Mobility Prep
12” Log Strict Presses
Neutral Grip Pulldowns
Neutral Grip Precor Chest Supported Rows
Comments: Ups and downs last week. Getting rest Sunday
and Monday seemed to be what I needed and I was feeling really great by the end
of the day on Monday. But then after I finished up all the recovery and rehab
stuff, my lower back just seized up on me. No clue what happened. Sleep is
important so since it didn’t really calm down after a hot shower, I took
ibuprofen and a muscle relaxer. It was better this morning but still not
pleasant. Hard to tell if this is one of those “it feels worse but is getting
better” scenarios. It seems muscular in nature so that’s better than nerves and
this would hopefully be considered centralizing of the pain/symptoms.
Regardless of how I shake this snow globe for a yes answer, it still sucks for
now. This delayed stuff is making it very difficult to assess things and make
timely decisions. I really didn’t know
if I was going to really train today. My plan was to get to the gym and do some
foam rolling and decompression and see if that helped anything. That seemed to
do something and since this was upper body stuff with no leg drive or bending
over involved, I figured I could still do this. Trying to get things loose with
the warm-ups. So first up was log strict presses. A bit different from axle
last week in that I had set weights for this. I could warm-up with dumbbells
however I wanted and then it would be empty log and then plus 20lbs for 10’s. I
did equivalent jumps with the dumbbells for sets of 10. Felt it made more sense
to do log from the closer rack rather than risk something trying to maneuver it
around. Being lazy with the rack arms had this a little too high for reps and I
had to walk it back after banging a few. Log feels heavy to me since I’ve not
done it in a while. Different feel from the axle. Easy enough but not as easy
as I would’ve liked. The next exercise was the same scheme as last week.
Neutral grip pulldowns, with the plan being 5-7 sets of 10 reps. Same thing,
with expectation to only get five sets from my hopeful seven. I lowered my
weight by 10lbs from what I was going to use with how regular felt last week.
This wasn’t a pulldown exercise I did for higher reps so this one isn’t as
comfortable to get back to. So about 20lbs difference from the other style of
pulldown I like. Next was a change. Just push-ups. Three sets of bodyweight for
max reps. My plan here was do 5 minutes rest or so. No clue what to expect.
Back was a little stiff so I’d self-adjust after some sets of exercises. Considering
all the press-ups I’ve been doing for my back, I thought I’d get more here on
the first set. Like 50 or so. I could’ve done more but it would’ve been ugly
reps and I need to work this bracing. I know I drop off quick on push-ups so I
was surprised to get 30 reps that second set. Third set was about what I was
expecting to get on the second set and stay around there. No ego, allowing easy
things to be hard for now. Last thing was chest supported rows. With how the
previous week’s rowing had my SI joint ache from moving (hard to brace
sometimes), I was a tad concerned this would be more of the same. Going to
vigorously on this in the past had reinjured me trying to rehab back in 2016.
Mr. Westerling had indicated I needed to brace like I would an atlas stone load.
This got me thinking and I couldn’t think of when I was bracing on atlas stones
other than the pick. Maybe that is where I’m going wrong with my extensions,
not bracing correctly. I will say that bracing on chest supported rows is
different. Almost lightheaded that first rep. These started out sucky but I got
my groove as I did them. I meant for there to be another jump but I messed up
my math so did a bit heavier than expected. Back was stiff as hell though.
Stretching, heat and TENS unit and recovery burritos. I don’t feel like
training made it worse. Will have to see how sleeping does the trick.
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