Tuesday, September 13, 2022

September 12, 2022 – Week 6, Day 1

Warm Up Circuit

Axle Push Presses w/ bands (+22lbs bottom/+40lbs top)

Cluster Reps (10 seconds)

Paused Close Grip Bench Presses (2 seconds)

Paused Single Arm Dumbbell Y Raises on Incline Bench (3 seconds)

Full ROM Band Lateral Raises

Incline Dumbbell Tate Extensions w/bands 

Comments: Wasn’t feeling too beat from Saturday. Left shoulder a little achy but has been the case after sandbag over shoulder or to shoulder stuff. Warming up as has been the case with the bands for the wall slides and y raises. Seemed to be needed today. Right hand knuckles seem to be ok. Not hot really but very humid and muggy so I had the fans going to get air moving. Axle again. Really wish I was feeling stronger and better about this event. For all the squeezing I’m doing, not feeling like getting my equal parts juice. Same as last week with it being 5x2 and option of 10-15 seconds rest. Same weight and rests as last week. Seems to be the plan of doing same weight for each time. I had decided that I’d go for the 10 seconds for the cluster reps. Use that as kind of the progression. For some reason, I didn’t feel like I was getting as good of lower body drive. Like I was doing the same movement but that I was facing more resistance. I know that sometimes with things like “speed work” or several sets of low reps for things like squats that my first few aren’t the crispest. So kind of hoping for that scenario. Still wasn’t feeling it on the working sets. I didn’t think that I had worked my legs that hard Saturday (or that I should be still so fatigued from Thursday pressing). I think what finally got things to go for me was realizing that I was fighting the lockout. I was aiming to do more than necessary. The bar just needs to be up overhead, I don’t have to have it tossed back and over. Granted it is easier to balance as far as center of gravity at that point. But it kind of is fighting how I seem to be push pressing. I’m more of a hip drive guy and the weight goes forward and I go under it. Additionally, the pressing lockout stuff I’m slightly in front so it is shoulders and triceps. So there was that extra resistance from the shoulders through. And perhaps that isn’t needed. Once I figured that, it felt like it was one motion and easy. From there it was on to the close grip benching. Plan was 3x3 with 2 second pauses. 20lbs more than what I did last week with the plan being 2-3RIR and report back on that last set. Depending on how things felt, I was fine with doing same weight all sets or slightly increasing (which had kind of been the plan with ssb squats Saturday). While lowering the weight was feeling pretty comfortable, the pauses and subsequent pressing of the weight didn’t feel as comfortable and easy. Not always sure with benching as I seem to be able to grind out reps on this. Heavy stuff for the workout was done. Went into the garage for some lighter dumbbell stuff. So still raises on incline bench with pauses. Y raises being 3x8 with option of 2-3ct holds. But single arm variation. Idea being same as the face pulls Thursday in that something to keep working posterior deltoid structures and change up and not add too much mileage to it. I figured 10lbs dumbbell would work here and go with the longer hold. Balance was a little tricky here. Rest was about 60 seconds between sides and sets. Was a nice change up. Back outside lateral raises. No plates today. Bands only. I’ve done them normal and with pauses. This time indicated pump sets of 15-25 reps with 5RIR but to go through similar ROM as the Lu raises. So that took a little thinking. I was going to aim higher reps as I knew that lower rep range would probably have some strain on elbow joints at some point. Micro bands were enough here. Last thing was Tate’s again on incline with bands. Same weight. Advised to adjust band tension so that 2x12-15 with 2-3RIR. One suggestion was to adjust load if necessary. As mentioned, next jump is to 70lbs. I wasn’t sure how things would go with using monster minis but I realized they were too easy. Added mini bands to that (so essentially triple the tension from last week) and that finally felt like I was in the right effort range. So either this next time or adding weight. Put stuff away and ate dinner before stretching and icing my legs. Realizing I don’t have a lot of time left before Nats at this point. I wish I had more time.

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