Friday, December 13, 2019

December 12, 2019 – Week 2, Day 2

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

Deadlifts (top start)

Precor Angled Single Leg Presses

Hanging Knee Raises


Comments: So I think things are on the mend from the spasm I had Monday evening. Talking with Mr. Westerling, it could be I’m doing too much rehab stuff. The TENS unit is essentially giving those areas jolts to contract like a thousand times. Stuck on that more is more stuff. Drop the rehab stuff for the rest of the week and see how things are. No TENS unit and just rely on heat, decompression and soft tissue work. Starting to get that confidence back that my body won’t collapse on me. But still got to be cautious as it seems like there is a two day delay on stuff for my body registering it haha. This was going to be an interesting one. Things still tensing a bit. Warmed up and that felt ok. Lower back was a bit tense from some things but ok. I felt mostly comfortable with the first exercise. This was deadlifts. Starting from the rack like the rdls last week. Easier to brace starting from the top. I figured the weight wouldn’t be a problem since I did 185lbs for 10 on the rdls and this was for lower reps, just a greater ROM. Not the best knurling on this bar but that is fine at this weight. My right biceps felt tight but kind of expected with the upper body session earlier this week and the reps as well as the rows I did on Saturday with the stone of steel. Nicked my shins a little but still good I think. No support gear on these. Need to work that brace. Get comfortable with that, then worry about the other things. So I didn’t have my spine explode and I wasn’t on the ground in pain so on to the next exercise. I was leery about this one. Single leg presses. I got good at these prepping for USS Nats this year after the previous back injury relapse but it was exhausting. 30-40 rep range. I wasn’t sure how these would go and if these would just wreck me. I felt good with the deadlifts. Low 400lbs was where I stopped on these in the 30 rep range so since this was another moderate weight set, I figured I should be safe doing that and maybe a bit more to be in compliance with parameters. I decided on plate jumps and starting with the empty sled. If the empty sled was fine, then I’d do my plate jump plan. I was very slow on that first set with the injured side. Much smoother on the other side. I’m just glad that I was able to do these and not be in pain. Bracing big time on these. I probably should’ve stopped at 406lbs as that felt heavy. These are weird in that it feels heavy but I can do a lot of reps when conditioned. 496lbs was quite a bit more challenging. I got the reps but certainly not a super easy set. This required effort. And technically the most I’ve done on this exercise. The future will tell I guess as I feel ok right now. Just like that I can still move a decent weight with my legs even though they are deconditioned. Last thing was abdominals. I was initially going to do these with my elbows braced to keep from bothering my shoulders and keep from swaying. However, this would cut down on the decompression and spine traction that I probably need. Then I realized that these were the knee raises, not the leg raises. That arc of motion is much easier to control and doesn’t cause any rotation stress on my shoulders. Idea here was three sets and not going to max effort. So I figured the best thing was to do the first set until I felt my grip was going to go and then try to match it the remaining sets. I might have been missing out on these. Felt like this was a good session. Beginning to feel optimistic I can compete this year at a decent level.

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