the intent on these so I had to be more conscious of movement so that I didn’t end up doing that. Left knee was a little achy on these. These are a deeper squat I think compared to what I’ve been doing with the ssb and maybe the hack squats to an extent. All angles. Into the streets for lunges. All the lights and caution stuff. I changed up the positions to see if that worked better. It didn’t as far as making it easy to view. It is just too dark outside. I did some mobility stuff before going. I didn’t need to do as much (and it wasn’t a lot before) due to the zercher squats being deep. Knees a bit creaky today but still good and controlled. Into the garage for the copenhagen stuff. Same as last time with the suggestion but I figured I’d do 3 second holds each rep as that felt harder than doing 1-2 and then a long hold at the end. Seemed a bit more consistent to me. The next thing was the previous session’s last thing. Superset of standing band hip adductions and hanging l-sits again. I had the stuff in the garage so the down time between the exercises (going from the garage to the porch and back) was minimized. I used the most band tension I used last time for all three sets this time, rather than go up. Just to see how that went first. My left quad and hip flexor were quite tight so the l-sits were still pretty tough. I don’t feel comfortable in adding weight to my legs yet as it is challenging enough still. Last thing was a time vampire and a new exercise for me. Single leg seated calf raises. Inverted tempo for long counts with the idea being to do 15-20 reps with weight leaving 3RIR. Really had to figure that out without doing the exercise before and with how long the set will take. From past experience on these inverted tempo long sets for calf stuff, it seems I can’t do much weight on them. Bodyweight for one leg and the ssb on my back for both legs has been tough. But the weight is light even added with the seated and point of the lever compared to say a machine. I went with just a 45lbs plate for this session. I’ve never done single leg work for the soleus muscle and it showed. My left leg on calf stuff generally seems to be stronger and have more endurance, despite having atrophy from nerve damage from the disc injury in 2016. My right leg is tighter but looks larger. It appears that the soleus was effected as the left leg is behind the right. With the amount of numbers to keep track off, I knew I wasn’t getting the right amount of reps done that first set. Could be less than 20, more than 20 or 20. So for the second set, I made sure I got it figured out and got 20 reps. Not that it was too hard to get 20 that first set, I just thought I was at that point with how long it was taking and I kept forgetting the rep I was one (as seen by not getting an even match with both legs). Ate dinner and then stretched. It was pretty late so left the weights out for next session.

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