Sunday, September 18, 2022

September 17, 2022 – Week 6, Day 4

Patrick Stepdowns (3 second eccentrics)
bwx25/25 at 4”

One Legged Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts (opposite side)

Safety Squat Bar Squats

Farmer’s Walks (16” pick)
Casual Pace
50x40’ (misc)
50x40’ (misc)
180x40’ (I-beam)
220x40’ (I-beam)
260x40’ (I-beam)
Drop and Turns 40’ (misc/I-beam)

Farmer’s Picks & Holds (16” pick, misc)
330x1/1/1+36 seconds

Sprint/Sandbag Carry/Backwards Sled Drags

Seated Band Hamstring Curls

Comments: So Thursday hadn’t been great for morale. Even when it is only one thing, it can affect a large range of things. Like I’ve said, strength is my shield and when that takes a hit, things that normally don’t phase me can impact stuff. Confidence took a hit from that and I knew that it was going to take a bit to get myself back on track. I may not be firing on all cylinders and have to really asspull to get through some things. Still need to spend time figuring out axle now and for the future. I tend to fixate on things until I’m satisfied in the minimal sense. I tend to have high standards when it comes to myself. I say the minimum as if I made it so that I had to reach my actual standards I’d be truly satisfied with, I’d be depressed and full of self-loathing for constantly being well short of where I want to be. And I know that isn’t healthy so lower the goal posts so I can function. Friday was a bit chaotic and I was still in that acute phase of processing so rather than try to force things, I took time to just sit down and put out thoughts rather than go for a walk and make sure that I did all the soft tissue work I didn’t do the past day. I kind of didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. I wanted to sleep more but guilt kept me from having it be restful beyond 90 minutes past my normal wake time for work. Nervous about training and meeting expectations of myself after the blow to my confidence that I knew had taken a mental toll. I think also was that I was expecting bad traffic due to construction. But it turns out last minute they changed the dates again but appears they are going to do it during the work week instead to piss off more people. Really glad I don’t commute right now into the city. Drive seemed smooth but the usual trouble spot did seem to take longer than it should’ve this day. Again, later training day start and very few people there. And people kind of gone by the time I might’ve wanted them for things like commands and timing. So starting off with the Patrick stepdowns to start. Same as last week with it being 4” and 25 reps for the one set. I feel I was ready for these and how the firm surface would feel this time. Less fatigue I felt but more so again in the left calf. On to the offset rdls with the dumbbell for 2x10. Notes were to keep these at only 60lbs or so. More for activation of glutes than pushing things. So with making these about 60% of what I was doing, it was a good bit easier to recover and took no rest between sides and only a slight rest between sets. From there it was on to ssb squats. Plan for today was to do a top set of 8-10 with 2-3RIR. Warming up plans were to do several triples with the bar and a pair of plates added until I felt that things were feeling good. More reps and sets but not more weight. This did seem to work for that. From there, I did 40-50lbs jumps for doubles. Now this is where my nerves were kicking in. See as mentioned, plan was a smooth set of 8-10 with 2-3RIR. And I wasn’t sure if I should be trying to do same weight as last week (385lbs) or less. I’ve done 365x12, 375x8 and 385x6. Last week, I mentioned that I felt like I could do 385x8-9 with 0RIR. So it was risky to try this, especially with the worry I’d screw this up like axle. My body seemed to agree on that and I couldn’t stop burping and retching. Water welling in my eyes from the reaction. I needed to calm down. I got set finally and did the thing. Stopped at 8 reps as I was slowing down. Definitely had 2RIR there and maybe 3RIR. So fine with that. Technically a PR. George called over to me after the set and I was worried that he was going to say I had cut them high or something. But he indicated that my upper back was rounded a lot and that I was pulling down on the handles. I think that I’m doing that to keep my lats tight and because of knee discomfort so shortening the leverages so less shearing force on knees. Maybe. Also when I had pushed up, it felt like the bar was doing to slide off my back today. Then it was time for farmer’s walk. I had felt some relief that I didn’t mess up squat weight choice. Farmer’s with the actual working sets I wasn’t worried about. It was more after that from what was planned. At least it wasn’t a concern until I got into farmer’s. So plan was to do the contest run but only with the lighter weight. So 290lbs for a total of 160’ (drop and turns at 40’). I figured it was probably best to use two sets of handles to work transitions rather than just turn and go with the same pair four times on that top set. I’d been using the Titan Fitness handles up to this point as I feel they are probably closest to contest as far as handle diameter but they aren’t great for drop and turns. They tend to “bounce” and the quality of the metal warps from drops and the design with the pins has them dig into my legs depending on which way I grip them. So I’d rather not deal with all that when trying to work with contest conditions on more stable implements. So plan was using the 50lbs handles and the 122lbs I-beams that are both 16”. I was advised to warm up in 40’ runs or do 20’ with drop and turns if I felt that needed work. I figured just the 40’ would be fine. Suggestion had been to see how the handles reacted if I just “dropped” them rather then follow them down and see how things went. I think also as a way to save energy for the working set. The other handles with the big feet to them splayed out slightly but where fine to drop and go I feel. The I-beams not so much, they get top heavy and will fall over. Contest handles are mix of the big feet handles and the Titan Fitness (handle width). I was feeling decent warming up. Until I got to 260lbs. That pick felt heavy. Like how I’d expect 290lbs to feel on a bad day. So this was an “oh shit” moment as I was to do 30lbs more per hand for 4 times the distance. And I had heavier stuff planned after this run. I was worried that I wouldn’t finish this because I couldn’t pick up the weights. I guess when you add 60lbs to your working sets of deadlift, it pulls from other places. This wasn’t going to be a walk in the park although I was probably going to be looking like I was just walking rather than running with the weights. I started with the other handles first as while the same weight, I felt that the leverages might make these feel “easier” to pick up and have the I-beams be the “heavier set”. Slower than I would’ve liked but I got through it. I hesitated slightly on the repick as the handles had kind of splayed out and one was more forward than the other but I knew I had to go and not worry about that. I was feeling beat so I wasn’t moving as fast in the transitions as I’d like. But it wasn’t so much as going fast as going fast and not screwing up the bracing and tension to insure I could stand up with the weights. Pick number three was good and got to the other side. One more. Got the pick and my hamstrings were on fire. I could only take small steps and just hope that my grip would hold out until the end. Finished it in under a minute. I feel like that there will be people that just run out of time on this. Unfortunately not done with these. I had hoped that it would just be this but I was required to do more pick and holds. Unlike last time, I wasn’t instructed to 10 second holds for each pick and then do the longer pick. Just three picks and hold the last one. I was really worried here as 290lbs had felt like a miracle to get through today after how that 260lbs felt. And here I was to do 325-335lbs for three times and a hold. I went with the in-between of 330lbs and also since this was the heavier weight of the farmer’s walk and the light weight for the deadlift medley. This was going to require a good bit of grit on my part. I felt like this weight could be stapled to the ground but had to ignore that and just keep pushing the world away. Got it up once. A little pause to gather everything again. Another. Some of the weights came off in the back and I had to put them back on. A little hesitation as the handles were splayed a little bit but I just went with it. Got that final pick. And now to hold. The easy part. I counted to 40 and put it down. I counted a little fast as it was like 36 seconds but still good as I did have a little more time there before I felt my skin would tear. I had been terrified of failure here but I got it. Considering the effort needed, I feel that fully rested I can do the farmer’s medley and be ready the next day for the deadlift medley. I just have to be able to recover fully. Sled drag again but adding in a sandbag. This couldn’t be easy today either. So instead of the somewhat interesting job/sprint and then the implement for 50’, I was being made to do it for 80’ lengths. And add a sandbag to it. So sprint 80’, sandbag carry 80’ and then sled drag 80’. The show is 40’. Since inside I can only do 50’ runs on smooth concrete and the 80’ area is uphill/downhill on turf, I had to go outside on uneven concrete. This kind of works as the it is downhill and then uphill regardless of where I do things because the foundation sinks a bit in one spot. So it will start easy and then be difficult the last half for drags. First set was to b 80-90% of the first bag (309lbs) and the sled be more speed focused. With the longer distance and uncertainty of the terrain, I went with the 80% option and used a weight I know I’ve done comfortable for the sled. Sprinting is just so awkward for me and it really does fatigue. First run was fine but then afterwards I was feeling the sled drag part of things. Ugh. The final set was to be first bag of medley and then a sled drag that was to suck. I felt that using the 300lbs vs the 306lbs made more sense since the 300lbs bag is larger and more likely going to be like contest using those bags. The 306lbs is smaller and denser so harder to pick but easier to carry. I then had the idea to place that sandbag on top of the sled to work on the placement and to not have to worry about loading up the sled with a lot of weight to put away. The sprint and sandbag were fine. The sled drag started out ok and I was worried maybe I went too light. Then I hit the point of the incline and it was the right weight at that point. Finished and had to pop off all the belts and breath deeply for like 2 minutes before I felt I could go on with my day. Thankfully, last thing was just the band leg curls for 2x20-30 with plenty of reps in reserve. Same as last time but I had to alter things. One, the setup I had last time was covered up with tires and two, I forgot my bands this week. The gym had newer bands that were similar and I found another setup and did that instead. These were fine. I felt no tension or discomfort in my left lower leg like I had briefly last weekend. Put stuff away and stretched out before driving home. Ate a bunch of tacos and iced my knees before bed.

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