Monday, December 30, 2019

December 29, 2019 – Week 4, Day 3

5 Minutes NordicTrack

Mobility Prep

Yoke (casual pace)

Sandbag Rows

Prowler Drag/Treadmill Backwards Push Medleys (casual pace)
175x50’/23 Seconds
225x50’/23 Seconds
275x50’/23 Seconds
325x50’/23 Seconds
375x50’/23 Seconds


Comments: Day off the usual schedule. Mostly due to social obligations but I needed to get at least a day break between training days. Saturday was exhausting but fun. I knew that I was going to be solo so I took things slow getting out to train. Rain was constant so that would alter some things. It was lovely the day before but oh well. Still dealing with symptoms but it is tolerable. Dreary and gray outside. As has become a common thing for me now, foam rolling when I got there before starting things off. Tight IT bands and pecs. Hips flexors, inner thighs and knees were tight and sore from the leg presses and hanging knee raises. I had gotten some manipulations done but I’m still any achy mess it seems. Warm-ups felt good though. Yoke again. This time, all for 50’ so I could do these all inside and not have to bother with the tiny light yoke. Plan here was to do 50lbs jumps up to 500lbs. Same slow, casual pace. No noticeable change in symptoms between 200lbs and 500lbs. I wasn’t taking very long rests on these. No support gear. I wanted to feel things and see what I need to correct. Definitely tougher on the core as the weight climbed. I want to go fast but that isn’t wise right now. That will come. You’d think it would be easier to brace on the pick up but it’s not. I guess my style of rocking into it isn’t the best without a belt so I had to rethink that a tad. I got to evolve to stay relevant. To not get injured and fall off. Next up was rows. This time switching out for a sandbag. Wasn’t keen on these with the right pec feeling tight. Felt light. Grabbing these so the bag is short was for grip. Trying to get better at this style as this can be a quicker pick if I can get it. Plan here being two work up sets and then max reps on the last set. Keeping a grip on the bag when it is not full lead to some issues. My pressure from my hands had the sand move into the top and bottom and the middle kind of squished so it was like I was gripping it with my fingers rather than my hand. I dropped the bag eventually so that I could get my wrists on it instead to keep it more solid and less like I was just doing a finger grip row. I was going at a pretty good clip and then just hit a wall after getting two dozen reps. Readjusted for another at the end and it was all she wrote. I thought I gassed out on it too quick but it was close to a minute straight of rowing so maybe not. Last thing was prowler. The original plan was to do the same thing as last week with five sets of 100’, increasing weight each set with a minute rest but do the drags instead of pushes. But rain made that not possible. So the options had been to use turf and do a little less or concrete and half the distance. Concrete for 50’ it was. But I felt like that wasn’t going to be enough. Drags feel tortuous and doing only 50’ wouldn’t be the same. So I supersetted with doing pushes with my legs on the treadmill while it was off. Same casual pace. I did 20 second count in my head but that ended up being a little over. So rest was time it took to get to one spot to the other. Little more rest for the drag as I had to add weights each run. I was able to keep a good pace for each. Nowhere near the leg torture I wanted but it was good work to get the blood pumping. I did some more reverse hyper stuff (no weight for 50 some reps, added 50lbs for like 20 reps maybe) to see if that would help traction the back a little. Bar hangs and some belt squat marches (not really getting those for the back but would seem to be a good one for yoke in the future). Home to stretch and recover as I didn’t want to drive home in the dark and rain.

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