Friday, December 27, 2019

December 24, 2019 – Week 4, Day 1

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

12” Log Strict Presses + Push Presses

12” Log Push Presses

Neutral Grip Pulldowns


Neutral Grip Precor Chest Supported Rows
290x26 PR+3 reps


Comments: Holidays are here. Things are going to be wonky. Left side is feeling off. Not a much numbness sensation as it was on Thursday night but still not great. Lower back was tense and I was wondering if I needed to not do this week. Early out of work so I could go to the gym at noon. Needed to go then as the gym would close at 4:00PM. Gym was packed with people. Not quite the level of suffocating but a lot of them. Upstairs was a little better to do my warm-ups. Trying to traction my lower back and hips a little adding back in swings. Not really doing it today. Workout very similar to last week. Log instead of axle but the idea being warm-ups with strict and push presses and then do a top rep set with the push press.  Warmed up with dumbbells as I had to wait for some oblivious people that were doing rows in the tiered squat rack that I had moved my log to. Until I get to doing cleans before the presses, this will be a thing that happens. Again, lower back was feeling quite stiff. Even rolling out on the foam roller and hanging from a bar did little. Log is definitely less forgiving on the lower back when it comes to strict pressing compared to the axle. I can keep that right close. Not so much with log. My push pressing was a little off but that improved as I went. Honestly, I’ve never done more than I think 10 reps on log press before. Took the 5 minute rest and got ready. I was a bit better with breathing this time. I felt like I was going to fatigue before I got to 12 reps but I kept going and managed 1 more rep over last week’s 20 with the axle so that was good. Had to wait a bit for the next machine to be available. Pulldowns with the neutral grip. Same as regular pulldowns last week as in the same reps and weights with the plan being 220lbs for the max rep set. I’ve never really done these for a max rep set like I’ve done for regular style and wide grip style. Neutral grip is very hard for me. Not a bad feeling but never as comfortable as those. I was struggling to get double digits on this. Kind of hoped this would traction my back more but oh well. Push-ups after that. Was pretty easy for the work up sets. Considering how much of a drop off I had on the sets last time with just bodyweight. Was trying to figure out what I had to compare with from before with the paused style push-ups. About the same here really. Triceps burnt. Last thing was rows. Very careful to brace and not bend. Was feeling pretty easy at the start when working up but man did I hit a roadblock about 12 reps in but I wanted more. I felt that I was back to my normal repping abilities after a month of workouts. This tends to come back fast. Home to stretch, clean up and eat. Holidays really going to throw things out of whack.

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