Monday, September 5, 2022

September 5, 2022 – Week 5, Day 1

Warm Up Circuit

Axle Push Presses w/ bands (+22lbs bottom/+40lbs top)
Cluster Reps (15 seconds)

Paused Close Grip Bench Presses (2 seconds)

Paused Halbert Dumbbell Raises on Incline Bench (2 seconds)

Plate Lu Raises

Incline Dumbbell Tate Extensions w/mb’s 

Comments: Off work for holiday. Probably a good thing as my sleep cycle just off the past two days. I did extra soft tissue work yesterday to try and help get my right foot to not have the plantar fasciitis sensation. Didn’t go for a walk but did mow lawn and that usually feels fine even when my knee or anything is acting up as the ground is a lot softer compared to blacktop and shoes I wear are more cushioned for that. Rain was going to be off and on today so it was pretty much trying to plan things were it would interfere with training the least. So my decision lead to earlier in the afternoon. Warmed up with the wall slides and y raises. The tightness in the ribcage lower lat is present from Saturday with those heavy farmer’s picks. Hopefully things feel good for today with weights. Axle work as has been the case. Pushing pressing against bands for cluster reps again. I’ve been given some idea of the progression here with it sounding like 2 weeks for each phase going forward (doubles, singles and then none). So same bands as has been the case. Plan here was 5x2 with 60%. However, since I was doing like 5lbs more than what I was doing when it was 55%, I decided to kind of keep that the same here. So option of 10-15 seconds rest. I went with longer rests to kind of break the chain a little bit more and maybe see how things feel and perhaps give me an option to take shorter rests between clusters next time assuming things stay the same. Started to rain a little by the time I got to the working weight so had my camera inside and out of it. The added weight was noticed on these. There was that sensation of it feeling like a two part movement but less of it feeling like I got it up there and then triceps lockout and more that pressing and then shoulder rotation to be fully locked out. But it is hardly noticeable on video. Honestly, I can’t tell on most clips. Sometimes it did just go straight up with no feeling of parts to the motion. This was definitely tougher than last week as far as the weight on the shoulders and bar speed. I didn’t have anything feel like it wanted to cramp up like last week so that was good. This was certainly a better showing than what I had done that first week with 202lbs I feel. Started to rain more but it was tolerable. Close grip benching was next. Change here in that being paused variation. Switching back to barbell. Which was nice. Plan was 3x4 with 2 second pauses. Weight suggestion was 240-260lbs as long as last set felt like 3RIR. I had a bit better understanding of how my close grip with barbell was and with pauses so I felt that I could probably do the higher end and still have it fit the 3RIR. Just depend on the day. So warming up plan was kind of seeing how the weight felt each jump as I was fully prepared do 245lbs for the sets if things weren’t feeling peachy keen. Warmed up with no support stuff and just dealing with the rain coming down on me. Added wrist wraps and compression cuffs for the working sets. Tennis elbow in the right has been acting up a bit the past week and a half. Left shoulder a bit achy but otherwise these were fine. Finished up these and got a good bit of stuff inside before the rain really started coming down. I was into the garage for the next thing anyways (and hopefully by the time I was done, the rain wouldn’t be as intense). Halbert raises back with pauses. 3x10 again with option of 2-3ct holds. Still doing 2ct as really want to try and push up the weight on these. Indication last week of these I assume as 3x10. 3lbs heavier than last time and still holding strong. Very close to the heaviest I’ve done on these and that weight I couldn’t really hold for a lick. Back outside for plate raises. Rain had stopped almost completely and sun out. It was really humid so stuff was kind of evaporating but still a lot of puddles. 3x15 again with same weight. Indication that next phase would be less sets and lower reps. Advised to try and control the weight more to progress and add difficulty. I’ll admit, things got a little looser last time. Each of these sets took over 90 seconds to complete with the pace I was doing so it was almost 1:1 as far as work and rest here. I was very thankful when that last set was done. Last thing was Tate’s again on incline with bands. Same weight. Advised to adjust band tension so that 3x12-15 with 3RIR. Indication that progression would be less sets. I thought that mini bands added would be sufficient. They were tougher than with the micros but still had plenty of reps in the tank even with the fatigue by the last set. So maybe monster minis next time? Put stuff away as well as wiping down weights and such of water. Drank a protein shake before stretching out.

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