Sunday, August 4, 2019

August 3, 2019 – Week 9, Day 3

5 Minutes NordicTrack Elliptical

Mobility Prep

Sandbag Rows

Fingal Fingers

Arm-Over-Arm Pulls/Sled Drag Medleys (turf)
(standing) 275x100’/275x100’ in 150.90 Seconds
(seated, upright) 305x100’/275x100’ in 165.76 Seconds
(seated, competition style) 375x100’/305x100’ in 177.98 Seconds


Comments: I had hoped this would be a fairly quick workout. Get in early and get out so I could do social activities with several parties. That didn’t happen. I got up early and it was the earliest I’ve gone out to train in Lancaster that I can think of. This was also my most event specific day this training cycle so far. Cool enough that I didn’t need to keep the light off in the cardio room to warm-up. Despite my knee being achy, the elliptical felt good. I already had on my knee sleeve for the right leg and another on my right arm as I knew this was going to be rough on those spots. Movement prep stuff and stretching felt pretty good. I might have forgot to do the wrist stretching at the end. Sandbag rows to start off the lifting part of the workout. I did them so I was rowing them with the short way in hands. Reason being is that it was different from how I load the sandbags and this was more of a warm-up for the next exercise, fingal fingers. I debated going heavier here as I had no idea how the fingers would feel but I just did the same thing as last time I did these. Good idea as while the 150lbs and 200lbs felt super easy, the 250lbs wasn’t that easy. Felt good and warm there so it was on to the fingers. I’ve never really done these before. I think I attempted them once like 7 or 6 years ago to show my sister how to lift them at a contest she was doing that had them. They were much thinner than what I have to work with and rectangular. So not really the same. Two contests I plan on doing have them so I got to see how it is. The gym has three of them (300lbs, 400lbs, 500lbs) but really just one pivot so have to switch them out and that can be a pain. The goal was to work up to as close to contest weight as I could and do an EMOM workout with it for ten singles. 500lbs is the weight for the upcoming show (no idea on the other one as it is still being built). So had to switch out the 400lbs to try out the 300lbs first. It felt light so that was good. I had been most worried about the “clean” as that was where I got stuck with the rectangular fingers those years ago. I was a little nervous about biceps on this part of the movement too. I did some “high pulls” before I went with it to see how it moved. My wrists ached a little. Not a bad thing but it reminded me a lot of how my wrists feel on the transition from the pull to the push on a heavy tire flip. So I did another one with my wrist wraps on to make sure it felt ok and I still have the mobility necessary. Felt good and it was on to the next finger. 400lbs loaded. Now, the pipes are the same length but the diameter is different. So the 400lbs finger is like 2” wider. I struggled to get it up high enough to catch it that first rep. Enough so that I felt that 500lbs wasn’t happening today for a single, let alone trying to do an EMOM with it. I had brought different gloves with me to try out in case grip felt like an issue. I figured I’d need them if the pipe was rough and had spots that could cut skin. And with the other contest making them out of wood, I want to avoid splinters. My receiver gloves worked great and that made my second try much smoother. Not enough so that I wanted to try the 500lbs one today. 400lbs was going to be enough. So I got set for the EMOM. I was worried that the rust would make the gloves not good but that was the least of my worries apparently. I had tried to wrap my wrists a different way. I had done this before when I hurt my wrist at 2017 Nationals and I was using a wrist wrap to stabilize my wrist so I could still do back and deadlifts. This involved setting the loop on my pinky finger and then slipping it off so it was on the back of my wrist. The receiver gloves are sticky and I couldn’t seem to get the loop off my pinky so I said screw it and left it there. This was big dumb idiot moment. I got and pick it up and flip my hands for the transition to press it up and walk. I felt a crunch in both hands as I saw that my pinky fingers had been pulled in as I caught the finger. The mat was gone so dropping it would severely damage the floor so I had to grit my teeth and push that sucker over onto the other mat. I knew I had done something to my fingers but I figured it was going to hurt once I took of my wrist wraps and gloves and the urgent care in Lancaster isn’t open on Saturdays so I’d have to drive home (my insurance is $45 for specialist and $200 for ER, this wasn’t an emergency and nothing they were going to do was going to fix it today). I got the wrist wraps to the point where the loop was off my pinkies and I figured that if it felt ok, I’d finish out the day. If not, then I’d call it there and drive home for x-rays ASAP. Getting the pinkies out of the way made this fine and I finished out the EMOM with no problems. My left shoulder is stiff and tight from these but it should hopefully calm down with some soft tissue work and the antiflammatories I was going to need for my finger. So after that was done, I took off the wrist wraps and gloves. Left pinky was fine but the right one was definitely hurting. I had full range of motion so whatever it was, it wasn’t something that would keep me out for terribly long. It started to swell up (as expected) now that I had taken off the wrist wraps and gloves. I had one last thing for the session and if that bothered it, then I would be done. So the plan here was to do three sets of arm over arm pull into sled drag, 100’ for each. First set standing up, second set seated but not using full body and the last set to be go for broke competition style. The drag portion was to remain the same. I figured that I’d use the turf as that would one, mean less weight and two, I’ve a general idea of what I can do on the turf whereas the other areas are unknown. The one spot is a severe incline so I’d need at least 450lbs to make that feel like anything for the arm over arm and the other is really uneven. I figured the best thing would be to have the sled drag portion be the uphill (small incline indoors) so that I didn’t have to really worry about adding weight to the sled if necessary. This might be the hardest thing I’ve done in my 10 years of strongman training. Now I had thought that with my prep for the Arnold this year, that 90lbs under the top weight I worked up to for 60’ wouldn’t be that terrible for 100’. Boy was I wrong. It started out well enough but eventually I couldn’t keep it moving just staying bent over like a truck pull and had to use a bit more body movement to keep it going. This was terrible. The drag back was next. This felt like it was 200lbs heavier than it was dragging it back. The set took over 2.5 minutes start to finish. I just collapsed to the ground after that and just laid there for at least five minutes before I got up. I was crying sweat and all I could think was I got to do two more sets that are to be heavier than this one. I was thinking maybe I should just drive home and get x-rays now. But I’m stubborn and I don’t quit easy. Flaw or virtue, depending on the day. So that first go was too heavy. Next time, I’ll need to be mindful. So for the next set, I was only going up 30lbs and I’d take that weight off when I finish the pull and then do the drag with the same weight and see if I survive. Trying to just use my torso and upper body for this was odd and I’m not quite sure if I did it right. I didn’t want to bother anyone for this after how that first set went as I had no idea if I was finishing this or not. The problem was the rope didn’t really have anywhere to go so by the end I had about 100’ of manila rope in my lap that I had to shove off. I knew what to expect with the drag so it wasn’t as horrendous on my mind. I didn’t collapse at the end so that was good. I figured for the last set, I could bump the weight up a bit. 100lbs more than the first set. This should be good now that I was going to do the full yaw on the pull. I’d take off weight but leave the weight from the last arm over arm on for the drag. I had Mike help me with the rope and then follow on the drag with the camera. I wanted to stop on the pulls. Just the zero momentum and felling the previous two sets. My arms were pumped. It was a struggle to get up from the ground after I finished the distance and take my belts off so I could breathe and switch the weights to get the drag going. But I was finishing. I collapsed at the end but it was intentional this time. Almost took 3 minutes to finish that set. I just had to lay on the ground for a while and recover. I was at the threshold where any additional exertion I might vomit and void my bowels. Thankfully, neither of those things happened. I put the stuff away and stretched before driving home to get x-rays. They said I had an avulsion fracture and it would take 4 weeks to hopefully be fully healed. So not ideal but probably the best case considering what could’ve happened. Kind of put a damper on the weekend. Just going to do what I can to make things still work.

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