Wednesday, September 7, 2022

September 6, 2022 – Week 5, Day 2

Warm Up Circuit


Axle Cleans

Paused Bent Over Straight Arm Band Lat Pulls (2 seconds)

14” Axle Jack Stand Pulls w/bands (straps)
No Bands
Added Bands (+45lbs bottom/+92lbs top)

Paused One Arm Dumbbell Rows (2 seconds)

Posterior Single Leg Step Downs (18”)

Nordic Curl Eccentrics (7 seconds)

Comments: Other than work annoying me near the end of the day, I guess mostly good. Less noticeable sensations of the plantar fasciitis stuff and knees seemed to be ok as well. I know that my right calf is tight compared to the left. Knees are getting worked a good bit these past few training cycles. Warming up with the pairing of lying side plank band clamshells and split stance TKEs with bands. Starting things off with the skaters. Trying to get into a “bounding” mood so that I’m feeling how I want to be thinking. Quick reactions, purposeful. No discomfort here. First week of these still felt the best considering joints and what not. From there on to the axle cleans. Same weight and reps as last week. Keeping rests short. My choice of shirt I thought was good but apparently a bit slick below the decal so I ended up chalking my belly a bit. Trying to make these strong and powerful. Fast, like picking up nothing. Straight arm pulldown things after that. Despite the lower lat/rib cage area feeling a little tight yesterday and today, lat control in the lower lats was good. No discomfort of any kind, just tightness. Again, aches in the knees and noticing that stuff below the knees is tight getting into that deadlift like position. Axle band pulls were again up to bat. Same as last time as far as band tension, reps and sets. Advised to 20lbs more time around. Setup took time but not as much compared to the previous session since I knew what all I needed and where things needed to go. So everything was 20lbs heavier than last time working up. Plate jumps. First set with bands really felt them kicking in hard at lockout. First rep of each set felt the hardest but looks smooth on video. Subsequent reps felt quite easy after that. Controlled eccentrics. Definitely noticing my quads when it is time to lockout out the weight. Challenging but powerful as far as things go. After that, it was paused one arm dumbbell rows again. Still strict with 2 second holds each rep. Plan for this session was to do top weight from last week for 2x6 and then take off 20lbs for a downset of max reps (2-3RIR). I decided however to use my solid dumbbells working up and plateloaded handle just for the top set. It would probably take too much time to bring the weight down to the right amount in the loaded handles (since the 25’s are a little heavy) to keep the rests as they were indicated so 1lbs less on the down set with a solid dumbbell wasn’t going against the spirit of things. Weight felt substantial in my hands and joints that first working set, despite warming up. Second set the weight sensation was better. I was really surprised how light the weight felt on the down set after that. Then it was time for the posterior stepdowns. Advised that this would be the last week of them as a set protocol as written. Change here was to either elevate it a little bit higher to add difficulty or to decrease the tempo of the eccentric. I did manage to add 2” to the setup with what I had and keep it stable. I didn’t go with the eccentric route as sometimes the knees achy a lot and it is hard to control it well to a set tempo. I figured the difficulty increased would increase the TUT anyways for me. I did the mobility stuff again to hopefully get my knees ready for it. The added 2” in height definitely increased the difficulty a good bit. Last thing was the Nordic curls. Advised last week of them, similar to the stepdowns. 3x5 with bodyweight still. I had planned to do 6 second eccentrics again but seeing as last week, I figured I’d try and push these just a tad more with 7 second eccentrics. I’d say that is my limit. Calves were getting tight near the back of the knee. This was quite challenging. I know that I can’t do these for a long time despite the results as eventually it becomes too hard to recover from (like when my left leg got strained for a while doing similar exercise for too long and too hard). So it is probably best this exercise is being switched for next time. Put stuff away and ate a roast before icing knees before bed.

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