Wednesday, August 28, 2019

August 27, 2019 – Week 13, Day 1

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

12” Log Clean and Push Presses (1 clean)


Comments: Deload week is finally arrived. Well, one of them I guess. Really not sure how the rest of this training is going to be with the plan on three competitions each about a month apart. There was supposed to be one for the USS Nats prep but that didn’t go as planned. I had a deep tissue massage on Monday and was able to get 90 minutes since other appointments in the evening canceled. Score. I really needed that. I feel like I needed that last time I went too. Felt a fair deal more relaxed. Got a fair amount of tension out of the problem areas. Still got aches and pains but I guess not as bad. I took off the tape for my fingers. Undecided if I’m going to keep that follow up at this point. Should be a fairly quick workout. Warmed up on the AMT. I felt good. Heart rate really jumped up there at the end to 160BPM. Not sure what that was about. I guess I do feel like I had a workout after deep tissue work. All the movement stuff and stretches after that. Felt fine. Today the plan was work up in doubles on log clean and push presses as long as it felt ok on my fingers. Otherwise, switch it to rack stuff to finish up the day. I had felt good last time I did log, hitting 290lbs for a triple and hitting 270lbs for a strict single before that. Goal was a top double that I felt I could do. With those numbers, how could I not hit 300lbs for a double? I did a bit more dumbbell warming up to make sure that shoulders and knees felt good and the motion wasn’t bothering my fingers. So far, so good. I think the weights were easy on the working up but perhaps my body awareness and the clean kind of throwing me off a little. I essentially had to strict press the second rep of 240lbs as I got off balance. I knew I had 270lbs there and I probably should’ve stopped there. I setup the log for 300lbs. I’ve never repped 300lbs on log in training. I waited to see what song on the radio was going to be after the commercial and it was Thunderstruck so I felt like if I was going to get it, this was going be now as that was my song. Yeah, not the best. I got a solid single but the double just wasn’t there today. Stupid of me really. Didn’t get injured. Cleaned up and headed home to stretch and eat pot roast. I want to say it didn’t irk me but it did. This contest coming up I’m not doing a press event so nothing really lost there as far as deload for that show but I still shouldn’t be missing weights. I just really have to hope that I will be fully rested and truly show my potential at the contest. I don’t like thinking that I have to keep numbers from the injury relapse as it was hard enough “resetting” things for the initial injury. This week and next will hopefully let me catch up on rest.

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