Paused Behind the Neck Strict Presses (3 seconds holds)/Half Kneeling Single Arm Band Pulldowns
Paused Axle Push Presses (beltless, 2 seconds)
12” Log Incline Bench Presses w/ bands
No Bands
Added Bands (+17lbs bottom/+36lbs top)
No Bands
Added Bands (+17lbs bottom/+36lbs top)
Paused Chest Supported Barbell Rows (2 seconds, straps)
RP Style Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raises
Feet Elevated (17”) Push-ups (3-3-0-0 tempo, 15 seconds rest pauses)
Comments: Well I spoke too soon about the weather settling in for winter. Just at freezing previous two days and then back into the low 60’s for today. My body did not appreciate that drastic jump. Nasal spray, Claritin and Dayquil to get stuff under control. Too much to do the day before and playing catch up that just couldn’t get the walk in that I do on my off days. It was too dark and rainy by the time I had a free moment and didn’t want to risk injury slipping. Did a lot of soft tissue work to I guess make up for it. Got things setup for training while there was so light out. I guess I wasn’t ready for the foreboding darkness after doing this workout in the sunshine last week haha. So starting the workout with the BTN presses with pauses into one arm band lat pulls again. I’d say as far as how things feel, between last week and the week before as how these felt. Overhead work after that. I was advised that log is coming but working the axle with pauses and no support stuff beyond wrist wraps until things look good and comfortable. Back up to 60% but now 7x2 instead of triples. It is almost fatiguing wrapping on the wrist wraps for that many sets haha. Obviously not as easy as last week with the increase in weight but felt decent enough. Last set felt the best to me. Log incline with the bands after that. Work up to a top triple (8-8.5 RPE or 1RIR) and then drop off some weight for 3x4. I wanted to give 240lbs a shot. I figured I had that in me. I’m getting more confident in pressing through the bands on this variation. Working up weights in the past had me concerned I’d stall out at lockout. I’ve hated incline log press in the past and now I seem to get some joy out of improving and hitting more and more weight or reps on these. These seem to be a good builder for the upper body for pressing with minimal stress on other things. I remember how I struggled with these at the beginning with having to reintroduce two pressing days. Felt like I probably had 2RIR on that set so that was good. Figured I’d go with just the small drop in weight comparatively and those went well too. Barbell rows with the pauses using the bench for support were again next. I felt I didn’t need as much of work up sets this time with having done them recently. Still stuck to fives to warm-up but just kept straps for all sets. Plan here was 2x8 with 5lbs more than top set last week and then do max rep set with 2RIR with 20lbs taken off. These felt harder this week. It was a struggle to get these done after that first set. These holds do tend to make these difficult pretty quick. Dumbbell super set was next. This got a big jump in intensity. So this time, the plan here was 20lbs dumbbells for these and to do sets of 12-20 reps with 2RIR for three sets. So usually I just go one into the other with a brief break between them (at least that is what I was doing when these were with 10lbs). But seeing as how the plan here was pushing things and expectation of having reps drop off from fatigue, I took brief breaks between the exercises (like 15 seconds) and then a bit longer between the sets. The ROM is big on the laterals compared to the rear delts. They are each uniquely difficult in their own way as fatigue sets in. I feel more comfortable pushing the rear delts for some reason even when they get too difficult to hold out like I could with earlier reps. I was expecting more of a drop off after the second set but it appears I that is my level after the initial fatigue. Tempo feet elevated push ups were the end of the session. 25 reps total, however many sets it took doing rest pause. I really wanted to get it all in one set but fatigue had other plans and I was probably going to end up getting less reps in an all out set then I did last week with the increased workload compared to last week beforehand. I didn’t have a set time for the rest pauses given but I decided to do 15 seconds. Took me 2 of those to get that 25 reps done. Put stuff away before eating dinner and stretching. Got done in a decent time this evening.
Comments: Well I spoke too soon about the weather settling in for winter. Just at freezing previous two days and then back into the low 60’s for today. My body did not appreciate that drastic jump. Nasal spray, Claritin and Dayquil to get stuff under control. Too much to do the day before and playing catch up that just couldn’t get the walk in that I do on my off days. It was too dark and rainy by the time I had a free moment and didn’t want to risk injury slipping. Did a lot of soft tissue work to I guess make up for it. Got things setup for training while there was so light out. I guess I wasn’t ready for the foreboding darkness after doing this workout in the sunshine last week haha. So starting the workout with the BTN presses with pauses into one arm band lat pulls again. I’d say as far as how things feel, between last week and the week before as how these felt. Overhead work after that. I was advised that log is coming but working the axle with pauses and no support stuff beyond wrist wraps until things look good and comfortable. Back up to 60% but now 7x2 instead of triples. It is almost fatiguing wrapping on the wrist wraps for that many sets haha. Obviously not as easy as last week with the increase in weight but felt decent enough. Last set felt the best to me. Log incline with the bands after that. Work up to a top triple (8-8.5 RPE or 1RIR) and then drop off some weight for 3x4. I wanted to give 240lbs a shot. I figured I had that in me. I’m getting more confident in pressing through the bands on this variation. Working up weights in the past had me concerned I’d stall out at lockout. I’ve hated incline log press in the past and now I seem to get some joy out of improving and hitting more and more weight or reps on these. These seem to be a good builder for the upper body for pressing with minimal stress on other things. I remember how I struggled with these at the beginning with having to reintroduce two pressing days. Felt like I probably had 2RIR on that set so that was good. Figured I’d go with just the small drop in weight comparatively and those went well too. Barbell rows with the pauses using the bench for support were again next. I felt I didn’t need as much of work up sets this time with having done them recently. Still stuck to fives to warm-up but just kept straps for all sets. Plan here was 2x8 with 5lbs more than top set last week and then do max rep set with 2RIR with 20lbs taken off. These felt harder this week. It was a struggle to get these done after that first set. These holds do tend to make these difficult pretty quick. Dumbbell super set was next. This got a big jump in intensity. So this time, the plan here was 20lbs dumbbells for these and to do sets of 12-20 reps with 2RIR for three sets. So usually I just go one into the other with a brief break between them (at least that is what I was doing when these were with 10lbs). But seeing as how the plan here was pushing things and expectation of having reps drop off from fatigue, I took brief breaks between the exercises (like 15 seconds) and then a bit longer between the sets. The ROM is big on the laterals compared to the rear delts. They are each uniquely difficult in their own way as fatigue sets in. I feel more comfortable pushing the rear delts for some reason even when they get too difficult to hold out like I could with earlier reps. I was expecting more of a drop off after the second set but it appears I that is my level after the initial fatigue. Tempo feet elevated push ups were the end of the session. 25 reps total, however many sets it took doing rest pause. I really wanted to get it all in one set but fatigue had other plans and I was probably going to end up getting less reps in an all out set then I did last week with the increased workload compared to last week beforehand. I didn’t have a set time for the rest pauses given but I decided to do 15 seconds. Took me 2 of those to get that 25 reps done. Put stuff away before eating dinner and stretching. Got done in a decent time this evening.
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