Sunday, December 22, 2019

December 21, 2019 – Week 3, Day 3

5 Minutes NordicTrack

Mobility Prep

Rogue Farmer’s Walk (16” pick, casual pace)

Stone of Steel Rows

Prowler Pushes (casual pace)


Comments: Woof, did I feel beat going into this workout. I had felt good immediately after the last workout session but I may have spoken too soon on that. Could be from some other activities but my lower back was stiff and I was feeling a bit of numbness on the left side of my left leg. Not pain but again, not good. Resting and massage and heat seems to have helped. I had no idea how tight and sore my hamstrings were until I touched them with the car buffer the next day. It might just be them being super tight (especially my left one) that is pulling on things and putting pressure on the nerves and disc. I think that is the case as it’s getting better pretty quick and the sensation is changing. So I had training to do. If things were still numb, I’d have not gone and probably gone to the ortho. Which I’d hate to do but if necessary, I must. I was worn from the past two days so I slept in about 2hrs from when I’d normally try to get up for an early weekend training session. Despite those sensations, things are going great and I feel happy for the direction I’m going in general. Ended up using the heating pack on my hamstrings before leaving the house. Cold out today. Ended up doing some foam rolling and bar hangs to loosen things up. First exercise was farmer’s walk. Like last time, 100’ course and going at a casual pace. Still doing the quarter-plate-quarter jumps but this time up to two plates a side so an extra set. Was debating on whether to belt up for this or not and figured I’d play it by ear. This is easier on the back with it being to the side and I’d like to keep working the bracing at different times to cover my bases. I was a tad concerned with how tight my hamstrings were but this didn’t seem to faze me in the slightest. Slow pace not much in the way of hamstrings. Grip was getting worked. My upper back was just beat to hell from the breathing rep set of rdls. That was like 2 minutes of time under tension. And these slow going farmer’s weren’t helping haha. I had hoped to do these with nothing but I knew that if I wanted to keep the meandering for the last set, it would be wise to add some chalk for that. Cold weather, cold metal, makes grip tough. Things held up fine. Another week of the stone of steel rows. Still stupid light with these so high reps continue. It does appear that next week with sub in something else. High reps are good as it will get a good training for the tendons and muscles. This time was different in that I was going to do just a set of 10 for the empty implement and then add weight and do a max rep set. Goal was to add 30lbs but it isn’t always that clean do to taking out spacers to put in weight. So that I didn’t end up going less than 30lbs, I added a 35lbs plate instead. About 3.5lbs over the planned weight but that’s fine. Adding weight definitely changes the dynamic a little. I guess that is true with any implement. Added difficulty of listening to filthy things while doing both sets from people in the gym nearby haha. Last thing was sled work. Outside for the 100’ runs. Change up here. This time, just pushes of the prowler for 5 sets and taking a minute rest. Another difference was increasing weight each set. That made things a little tricky. Still to keep the casual pace. I had no idea if the one way was the same difficulty or not since the times I’ve done this have been pushing one way and dragging the other and dragging is always harder for me. I was going to do 20lbs jumps a set but I could only find 3 pairs of 10’s nearby so I just figured I’d do 20-30lbs jumps so that I’d go up 100lbs by the end. The other thing was the minute rest. This meant I’d need to setup the weights at each end and have to turn the sled around in that rest time. The amount of time I was working versus rest period would be easier compared to the double distance stuff. But I also needed to get my rests closer to a minute. I count too slow, especially as I get tired. So I counted to 50 instead of 60. This got me closer but still about 6-8 seconds too long. I’ll need to lower it by another 5-10 count next time. Stuff was pretty even until the last set. That was a lot longer of a set to finish. Legs felt good at the end. Took my time putting stuff away. Did empty reverse hyper for 50 reps again and then 25 5 count holds of 90/90 diaphragm breathing before doing some hangs and then stretched. Just got to keep an eye on my injured side and try and be more reserved.

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