Friday, November 26, 2021

November 25, 2021 – Week 7, Day 3

Paused Behind the Neck Strict Presses (3 seconds holds)/Half Kneeling Single Arm Band Pulldowns

Paused Axle Push Presses (beltless, 2 seconds)

12” Log Incline Bench Presses w/ bands
No Bands
Added Bands (+17lbs bottom/+36lbs top)

Paused Chest Supported Barbell Rows (2 seconds)
No Straps
Added Straps

RP Style Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raises

Feet Elevated (17”) Push-ups (3-3-0-0 tempo)

Comments: Well Wednesday was exhausting. As expected, it was work all day to try and get stuff taken care of so that I had very little that would be potentially overdue on Monday. Got minimal things that I wanted to do done after that haha. Trying to get answers on stuff with the changes coming for Strongman Corporation and at this point it has been 3 days with no response so I take the nonresponse as the response and just see where the next few months go. I have until April to renew if I want to do that. Got minimal soft tissue work done Wednesday night. I needed some rest as I was slightly irritable Wednesday after work. Right elbow tendonitis is constant and a drag. Just have to see if I can find better ways to manage it. Got to bed late and with it being Thanksgiving, that meant that I’d have to train fairly early to be available in the early afternoon. So starting things out with getting as much of my stuff setup for training so that once I was going, there would be minimal downtime and setup for each. So starting the workout with the BTN presses with pauses into one arm band lat pulls. Good, felt better. Less shoulder aches this time around. Overhead work after that. It was light last week but it appears we are backing off on that a bit more to get used to things. So dropping to 55% and adding a set so it will be 6x3 with 60-90 seconds rest. Only wrist wraps, no other support stuff. Pauses for 2 seconds in the dip. I went 1lb heavier just for easier plate math. These felt easy. Sun was a little bit in my eye some sets. Been so long since I’ve trained and there was sunlight during the week haha. I was a little concerned as my shoulders were still feeling some fatigue from these at the start but it went away. These felt really comfortable. 3rd set of these felt the best. Not sure if they actually were but there was just this compact feeling I had throughout my upper torso unracking the weight that made me feel like I could reverse the flow of a waterfall with an uppercut. Those are the good feelings that make the actual movement after that point a formality. Can’t get that every time though. Log incline with the bands after that. So for today no real guidelines to warm-up but to get to 220x3x3 and then take off 30lbs for an AMRAP. This exercise can feel harder than it looks. The bands really seem to kick in hard immediately. Last week, that set with 215lbs felt easy but then my first down set with 195lbs felt harder than that due to where it hit my chest I think. Or I wasn’t as focused. So can’t let up. These felt heavy today but it does look like I probably could’ve done 5 reps for all three sets. Left shoulder was a little achy. So I was very surprised how easy the weight was moving with the 30lbs removed. I was thinking 8 reps or so with 2RIR was what I was going to get to with how things were feeling but then this felt like nothing. I possibly stopped a rep early here. But wanted to be safe with that. Rows after that. Not dumbbell this time. Bringing back something from a good bit back this year. Barbell rows with the pauses using the bench for support. Pretty much has been two variations of this. One being holds each rep and the other being holds for half the reps and then regular reps the other half. This was holds every rep from the very first block of training from the very first training cycle this year. So I had numbers that I expected I could beat now coming back to it. Unlike then when I’d just go at 135lbs right off the bat, I did lighter stuff to warm-up to it. Partly to see how it felt again and partly to get warmed up. Plan here was work up in 5’s to a top set of 10 (2RIR) and then drop 10% for 2x10. Aim was 200lbs since that made easy math and should be doable. Kind of missed these rows (not the pauses, just the barbell chest supported stuff haha). These get tough quick but I got through these fairly well. Dumbbell super set was next. Into the garage for these. It was nice out but I made sense to bring things inside so that I could clean up when done faster. So I wasn’t really given the option to stay lighter as this time the plan was to push things. Goal was to do 15’s for both for exercises (aim being 10-15 reps with 2RIR) and then do a max rep set for the rear delts at the end of things. Like the axle, I went with 1lbs heavier due to easier plate math. Changing from the solid dumbbells to the plateloaded dumbbells does add some changes to things. The main one being that the plate diameter has things a bit further away. Not that big an issue with the laterals as I’ve done that and been used to that but with the rear delts, it was a little off putting as I generally get a little more ROM at the bottom end. I felt that getting 15 reps on the sets was within what I can do. The lactic acid and fatigue hits hard but I know I can muster out more reps at that point. Max reps was definitely difficult. Last thing was a set of the feet elevated push-ups with tempo. I was advised to do one set close to failure and if I felt like I needed to, do 1-2 sets of low reps to get ready. With it being bodyweight only, I didn’t feel like I needed the other sets and with it being tempo work, it was going to fatigue me if I did them unless I took long rests between them. I was going to be plenty warm by the end of the set. These definitely started to feel tougher than last time after about 10 reps in. Probably should’ve stopped at 19 reps but I got greedy and wanted 20 reps. That was definitely an at failure rep there to lockout. Quickly put stuff away before stretching and cleaning up and then going to spend time with family for Thanksgiving.

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