Mobility Prep
Single Leg Squats to Box
Single Leg Squats to Box
Safety Squat Bar Squats
Seated Arm-Over-Arm Exer-genie Pulls (1.5” rope, prowler attached)
1x60’ in 17.27 seconds
3x60’ in 23.73 seconds
5x60’ in 26.44 seconds
7x60’ in 34.40 seconds
1x60’ in 17.27 seconds
3x60’ in 23.73 seconds
5x60’ in 26.44 seconds
7x60’ in 34.40 seconds
Sandbag Shoulderings
225x1 L
225x1 R
225x1 L
225x1 R
225x1 L
225x1 R
225x1 L
225x1 R
225x1 L
225x1 R
225x1 L
225x1 R
225x1 L
225x1 R
225x1 L
225x1 R
Sandbag Carries (casual pace, turns at 75’)
Lying Single Leg Band Leg Curls
Quad Fallbacks
Comments: So this was the week with the expected deviation. Strongman gym hosting a big powerlifting meet that would be a two day affair. So there was the expectation that this wouldn’t be as planned. Initially it was going to be similar to the previous time they had a meet run this year with the gym being open after 6PM. That was the plan but then that became not opened due to the number of lifters. So this became a train at home session. Which is fine since I’ve acquired a good bit of stuff over the years and invested in this more since Covid started. So that meant I could sleep in and go at my own pace. May have slept-in a little later than planned. So starting things off with the mobility stuff after I setup what I could for the time being. Change to this having leg curls with bands added to it (and I guess dropping them as a primary exercise). Balance on the one leg stuff best it has ever been. Had the tension a little too easy that first set but got it right for the second set. So first true exercise of the session was one leg squats to box. Same as last week with 3x8 and controlling the negative. That was the plan but I ran into issues. I had thought my bench was lower than it actually was. I’ve been assuming it was the height of the benches at the gyms I’ve been to which has been 17” but turns out it is 21”. Oops. So it was going to be too high to use now. Knees were a bit achy at the start doing some singles to get used to things. Figured I’d try for 18” using the hard foam crash pads. Much like last week, these seemed to get better as I went. SSB squats were next. I was anxious and looking forward to this. See, the plan here was to work up in triples to a top set of 6 reps (2RIR) and then take off 10% for 2x6. Squats have been feeling really good as of late. I was thinking that based off how things have been, that 425lbs was there. But it wasn’t. I probably should’ve taken heed that maybe today wasn’t the day. Now, I’m not sure if it was just not today from the hard midsection work that is the ab wheel or if perhaps that it is true that the ssb from Titan Fitness isn’t the same as the one at the strongman gym. I felt like the weight was pitching me forward more so than at the gym. A feeling I was getting in my back and knees. I ended up having to stop at three reps as I knew I didn’t have 6 reps in me today, let alone with RIR on this setup. Annoyed with that and dropped off 50lbs to try and salvage things. So approximately 90% of what I felt I should be doing. Telling myself that it the bar as this one has felt harder to me but that has always kind of been the case with garage training. I’ll differentiate these in training going forward and just have to see how the next few sessions go at the strongman gym going forward to see if this really is a thing or if like the overhead strict pressing, I needed a deload. Right inner thigh was feeling a little tight during squats but didn’t seem to be anything after that. I had a lot more workout to go. This was the part that I knew there was going to be a substantial lull. Arm-over-arm pulls. The setup for these was going to be a pain regardless of what I decided to do. I was going to have to get creative. If I went with purely weights, I was going to have to use at least 600lbs in weight from past training and resetting the course would take like 10 minutes each time. I’d rather use the exer-genie. That had it’s own unique issues. It needs an anchor point and other than trees, I don’t have anything on my property that would work. Trees too big around for the exer-genie to loop. But my parents have a basketball hoop that is a large pipe structure cemented to the curbs foundation and I know that is stable. It has taken direct hits from snow plows and been there for decades now haha. But that also meant lugging stuff down to their house for setup. Trying to be minimalist here as it was all going to have to come back to my house. I used my two lightest sandbags for anchor for my feet to push into. Try to mimic the tire. As far as attaching stuff, I used chain to attach the exer-genie to my off-brand prowler and then the rope to that. I ended up having to use less resistance on the exer-genie because of the addition of the 55lbs sled weight with the friction on the blacktop going uphill. Plan was to do four sets of 60’ with RPE 5,6,7,8. So went up “2lbs” a set. Resetting this was super easy to do. I think I may try to add the sled like this at the strongman gym to get things to feel closer to contest as the exer-genie without the little drag gets a little unstable near the end, unlike an arm-over-arm pull. Last set felt substantially tougher. Only issue with these was not having someone to eat the rope to keep things efficient. So another lull in the action putting stuff away. I swear my handtruck has flat tires again as I was getting quite a pump in the legs pushing it with the sandbags back to my house. I needed them for the next thing; shouldering. This was going to be a first for me. I’ve never tried this and never had to. I’m tall enough that it wasn’t something I’ve had to do. Closest would be cleaning a dumbbell or the cross body stuff with a keg. For the show, the event is specifically shouldering sandbags. Three progressively heavier sandbags. So not really sure what to expect. Though I probably should’ve had an inkling of it from how I’m not great at one motion log presses or that I struggle to one motion kegs for pressing. The plan for the session was to warm-up however and then do a light to moderate weight sandbag for an EMOM session of 8 lifts (alternating sides so 4 each side) and then rest and do 2 reps each side for a total of 4 reps in a set. At home I have sandbags but not as many as the strongman gym. I got 50lbs increments essentially. So my hope here was 225lbs for my working sets (275lbs being light would amazing). 175lbs was not a confidence booster. My hope with that though was that these are fairly small sandbags for my size and that the floppiness of the 175lbs was adding to the difficulty. My 225lbs is a bit more packed. Didn’t feel terrific but it was what I got. It did feel better when I was doing the EMOM. I’m thinking what I’m doing which is slowing things down. I need more practice here to get this nailed down. I can be a quick study as I feel near the end I got things a bit better timed. Rested for a bit before doing the repping set. I reset the sandbag to standing position each time to mimic the event more as it won’t be reps with the same bag but three separate bags. One of the good things was I was worried that my longer hair would mess things up for me (it was a concern I had with quick transitions to the yoke last contest haha) but it didn’t. I got plenty of time to work this. The sandbags aren’t all the same so I need to get practice on them to feel them out at some point. Sandbag stuff wasn’t done though. The next thing was sandbag carries but doing them slow and for long distance. These replaced the belt squats that were initially planned. I did offer up a home version but these replaced them. Not complaining. I’d rather do these than belt squats haha. It was getting dark so I did set out the reflective cones and reflective vest. And it was getting dark quick. Between the two videos, it looks like an hour has passed when it was only like 5 minutes tops. Used the same sandbag as the shoulderings and did 150’. Went slow, just going for a nice stroll. Like I was carrying a very heavy baby. Gentle is strong. From there it was lighter stuff. So plan for hamstrings had been same as last week but no machines at home so then it was suggested to Nordics with a ton of band tension to assist with the tertiary option being single leg band curls. I went with that as I knew that the Nordics would setback all the progress I’ve made with whatever happened with the left leg. There are still positions that are uncomfortable to get into and I have to take a moment to let things calm down before I can actually do the movement. At this point, I feel the Nordics are too much risk for reward and that if these are brought back, it be in the form of the inverse leg curls since I could still do them through pain whereas even attempting to lower myself on the Nordics had me tapping out. Anyways, setting up the single leg lying leg curls were a huge and frustrating pain. Glad I don’t have to do these regularly. These weren’t ideal but got the work done. Three sets of max reps with goal being 15-20 rep range. Thankfully those were done and I was able to do the last thing which was the quad fallbacks. Standard 2x12 again. Leg were feeling tight but loosened up. I feel that this time I had the most bodily control and awareness while doing them. Put everything away and ate dinner before stretching out. Right inner thigh was feeling tight at this point and joints achy. Iced my knees before bed.
Comments: So this was the week with the expected deviation. Strongman gym hosting a big powerlifting meet that would be a two day affair. So there was the expectation that this wouldn’t be as planned. Initially it was going to be similar to the previous time they had a meet run this year with the gym being open after 6PM. That was the plan but then that became not opened due to the number of lifters. So this became a train at home session. Which is fine since I’ve acquired a good bit of stuff over the years and invested in this more since Covid started. So that meant I could sleep in and go at my own pace. May have slept-in a little later than planned. So starting things off with the mobility stuff after I setup what I could for the time being. Change to this having leg curls with bands added to it (and I guess dropping them as a primary exercise). Balance on the one leg stuff best it has ever been. Had the tension a little too easy that first set but got it right for the second set. So first true exercise of the session was one leg squats to box. Same as last week with 3x8 and controlling the negative. That was the plan but I ran into issues. I had thought my bench was lower than it actually was. I’ve been assuming it was the height of the benches at the gyms I’ve been to which has been 17” but turns out it is 21”. Oops. So it was going to be too high to use now. Knees were a bit achy at the start doing some singles to get used to things. Figured I’d try for 18” using the hard foam crash pads. Much like last week, these seemed to get better as I went. SSB squats were next. I was anxious and looking forward to this. See, the plan here was to work up in triples to a top set of 6 reps (2RIR) and then take off 10% for 2x6. Squats have been feeling really good as of late. I was thinking that based off how things have been, that 425lbs was there. But it wasn’t. I probably should’ve taken heed that maybe today wasn’t the day. Now, I’m not sure if it was just not today from the hard midsection work that is the ab wheel or if perhaps that it is true that the ssb from Titan Fitness isn’t the same as the one at the strongman gym. I felt like the weight was pitching me forward more so than at the gym. A feeling I was getting in my back and knees. I ended up having to stop at three reps as I knew I didn’t have 6 reps in me today, let alone with RIR on this setup. Annoyed with that and dropped off 50lbs to try and salvage things. So approximately 90% of what I felt I should be doing. Telling myself that it the bar as this one has felt harder to me but that has always kind of been the case with garage training. I’ll differentiate these in training going forward and just have to see how the next few sessions go at the strongman gym going forward to see if this really is a thing or if like the overhead strict pressing, I needed a deload. Right inner thigh was feeling a little tight during squats but didn’t seem to be anything after that. I had a lot more workout to go. This was the part that I knew there was going to be a substantial lull. Arm-over-arm pulls. The setup for these was going to be a pain regardless of what I decided to do. I was going to have to get creative. If I went with purely weights, I was going to have to use at least 600lbs in weight from past training and resetting the course would take like 10 minutes each time. I’d rather use the exer-genie. That had it’s own unique issues. It needs an anchor point and other than trees, I don’t have anything on my property that would work. Trees too big around for the exer-genie to loop. But my parents have a basketball hoop that is a large pipe structure cemented to the curbs foundation and I know that is stable. It has taken direct hits from snow plows and been there for decades now haha. But that also meant lugging stuff down to their house for setup. Trying to be minimalist here as it was all going to have to come back to my house. I used my two lightest sandbags for anchor for my feet to push into. Try to mimic the tire. As far as attaching stuff, I used chain to attach the exer-genie to my off-brand prowler and then the rope to that. I ended up having to use less resistance on the exer-genie because of the addition of the 55lbs sled weight with the friction on the blacktop going uphill. Plan was to do four sets of 60’ with RPE 5,6,7,8. So went up “2lbs” a set. Resetting this was super easy to do. I think I may try to add the sled like this at the strongman gym to get things to feel closer to contest as the exer-genie without the little drag gets a little unstable near the end, unlike an arm-over-arm pull. Last set felt substantially tougher. Only issue with these was not having someone to eat the rope to keep things efficient. So another lull in the action putting stuff away. I swear my handtruck has flat tires again as I was getting quite a pump in the legs pushing it with the sandbags back to my house. I needed them for the next thing; shouldering. This was going to be a first for me. I’ve never tried this and never had to. I’m tall enough that it wasn’t something I’ve had to do. Closest would be cleaning a dumbbell or the cross body stuff with a keg. For the show, the event is specifically shouldering sandbags. Three progressively heavier sandbags. So not really sure what to expect. Though I probably should’ve had an inkling of it from how I’m not great at one motion log presses or that I struggle to one motion kegs for pressing. The plan for the session was to warm-up however and then do a light to moderate weight sandbag for an EMOM session of 8 lifts (alternating sides so 4 each side) and then rest and do 2 reps each side for a total of 4 reps in a set. At home I have sandbags but not as many as the strongman gym. I got 50lbs increments essentially. So my hope here was 225lbs for my working sets (275lbs being light would amazing). 175lbs was not a confidence booster. My hope with that though was that these are fairly small sandbags for my size and that the floppiness of the 175lbs was adding to the difficulty. My 225lbs is a bit more packed. Didn’t feel terrific but it was what I got. It did feel better when I was doing the EMOM. I’m thinking what I’m doing which is slowing things down. I need more practice here to get this nailed down. I can be a quick study as I feel near the end I got things a bit better timed. Rested for a bit before doing the repping set. I reset the sandbag to standing position each time to mimic the event more as it won’t be reps with the same bag but three separate bags. One of the good things was I was worried that my longer hair would mess things up for me (it was a concern I had with quick transitions to the yoke last contest haha) but it didn’t. I got plenty of time to work this. The sandbags aren’t all the same so I need to get practice on them to feel them out at some point. Sandbag stuff wasn’t done though. The next thing was sandbag carries but doing them slow and for long distance. These replaced the belt squats that were initially planned. I did offer up a home version but these replaced them. Not complaining. I’d rather do these than belt squats haha. It was getting dark so I did set out the reflective cones and reflective vest. And it was getting dark quick. Between the two videos, it looks like an hour has passed when it was only like 5 minutes tops. Used the same sandbag as the shoulderings and did 150’. Went slow, just going for a nice stroll. Like I was carrying a very heavy baby. Gentle is strong. From there it was lighter stuff. So plan for hamstrings had been same as last week but no machines at home so then it was suggested to Nordics with a ton of band tension to assist with the tertiary option being single leg band curls. I went with that as I knew that the Nordics would setback all the progress I’ve made with whatever happened with the left leg. There are still positions that are uncomfortable to get into and I have to take a moment to let things calm down before I can actually do the movement. At this point, I feel the Nordics are too much risk for reward and that if these are brought back, it be in the form of the inverse leg curls since I could still do them through pain whereas even attempting to lower myself on the Nordics had me tapping out. Anyways, setting up the single leg lying leg curls were a huge and frustrating pain. Glad I don’t have to do these regularly. These weren’t ideal but got the work done. Three sets of max reps with goal being 15-20 rep range. Thankfully those were done and I was able to do the last thing which was the quad fallbacks. Standard 2x12 again. Leg were feeling tight but loosened up. I feel that this time I had the most bodily control and awareness while doing them. Put everything away and ate dinner before stretching out. Right inner thigh was feeling tight at this point and joints achy. Iced my knees before bed.
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