Thursday, September 22, 2022

September 21, 2022 – Week 7, Day 2

Warm Up Circuit

Band Resisted Skater Jumps (mb)

Axle Cleans

Paused Bent Over Straight Arm Band Lat Pulls (2 seconds)

14” Axle Jack Stand Pulls w/bands (straps)
No Bands
Added Bands (+45lbs bottom/+92lbs top)

Neural Bent Over Rows (straps, off 6” pads)

Posterior Single Leg Step Downs (21”)

Single Leg Hamstring Bridges (5 second holds)

Comments: So this was supposed to be Tuesday workout. Tuesday’s gone with the wind. I spent Tuesday in a depressive funk and only ate, worked and slept. I ended up taking a nap after work and woke up only because I worried leaving a crockpot on for almost 24hrs would probably cause a fire. And my neck felt crappy. Took a bit of soft tissue work to get it to calm down. Elbows, wrists, shoulders and neck felt crap. I pushed off until the afternoon before I decided I wasn’t training this day or doing anything. And that I might be taking a hiatus. Took ibuprofen and went to bed. Found out in the morning the phones for my families family plan weren’t working right so I missed responses to stuff from Monday and Tuesday that showed up that morning. I was back in a better mood I guess after going into hibernation. Hadn’t completely shut the door on anything and I knew that I needed to take time to make the right decision. These are not ideal times. So in order to stay on track, I was going to need to do Tuesday’s workout today. During my lunch hour. So on to that. The warming up of band clamshells and TKEs with bands in the split stance. Only did the one set this time like Monday as far as warming up but did 2 second holds. Banded skater jumps again. Same as last week. I think I felt a little better with how I did these. Just trying to think of these as singles. Certainly feel like jumping off my left leg seems to be stronger. Axle cleans were up next and exact same as last week. In that same weight, same sets, same rest periods. However, I knew I needed to adjust things. Going from on the belt directly isn’t working at heavier weights, at least not consistent above 250lbs. So I need to get used to the other style again as that will be how I got to do this thing. It is kind of difficult to force in several bumps up the body because the weight is so light. I feel these got better as I went though. Noticing that there is slippage on the shirt with the axle. Hopefully won’t be an issue with the grip shirt (I’ll find out eventually). Straight arm pulldown things after that. No changes here. Same as it has been. Fine and good. On to the heavier stuff now. Where things get interesting. Axle band pulls were again up to bat. Advised that this was the last week of them in this training cycle. Understandable really as contest is Week 10 and this is Week 7. Same band setup as it has been. Change in that it was 6x2 instead of 5x3. Weight I was told to use 440-450lbs as long as it felt fast. That would be the key I guess. These axle pulls have been feeling good to me and have been good to me. Feeling strong. But since I had been a sad boy the past two days and not optimal, I went with 440lbs as my planned weights here. But I told myself if this felt easy, I’d add weight every 2 sets. It did so I did. So last two were with 450lbs. From there it was on to rows. Kind of. So what was listed seemed to indicate a quite cheaty style of bent over row with either axle or barbell (I went with barbell) and to have it be to lower abs and have it lower into an rdl. So less upper back and more lower back. More of a primer for deadlift. I had recently seen something another strength coach for strongman had mentioned called “neural rows” so I think this is what I was to do. Plan was work up in sets of 3-5 and then do a set of 10 with 2RIR. Since I was trying to get this done during lunch, I felt I had to move fast. I was already feeling pretty warm from the axle pulls and it was more a matter of seeing how this felt. I had done big jumps last week on the one arm rows so maybe I could get away with that here. I took big jumps here with hopes that I could do 365lbs. The working up sets I think were better but I got it done. Almost done the workout. Outside for the posterior stepdowns. Plan was same box height as last week and do 2x10 with the 25lbs weight. Suggestion was warm up with lower height boxes. I didn’t do that. My legs are warm, it’s more that lower ROM that needs to be acclimated to. More so the left leg. Thankfully, it only too me two attempts to be able to get a bodyweight rep and not have my knee lock up or seem give and not be in control. It took me like 4 times last week and even the one that was “ok” wasn’t that great. There were tolerable today. Maybe being out in the sun and not cover of darkness helped. Last thing was the single leg hamstring bridges. 2x10 this time and 5 second holds. I was told to rest between sides. Left leg is stronger than right on these. It was kind of peaceful looking up at the sky and the trees and seeing the lanternflies fluttering way up above. Had to wait until work was done before I could put everything away and then stretch. Didn’t feel like I needed to ice the knees tonight but I did get soft tissue work done.

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