Wednesday, December 1, 2021

November 30, 2021 – Week 8, Day 2

Mobility Prep

Paused Deadlifts (2 second mid-shin, beltless)

Paused Romanian Deadlifts (2 seconds, straps, beltless)

Front Foot Elevated Split Squats (4”)

Cossack Squats

Paused Ab Wheel (2 seconds)/Single Leg Safety Squat Bar Seated Calf Raises (0-3-0-3 tempo)

Comments: Going to take me a bit to recover from all the excitement of people. Even if I don’t feel like it was a lot, my body is telling my otherwise with stress symptoms. It might be another week before I’m over it haha. It is leaving me with some blahs that is making it difficult to feel motivated to work as hard as I can at work right now. I did at least get some response from Strongman Corporation about questions. But it does seem stuff is still being worked on and there won’t be satisfactory answers until probably June 2022. Work blahs did carryover to training. Late getting pot roast cooking and this workout was a bit less work compared to the last week so I started training later. Getting reacclimated to the cold weather and training in it. Mobility stuff slightly adjusted. Less stressful on the hamstrings. So appears that this workout is alternating pulls. Two weeks ago it was paused pulls so now they are back again. Increase of 5% on the 4x3. Like last time, didn’t feel quite right at the start but once I got to over two plates it started to feel crisp. No belt for these and didn’t bother with the straps. No forearm tension issues this time. Felt good. Felt easy. I did feel like breathing after the sets was hard but chalking that up to seasonal crap as I’ve felt like I needed to take allergy meds the past few days. I was in a mood as I had a little bit of the happy feet going for these haha. Paused rdls were next. This is kind of what I thought was going to be the case last week. Work up to just above the top weight the previous time for a few sets and then do a max rep set. As I mentioned that workout, glad it wasn’t the case as those snatch grip pulls drained me something fierce. So plan here was warm up like I have been (5’s and 3’s) to 385x2x8 and then take off 50lbs and do a max rep set with 2RIR. Things felt heavy walking out of the sawhorses but felt fine doing the actual lift. Top weight felt decent. Rep set things were feeling pretty good. I felt a little bit of hesitancy on the 15th rep and figured I should call it there rather than potentially force things. I was feeling beat from the deadlifting. So next up was the FFE split squats. I figured if I felt good today, I’d give the empty ssb a shot for the load. Knees were feeling ok for this exercise. Goal for today was 3x12 with 2-3RIR. The ssb was surprisingly easy for my left leg. Right leg these were harder. Could’ve been complacent and just stuck at this weight but decided to do a little weight creep with adding measly 2lbs a set. Didn’t feel much different. Tried to focus on how the sides felt. I know my right leg is tight when it comes the calf. Exercise that was next was Cossack squats. Been a good while since I did these. I think since the first training cycle and when I had that first knee scare with instability in the left leg. 3x8 for these. I had my knee sleeves down as I didn’t feel like I needed them in the past but just in case stuff felt screwy. No issues other than the usual from not doing this kind of mobility exercise in a good many months. Left side felt a little tenser in the lower leg on these. But felt fine otherwise. Last thing was an interesting pairing. Abs and soleus has been the thing for a few weeks with inner thigh as a buffer. Ab wheel had been a plan before I oopsied the elbow and wrist beginning of last cycle. As far as working on bracing and lower abs, these wreck me so good to see them back. So these were to be done with pauses and try to minimize tension lost from doing each rep. Paired with the inverted tempo seated calf raises. 3 sets of each. 15 reps for the ssb stuff and max reps with 2-3RIR on the abdominals. That was going to get tricky. I’m usually good for an all out set on them but then the burn/fatigue is high and I struggle on subsequent sets. I generally want to quit early with how intense it gets haha. Calf stuff was same as it has been. Not easy but long enough that it provides some rest for anything that Is not my calves. The reps were a done thing with the calf raises. Paused on the ab wheel was good at the start. I did put on an elbow cuff for my right arm due to the tendonitis. Definitely felt that second set fatigue but managed to push on and not drop as much as I was expected. Third set saw the drop haha. Put stuff away before eating a late pot roast dinner and then stretching.

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