Wednesday, December 22, 2021

December 21, 2021 – Week 11, Day 2

Mobility Prep

Snatch Grip Deadlifts (straps)
515x3 PR+40lbs

15” Axle Jack Stand Pulls (straps)

Paused Front Foot Elevated Split Squats (4”, 5 seconds)

Paused Cossack Squats (2 seconds)

Paused Ab Wheel (5 seconds)/Single Leg Calf Raises (5-2-0-0 tempo)

Comments: This didn’t start out as a good day. Woke up feeling like I had either terrible allergies or a really weak cold. As the day went on, I took more intensive steps. Nasal spray first, then Claritin a few hours later. Another hour and some Dayquil. Finally I went and replaced the air filter in my basement. Whatever it is, it will go away in short order. Just like last time this came up. Trying to not let it ruin my vibe as they would say haha. Mobility stuff was a bit of change up. I was expecting to be really cold with it being a good bit below freezing in the morning but with no wind it wasn’t so bad. But kept warm-ups on for the mobility stuff. Snatch grips to start the heavy part of the session. This week I was to work up to a top triple. Listed as 1RIR or RPE 8.5. RPE I still don’t really get but RIR seems to work for me. Plan here was some decent reps at the lower weights and then switch to doubles all the way up. I was thinking that I would be good for 500lbs for my top set. Would be a first for me getting 500lbs on snatch grip pulls. They’ve been clicking for me lately. I was still keeping an eye on the right arm but didn’t feel the need to wear the elbow copper sleeve like I’ve done in the past few sessions. Took plate jumps first two sets and then went to 40-50lbs jumps after that. I was going to gauge things on how 455lbs felt. Felt like suck then do 495lbs. Felt good, try something big. Felt fine so I went for 60lbs jump which would be a big PR here. Granted, I’ve only done 495lbs for a single but that was with a wide stance so similar but not the same. Most I’ve done has been 475lbs for a triple like 11yrs ago. Since then been no more than 455lbs for reps of some sort and usually much lower than that for form work or speed work. So this was a nice feather for my cap to hit this with a rep (and maybe 2) in the tank. Down sets were 15% off of that. They felt pretty darn tough after that effort but look pretty ok on video. Elevated axle pulls after that. So it would seem that these will alternate perhaps between a lot of sets with short rests and heavy stuff if going off of these three weeks so far. And this week would be the many sets week. Warm-up how I wanted for these. Went with singles and heavier weight to start. Don’t need that much work with the lighter stuff after two weeks back to back. So the thing with these was while the plan was only to be a small increase based off of things, it ended up being a big jump from last time. So last time was 75% of whatever I felt was my 1rm for 5x3. This week it would be 78% for 4x3. Sticking to 90-120 seconds rest. Thing is that my projected max went up a good bit since last time. Estimated last time was 627lbs or so. After doing 560lbs for a set of 5 reps, it is now saying it is 644lbs. So instead of having a 19lbs increase from last time (489lbs), I had a 32lbs increase. Even before getting to these, my hamstrings were feeling pretty tight. So even with the big bump in the weights, I was still able to do things as written with little difficulty. A lot of pulls over 500lbs today. So next up was the FFE split squats. I had been told these would increase in weight if I did them for 3x10 with the empty SSB with 5ct pause each rep. But workout said keep the weight the same and focus on the pauses and dorsiflexion. It is possible that this was artifact data from the previous session two weeks prior but figured I’d do it again and make it better than last time. Now I’m not sure if my knees were feeling better because of doing stuff or if my warming up was smarter or if the anti-inflammatories in the Dayquil were helping. I was able to keep these to a pretty good pace, maybe 30 seconds rest between sides and usual break between the sets. Cossack squats were after that. Babying these too much as I was advised to add pauses, lower reps a little and to add a light weight to them. And to try and stay more upright. RPE 7. Lot of variables. As I’ve mentioned, the left leg/knee has some issues but I’m working on it. I can’t as easily get down like I can with my right knee. I ended up adding weight to these each set and ended up doing 5lbs over my PR without pauses for this exercise and these reps. The abdominals and calf pairing was changed up again. Ab wheel stays the same here. 5 second pauses and doing total of 30 reps over however many sets I needed. Calf stuff no longer seated. Back to one leg standing stuff. These are really tough with tempo added. I was to do 3x12 with whatever weight I needed to get it to be RPE 7. I tried a little weight but it was a no go and I figured that I should stick to bodyweight as these are a challenge for me with one leg. Ab wheel I thought I did 14/11/5 but it turns out I did 15/10/5. Still got my reps. Didn’t feel as fatigued going into these as I did last week. The calf raises were tough but it didn’t help matters that I accidentally did 13 reps somehow instead of 12 reps for my sets. Left continues to be the stronger/more coordinated of the two when it comes to calf stuff. Put things away before eating dinner and stretching. Iced my knees before bed.

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