Sunday, August 25, 2019

August 24, 2019 – Week 12, Day 3

5 Minutes NordicTrack Elliptical

Mobility Prep

18” Deadlift (straps, deadlift bar, off blocks)
Added Suit

Tire Sled Drags (1 minute rests)


Comments: No walking this week. Monday because I wasn’t feeling well and Wednesday and Friday for social things. Despite all evidence pointing to sleep being the most important for recovery from day to day stuff, I still don’t make it happen. There is just so much to do in the day it seems. I got to sleep a little earlier for getting rested up for Saturday training. Again, not a long one really as just doing two things again. This honestly could’ve been a workout I did at home but I had my reasons for traveling to Lancaster for it. Traffic accident near my house meant that I was stuck for about 10 minutes in bumper to bumper conditions. GPS told me to take the Turnpike but I wasn’t going to be spending more money to go train. I knew it would clear up once I got past the accident. But it is really getting old having this kind of slowdown almost every weekend this month. There were a decent number of people at the gym but like only three doing strongman. I didn’t expect this many since a large number were competing this weekend and the gym owners were out there too. Warm-ups felt okay. I had the compression socks on more for possible shin protection as a fair number of contests are specifically indicating this is required so that there is no “blood on the bar”. Kept the knee sleeves off at least. Did the switch strides every 75 seconds again. That seems to be the best thing to both have the knees feel ok and me not getting super bored walking in place. Not like the AMT at the Y were I can get a quick HR check every so often or do it without the hand motions. Movement stuff felt ok. Knees ached a little at the start of some things but that went away fairly quick. On to the actual workout. Finger issue kind of threw everything into a lurch so this meant that this was going to be my last deadlift session before the contest. Plan was to work up to 90%. Normally, I wouldn’t worry about things and I’d just use my setup at the gym as I tend to pull less with my setups then when it matters at the show. I think the only time that wasn’t true was Beast of the Blue Grass last year but that was less me going for my best and trying to get/not lose points. I can say I had more than the 755lbs I hit that day, just not 805lbs I had tried. However, with not getting to do my last attempt at a heavy 18” pull, I figured I needed to see how things felt with as close to contest conditions as I could make it. That meant having the setup be on blocks, use a deadlift bar and use 100lbs plates. I had to use straps on every set so that I didn’t bother my finger any more than I had to. I felt slow and not like I was getting my hamstrings into it at all like I usually do. This setup is a lot more of a pain then using a rack or my jackstands. Goal was trying to keep my shins vertical and not have it be too far in front of me. Went plate, hundo, plate jumps to 645lbs. This had been the weight I opened at in March at the last one of these and then proceeded to not get 735lbs off the blocks. Mike was there (another reason I went to Lancaster) to help me get the straps tighter. He’s going to be at the same competition so this worked out. I don’t know, I just felt like it wasn’t feeling as tight or fitting how it should to get the most out of it. Maybe riding up the legs too much to stretch the fabric in the hips. I know it’s tight as feel a lot of pressure when I finish a lift. Probably help more on a floor pull or lower as I can feel it fighting the hips and I can get a pop. Stuff feels heavy in this thing and feels slow sometimes too but the video says it is fast. Plan here was 645lbs and then hopefully go for 685lbs to 725lbs. This being the range of PR (760lbs for 5lbs contest PR, and 805lbs being a goal I’ve wanted on this). But 645lbs didn’t feel poppin’ fresh. Some stress on my finger but it seemed to go away fairly quick. This was not the weight I wanted to be stopped at but I need to be smart. I sent video to Mr. Westerling (not the best filming with my phone the viewing screen of my camera but it was important) to see if I should be calling it there. After some discussion, it was decided I go for 660lbs for the last single. That was about 90% of what I felt I could hit as an absolute max today and was also 90% of the heaviest I’ve hit this training cycle. Finally felt my hamstrings engage. Felt slower but that may have been from the downtime figuring out the next step. Last item was more conditioning based. The idea here was sled drags for ten sets of 100’ with a minute rest between sets. The key thing was having these not use my hands so that required using a belt squat harness to hook stuff up. I’ll admit, I made things more complicated then they needed to be. I could’ve just used one of the drag sleds and put weight on it. But no, I wanted to get all weird and fancy so that I didn’t need to use that much weight. I was advised that this was not a sprint or walk pace but to be a power walk pace. I had heard people using a tire for low weight, high drag and resistance on things and also know that chains can make this resistance tougher too. So I combined them all into this like 12’ long dragging implement. I honestly don’t know if I could’ve moved this thing any faster if I wanted to. I had thoughts about doing a little warm-up on the treadmill with it off but I figured that I was going to be doing 1,000’ so I was going to get warmed up at some point during it. This was tough but I knew I could finish this. Most of that minute was active rest turning it around. So about 20 minutes of sled dragging as the quickest I finished was 51.68 seconds that first run and 70.40 seconds on the last run. This was a lot drag for such light weight. The one connecting chain I used that got the brunt of it was almost worn through. My legs got that bee sting feeling bending my legs so I avoided that as I put stuff away and finally stretched out to drive home and ice my knees. Not dead but I’m feeling the least prepared for a contest in a long time. Missed out a month of stone and farmer’s stuff and essentially the same for deadlift though more workarounds. Stones has probably been the worst I’ve ever done. I keep thinking that these contests that are months out that I’ll be able to be ready and progress a ton on everything but it doesn’t seem to be. I have to stay positive. I have to remind myself that I had an injury relapse a little over eight months ago and the last time I had that same injury, I was out for 7 months and back in the gym lifting just the bar was difficult.

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