Friday, December 24, 2021

December 23, 2021 – Week 11, Day 3

Paused Behind the Neck Strict Presses (3 seconds)/Half Kneeling Single Arm Band Pulldowns

Paused 12” Log Push Presses (2 seconds, beltless)

12” Log Incline Bench Presses

Chest Supported Barbell Rows (straps)
275x12 PR+4 reps

Dumbbell Z Presses/Band Face Pulls

Comments Feel like I’ve beat whatever it was that was making me feel not that great. Again, it was easier really weak cold or terrible allergies. Gone in some of the soft tissue work I wanted to do. Calves super tight from Tuesday haha. Half day of work which is nice but also super stressful as have to get stuff done in half the time or it will be 5 days overdue by the time I get back to it. Literally to the wire getting everything I needed to do done. I had considered just waiting to train at my normal time but I figured I’d probably prefer training with sunlight for a change. And also it looked like it would be below freezing if I waited until then to start. BTN presses with pauses into one arm band lat pulls again. This is pretty easy stuff. On to log work after that. It was really cold so I kept my warm-ups on. I’d have ditched them if it was a clean and press session. Same as last week as far as doing them with paused triples. Same weight and one more set. I stuck with being beltless again since it was still only 60% and it felt decent enough last week without support gear of any kind. Knees ache a lot on these at the start but once I’m good and warmed, it is fine and these feel pretty crisp. Log incline was next. No bands this week. My choice as far as warming up to 220lbs for 4x5. I was to report back RIR on that last set. I guess this was a deload of sorts for this exercise. I decided to pyramid the weight up for these and do a single with 20lbs under for a controlled lift before going at things. Shoulders a little achy at times but these were pretty easy to do. I could’ve done 6 more sets of these I think before I would start to fatigue hard. I’m not entirely sure but I feel like I could’ve done 10 more reps that last set. Maybe more. Hard to gauge on this lift as once the triceps go, they go hard. And I tend to be better at repping than singles on this lift. From there it was chest supported barbell rows. No pauses this time. Back to normal rows. I didn’t want to jump into things too quick at the start as I wasn’t sure about the right arm as this exercise (with the pauses) last week seemed to be the thing that started bothering me. Goal here was to warm up in sets of 3-5 reps and do a top set of 10-12 with 1-2RIR. Was feeling pretty strong. But I also need to remember that these without the pauses are quite a bit similar to the log incline in that I can rep out weights. I was feeling pretty darn good here and I was considering maybe 315lbs would be a doable top set depending on how 275lbs felt (I was initially going for just 265lbs as top set). When 275lbs didn’t exactly come off the pins without a hitch, I decided that I’d have this be my top set and aim for it to be 12 reps with 2RIR. Still a good improvement for me. Down sets were 10% off of that for 2x12. Easy enough. First 8 or so reps is easy and then fatigue hits hard for the remaining reps. Like fast stuff and then have to treat it like I do the heavy close grip bench stuff and control the fatigued reps. Second set was definitely tougher than the first one. Finishing off the day was the pairing of dumbbell z presses with band face pulls. Last week I used too light a weight on the presses and punched above my weight on the band face pulls. Reps were reduced on the z presses for this week with higher intensity. I felt that if things aligned, I could do my 70’s for these sets. I also felt it was a good idea to do some warm-up to see how things were feeling and test to see if I could keep better focus and form on the band face pulls to allow me to use the strong band for the workout. With the z presses, getting the dumbbells setup to get to my shoulders is not an easy thing. I did become more efficient with things as I went though. I could tell after that first set that this was doable but it would be really really tough. Band face pulls I feel I had better control here and was doing more external rotation with this tension then I was last week. Wasn’t feeling discomfort in the right arm from these this time. I decided to do the z pressing with dumbbells in the garage so I could have a little breather between the exercises and so I didn’t have to drag dumbbells outside and then have to put them away later. After the second set, I knew I needed a bit more rest if I was going to get all the reps for the last set. That was definitely pushing things for that last set with this weight. This tension is also exhausting. I figured I’d be putting off enough body heat to ditch the long sleeves. Finished putting things away and then had a late lunch before stretching.

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