Wednesday, November 24, 2021

November 23, 2021 – Week 7, Day 2

Mobility Prep

Snatch Grip Deadlifts (straps, beltless)

Paused Romanian Deadlifts (2 seconds, straps, beltless)

Front Foot Elevated Split Squats (4”)

Paused Copenhagen Plank Lifts (1 second, long holds last rep)
bwx12/12 (25 seconds)
bwx12/12 (20 seconds)
bwx12/12 (15 seconds)

Paused Standing Band Hip Adductions (1 second)/Hanging L-Sits/Single Leg Safety Squat Bar Seated Calf Raises (0-3-0-3 tempo)
lbx20/20 – bw+20x20 seconds – 90x20/20
lbx20/20 – bw+20x20 seconds – 90x20/20

Comments: Added stress with things for today. Only three work days and the system wasn’t letting me do work until halfway through the shift so really adding on the work that needs to be done tomorrow. Mobility warm-ups are good. Hardly noticed the left leg issue on these today. So that seems like a good sign. Wore my warm-ups to help get warm in the garage with it getting cold now. Pulls from the floor seem to be the thing now. So last week was paused stuff that was light. This week might be the heavy stuff. Snatch grip pulls. No belt, straps allowed and working up in triples to a 5RIR with 2RIR. Then take off some weight for 2x5. So I wasn’t sure what this would be. There was a plan to do things like this last training cycle but then I broke my elbow and that was a no go. I’ve done these periodically. I used to do these collar to collar in the past and was advised around 2015 that it was too much and no reason to got that wide, even with my long arms. And then these weren’t really a thing for a few years and the style I was advised to do was more a wide stance with a wide grip to work the hamstrings and upper back. So I wanted to make sure what was the intent here. So I guess what I’ll designate is wide grip being at least one hand spacing wider than my normal grip and snatch being a hand space wider than that. I think I have outside of my hands on the rings for the wide grip and thumbs on the rings for the snatch grip. Right arm was feeling funky from the tendonitis but not like it was a pain thing or something that I felt I was in danger. Just not used to that and kind of tense. So I wasn’t sure here what I’d pull. I was thinking that I should be good for 405lbs. Not my best (I think I’ve done 10 reps before). Felt like crap that first set but I think I got the hang of things by 225lbs. Usually that just seems to feel the best as far as pulls for me. Wider grip certainly makes it harder to brace. Or I guess it doesn’t feel as solid like when my arms are at my side. Possibly that proprioception. Unlike the pause pulls, I wasn’t feeling refreshed after each set. These were working things hard. I was prepared for 405lbs to be the top set. But it felt too light. But I didn’t think that I could do 455lbs without the possibility of leaving 2RIR for certain. So I went with 40lbs jump instead of the alternating 40-50lbs I was doing. This was a good call. I mean, probably could’ve done it but it would’ve been really close. And this was good for a first time back in a good while. Maybe 18 months or so since doing them the wide/wide style and certainly more than half a decade of doing them this way. Took 40lbs off for the down sets. First few reps each set came up quick. Just surprising how quickly I was getting fatigued. I was noticing near the end of those sets my left knee was feeling achy and it was like it was preventing me from pushing off with as much force as I could. I was dealing with much more extreme version of that with the right knee leading up to the last show after my knees went on strike for a week or so and coming back to things. So from there on to rdls. Same guidelines as last week with no belt and 2 second pauses. I initially thought this was listed as too light a workload as it was just 5lbs more on my down sets from last week. But it was right. Those snatch grips took a total and while I didn’t feel like these were terrible, I was certainly feeling fatigued. From there it was on to the less hamstring and spine taxing stuff. FFE split squats. This time I was advised to warm-up in sets of 3-5 reps and then do 3x10 with reps in the tank. I felt like I could try using the ssb on these if I felt comfortable. My knees were super achy (especially the left one) so I figured I’d take things fairly slow here and see how I felt. I did more reps to warm things up and see if that helped. I used my back pack for the weight to work up as my intent was to use the empty ssb for these today. But I felt it was best to save that for another time and work with what I have and know I can do. So while doing these, I felt like it was much easier for my right leg to do these, even though I have better dorsiflexion for the left side. My supporting leg when doing them with the left leg feels a greater stretch. Looking at the video, I’m thinking it might be that I can get deeper with that side as I’m having my knee touch the ground with the supporting leg whereas I don’t appear to be doing that with the other side. I don’t know if that is because I can keep that leg pretty much perfectly straight while a slight bend with the one that touches. I’ll need to keep note of that for next time. The copenhagen stuff was next. Same plan as last week but actually did it. 3x12. Holds on the last rep of each set. I managed to get better times overall this week compared to last with 5 seconds long on each hold from last week. Last thing was the triset of band adductions, hanging L-sits and those take forever seated calf raises. So I was bit better with getting things setup and switching between stations I feel. Kept stuff the same besides the ssb calf stuff as I went up 5lbs on those. Probably won’t notice the change there. Bands were good. Feeling the knees a little with all the new work being done and just them being complainy today. I tried to ease into the L-sits a bit better this week so not a shock to my shoulders like last time. Nothing I can do to make the shock to the hip flexors and lower abdominals though haha. Nothing to really say with the seated calf stuff. No issues the second run. Put stuff away and ate pot roast before stretching. Didn’t get a chance to ice knees as I wanted to not stay up forever as I had a lot of work to get done before quitting time tomorrow.

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