Tuesday, September 27, 2022

September 26, 2022 – Week 8, Day 1

Warm Up Circuit

Paused Close Grip 2-Board Bench Presses w/ bands (1 second, +25lbs bottom/+44lbs top)

Paused Band Y Raises (1 second)/Full ROM Band Lateral Raises

Incline Band Tate Extensions 

Double Pause Axle Clean and Push Presses (clean every rep, 1 second lockout and sternum)

Comments: So usually there isn’t a back to back workout with the Day 4 session. But kind of needed to for scheduling purposes. The plan was to do a really light session and have it earlier in the week so that rested up hopefully for kind of the last heavy touches for the overhead and deadlift. I ended up taking ibuprofen to help me get to sleep faster and have sound sleep. I needed to since unlike how things usually go, I wasn’t going to be able to sleep in and take all day to do recovery stuff as I had to work Monday. I was feeling pretty worn the next day. At lunch time, I decided I was going to start my plan for pre-contest immunity boost. Already got flu shot at the beginning of the month, try to get other stuff this week. Last time I was at Nats I had waited too long to get flu shot as I was worried that my contest peaking would have my immune system stressed to the max and that it could be an issue. Then I got the flu at Nats that year and had to take off two weeks of work to recover. So not doing that again. The other thing is taking effervescent supplement that I recall another competitor mentioning taking about a week leading up to competition if having to fly or be in crowded places. But I know how the stress from my job can negatively affect me on top of hard training so starting it early (I got 30 doses) to see if that can keep me going. I’ve not tried this before as a method so no clue if it will work. I did feel a bit more perked up afterwards (but I also ate lunch too and that usually has me feeling better). My body was still stiff from Sunday as sandbags over shoulder is rough as is arm-over-arm pulls. Warm up was altered a little. Usually I do band wall slides and band y raises but since this session was going to have me doing band y raises as part of the workout, I subbed in axle btn pressing to open up shoulders as I’d be doing some pressing later on. Pauses at top and bottom for the wall slides. Did normal reps and some with pauses, holds (sometimes several during the rep) on the axle btn with just the empty bar. From there on to workout. As I mentioned, this was supposed to be light and easy to recover from. First up was benching with bands. I was told I could do close grip bench or close grip 2-board, whichever I felt would be best or easiest to recover and put good effort into axle later in the week. Like the ssb squats with bands the day before, lower percentage and 10-15% bands and trying to keep the stretch reflex out of it and explode up. 5x3 with 40-45% (up to 50% if I felt good and was doing 2-board). I did some lower side estimates here and it was roughly using 370ish for the single. These were feeling nice and light. Left shoulder was sore and stiff. Didn’t want to push it. Likely from the sandbag over shoulders since that is the side that takes the brunt of it. Smashing more than body weight several times on just one side of your neck is going to have an affect regardless of how soft it is. No issues with how things felt as far as the wrists and elbows and weight really. Just soreness in the left shoulder. 30lbs jumps seemed good. I feel I could’ve done 185lbs which would be 50% or so here and kept to the spirit of things but probably best with how the left shoulder was. I had assumed higher band tension from past readings (+33/+53) but either I had a different setup or these bands lose a lot of their tension rather quickly. Regardless, still was within the parameters. From there it was time for just bands. Shoulders superset with the y raises and laterals. I knew these were going to get tough quick. Plan was two sets of each with it being 10-15 reps for the y raises (3-5RIR) and 15-25 reps for the laterals. I knew I could do the y raises with the micros for 2x15, even with holds, with RIR but not sure about the band laterals as those fire my shoulders faster. I got through the first superset fine but knew I’d need to lower reps mostly likely to finish and have appropriate RIR. Second set was a lot tougher on the y raises (the first set was really easy) and then I tried to beat the time I had left before my shoulders got too full of lactic acid to try and get in a lot of reps but stopped at 20 reps. Would’ve liked for these to be better but have to remember that stuff felt not great on Friday for upper body and I couldn’t even be bothered to do these exercises on Monday because of how I was feeling. So progress from a week ago as far as attitude. Continuing with exercises I didn’t do last week, there were the Tate’s again. But the new kind with no weights, just bands. I was to do them last week for the first time so doing them for the first time now. I wasn’t too sure how these would feel. Wrap a single band behind the incline bench and do extensions. Felt fine that first set but man did my triceps fatigue out real quick and I could only manage 20 reps on the second set after getting 25 reps the first time. But I wasn’t done for the day. I think originally this would have been the end of it but later Drew probably added in the axle form work. Pretty much was to use 65-85lbs and do 12-16 singles with pauses on the gut and at lockout. I figured I’d toss on 50lbs to the empty axle and do that. And wear everything but a hard belt like I would for competition. Test out the grip shirt for an actual continental style clean. And the knee sleeves for the dip to do the flip. This grip shirt feels a lot better than my other one ever did for this. I started out just kind of doing cluster singles and then I’d do like 2 in a row and pause briefly. Some reps I’d pause at different points as well as the two planned pauses. To kind of feel things out as far as how things would feel if a weight is heavy and it doesn’t immediately go up and I have to breathe and brace. I’ll still have to see how heavier stuff goes as far as that damned flip but these felt good. Now if I could make 200lbs more on the bar feel this way, I’ll be a world champion ha. Put stuff away and ate dinner before stretching.

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