Sunday, December 29, 2019

December 27, 2019 – Week 4, Day 2

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

Added Straps

Precor Angled Single Leg Presses

Hanging Knee Raises


Comments: This week has been odd. Holidays in the middle of the week make things interesting. Going to be the same thing next week. Symptoms keep moving but seem to still be in the L5-S1 category of dermatomes. Very annoying. But I want to still do things. Christmas Eve I went to bed early so that I could get up really early to volunteer Christmas Day. This ended up taking a bit out of me with all the driving and early morning that I pretty much slept from 3:30PM to 7:10AM. Ended taking ibuprofen and muscle relaxers both days to try and help me sleep for a solid chunk of time. For the day before so that I was rested for a 4:50AM start and the next day since I woke up at 9:30PM and needed to get back on a normal schedule. No walking this week because of schedule and other things so it was an odd week for me. Anyways, behind on workouts and write-ups. Fluctuating between pain and numbness. Neither is good though. I was able to get some manipulation on my lower back that got it to calm down Thursday evening. I was still leery going to train. I’ve got things planned for deep tissue massage in two weeks time and I’d hope that I don’t need to go with chiro stuff. Really hoping that traction based things will get things back on track, and be smart with the recovery stuff. Definitely need to wait until after the holidays to even consider ortho or chiro at this point. My body just seems so stiff and achy. Muscles and joints. Foam rolling becoming a thing I do now. I felt somewhat loose at the start but got stiff again by the end of my warm-ups. Deadlifts again. This time, going up until I hit a certain weight. So not stuck with doing something light with a set weight. Suggested jumps being quarter-plate-quarter. First set with the bar, I started from the top of the rack like before. Rather than start at the bottom and be in an odd position. Deadlift form is different in that I’m not trying to arch my back. Load the hamstrings and brace and push. Seems to keep things secure. I was feeling pretty good. Besides my back being tight that is. I was thinking I’d be doing 495lbs for my top set. The plan was warm up in triples and then do a set of five with a rep or two in the tank. Whatever I felt comfortable with. These I was doing the slow eccentrics and a breath/hold at the top. I’m in that rebuilding phase. This seems to be the way to go. All double overhand with no chalk. Grip was giving on me with 365lbs. I thought I still had 455lbs or 495lbs there for the top set as I had not yet put on a belt or straps. Boy was I wrong. 405lbs felt like a ton of weight. Felt slow and heavy. I knew this was my limit today. I was almost worried I’d not get five with how this felt. Woof. Video says these were much faster and smoother than they looked. I’m a ways off it seems from where I want to be. Single leg presses after that. This time, work up in fives to 20lbs more than last time and rep out there. A bit achy in the knees. No clue how these would feel. That concern of it being too much for the back and what not. But these have been pretty good for me, even when my back is fubar. That top set felt so darn heavy. But I know that it will move for reps once I get a rhythm going. Left side is the injured side and it is quite apparent with that side lagging on these. 21 reps was my limit for that side. Almost had to have the other leg step in to finish that last reps safely. Right side was able to bang them out in about 10 seconds quicker and not be nearly as destroyed feeling. Been a while since I did these and felt like I was walking like I had a peg leg or something. Last item of the day was the hanging knee raises. I was looking forward to these as I hoped they would get my back feeling good with some traction. Might have just been too tight today after deadlifts. What I was supposed to do was do 1-2 more reps per set from last time. What I thought it said was do a few more reps more so I set my sights on doing 40/38/36. Chalked my hands up for these so that I could get the reps in I wanted. First set, my right pec cramped just getting my arms up to hang. Not a good start here. That’ll learn me for skipping soft tissue work two days in a row. Not too bad at the start as far as the actual exercise but last set was a tough one to do. My forearms were pumped and sore by the end. Good grip workout for sure haha. Well hopefully after the burritos and stretching, I’ll get some heat and ice and soft tissue work. Walking a fine line here.

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