Wednesday, August 7, 2019

August 6, 2019 – Week 10, Day 1

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

12” Log Push Presses
290x3 PR+10lbs

One Arm Neutral Grip Precor Chest Supported Rows (left only)
200x10 PR+15lbs & 2 reps

Precor Pec Flyes
225x28 PR+5lbs & 1 rep


Comments: At the start of the day. I wasn’t feeling the best. I was bummed about the finger injury making me change workouts. Had me thinking that my two most recent injuries had been due to stupidity and laziness. Not a good thing. Doubts of myself and what I’m doing. And I had thought I had not picked serious contests so that I was doing this for fun. Right knee aches all the time. I’m at least back to walking on my rest days again. Left shoulder tight and achy. Finger isn’t nearly as swelled so that is good. On a steady diet of Tylenol every 12hrs. Still addicted to my snooze button. So not high hopes for today. Near the end of the day I got some compliments so that lifted my mood a little bit. AMT to start off the session. 147bpm highest reading. Didn’t really need to modify my movement stuff and stretching to work around the hand. Stuff was light enough that involved my hands that I could hold the objects in my thumb and two fingers. I did have to adjust some hand positions for stretches to not stress the finger.  The original plan had been to do log clean and push press triples, followed by pulldowns and pec flyes like usual. Log was switched to push pressing out of the rack for triples. I know I could still clean the log but no sense ignoring medical professional for ego and make the injury linger. Warm-up before log was taking a pair of 5lbs dumbbells and doing ten strict presses followed by ten push presses. Seems to keep the shoulders from barking jumping right to 90lbs. When I had been planning to do this workout with the clean, I was going to do the same jumps as last time on the strict press singles and see how I felt after trying 270lbs for a triple. Not a lifetime PR with that but it would be a best since the reboot on 2016. I was definitely feeling so hot. I was doing a bit of my viking press style rebound on the reps which needs to be timed right to work. My first set with the belt was 210lbs and I felt like my abs were going to cramp that first rep. My nerves were getting me and I threw up in my mouth a little before I did 240lbs. I didn’t look at the video for any of these and it probably is a good thing as 240lbs looked slow. 270lbs was the goal for minimum but I generally suck at anything over 240lbs for reps on log, especially clean once or out of the rack. It went up pretty good and only had a slow down on the last rep with my right arm not firing in sync. I watched this one and it looked good. Not confident enough to think that 30lbs more was there for a triple but I thought that 285lbs would be selling myself short so went with 290lbs. This could suck or I could surprise myself and do it. Before I went, someone at the gym asked me if I was going to the Arnold again and said that I was an inspiration to them. Damn, can’t not get this weight now. First rep went up nice and I got a little excited that the triple was happening. But it’s that next rep that is key as usually I can get the perfect position on this particular rack for the singles or one rep. Second one went up just as well. I might pull it off. Third I went for it and it got out in front. Right arm hadn’t fired in synch again. I could feel it wanting to come back down but I took a step forward to get my balance under it again and stand up with it at lockout. Victory. I’ve not repped 300lbs in the gym on log and I feel very close to it now. This PR took me 7.5 years to achieve. That last PR for a triple had been back when Mike Jenkins was still alive. So much time and effort put in. Next was back work. No go for the right side so best thing was to do one arm chest supported rows. Not hard on the lower back and I could probably work up to a decent weight. I did these before when I had the biceps strain in 2018. That time, I had done really really light weight for the injured arm. Not going to mess with that at this time. So plan was work up to a good, smooth set of 10 on the left side. Hope was that I’d get at least 200lbs here. I also hoped that this would help with the shoulder ache with having to get the back muscles to cooperate. I took big jumps the first two sets to get an idea of how this was going to go. Once I got that figured out, I went with 25lbs jumps. This seemed to work out fine. I have more there. I think that next time, I’ll do plate jumps and see how that goes as these can probably get pushed a bit more than the two hand style as far as overload to each side. Pec flyes after that and upstairs. Apparently I was to do these after log, not after rows. Idea being that since I was doing just one side on the rows, this was going to fatigue my body asymmetrically. Oops. Well I had to wait to use the pec flyes so I did some mind to muscle stuff by moving my right side as if I was doing a one arm row just to get some movement and contracting the muscles. Maybe even things out. I took bigger jumps this time. I was really not sure how these would go with how my biceps felt from all that arm-over-arm stuff but thankfully, no issues. 5lbs more on the top set. Got an extra rep, just not enough oomph there to get another rep. Home to stretch (it had gotten really late fast) ice my knee and eat big beef tenderloin.

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