Saturday, January 30, 2021

January 30, 2021 – Week 24, Day 3

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
Titan Fitness Farmer’s Walk
Turns at 50’
135x100’ in 14.30 seconds (right)
135x100’ in 14.65 seconds (left)
Turns at 25’
185x50’ in 10.40 seconds (right)
185x50’ in 10.78 seconds (left)
No Turns
235x100’ in 14.06 seconds
285x100’ in 15.03 seconds

Sandbag Loads (62”)

Sandbag Carries
313x100’ in 15.86 seconds (load style)
313x100’ in 17.11 seconds (bearhug style)

Comments: Feeling the workouts since the last time I did this session. Weather report is saying a lot of snow coming soon. Like up to 18”. No thank you. Once was enough this winter. So kind of play it by ear I guess as far as how the training week will go. Not really feasible to bring the squat rack inside again as it is a pain getting it through the house. And if it is as much snow as last time, not looking forward to that either. I knew that for this workout, some of the things that felt easy last time may be a tougher this time around. The rest had let me recover from the fatigue as well as taking all those anti-inflammatories I guess helped with the achy joints. I kind of wanted to sleep more but I didn’t want a repeat of last week where it was dark and I was still doing events in the street. I thought I’d need warm-ups on for today but with the sun out and no real win, it was comfy, even at 36 degrees (the high this week haha). Warming up felt ok. Knees were achy today. Progressed with the knee drills as even though achy, felt the same with and without weight. So up first, farmer’s walk. I didn’t get the perfect warm-ups here as a car got really close to where I was when I was about to start the turn (empty handles) so I kind of had to alter things a little. I didn’t think I was doing too bad with these with the turns but this was a bit slower than last session. I felt like I was a little better with the turns on the short runs this time around, despite being slower overall. The first part of the farmer’s had been the same weights as last time. Next part was 10lbs added per hand from previous session. I knew I could handle it, even on a bad day. I had to stop drinking stuff during the workout after the short runs as I kept having indigestion. The hardest thing with the straight shot runs was keeping from puking in my mouth while I was bent over with the hard belt. That was really annoying. I did a little bit on the first set and managed to not puke on the second set. I didn’t feel as worn out cardiovascular wise on these this time but I could tell that I still need to work on my conditioning to be able to keep up the pace the entire run. I put all the weights away before I even thought about doing the sandbag loads. I was still feeling burpy on these. Plan here was doing the same thing as last time. 5x1 with the 313lbs bag EMOM style. For working up, I dropped the 175lbs bag and went straight to the 225lbs bag. I could tell that my hips weren’t going to be as pop fresh on these. Last time, I was just tossing the bag up. But that had been with me only doing 315lbs on deadlifts. Now doing 405lbs on the deadlifts. So I knew this wasn’t going to feel as easy as last time and I was probably going to have to extend. But I also realized that I could pop this weight bag up if I’m powerful enough. Thankfully, it was like maybe one rep in to this that the burps subsided. I feel that I got better as I went. First two were not as strong on the extension and got on the bar and needed a little shove over. Third one I didn’t have a secure a grip to pick it as I like so it was a little tougher to lap but I was able to launch the bag over for that and the subsequent reps. So after that was sandbag carries. Same weights. Idea being to maintain and not go higher as it could take away from other workouts on things that still have a ways to go to be mastering contest weight or more. Despite not being faster on the farmer’s walk stuff with the same weight, and feeling not as powerful off the lap on the sandbag loads, I figured that I could improve my speed on the sandbag carries since this would be the second time doing it and usually I can get more efficient with them. I keep telling myself while I do these to move faster. I definitely noticed I spent a lot less time just hovering over the sandbag before I started as I knew it could be done. My preferred style for moving fast with it I cut the time by over a second. Bearhug style is a bit slower. Last session, I had to redo my pick as I didn’t get it balanced enough to get it up safely. I got it right the first time this time around. However, I felt like I was slowing down and I wasn’t certain I’d be faster than last time. But I did. Not as big of a increase but close to a second here too. My knees (especially my right one) were really achy after those runs. I’ll need to keep an eye on them. May be taking Advil before bed and putting some of that ointment on. Before stretching, I put down salt on the driveway, walkway and patio. The snow may start before I wake up tomorrow so better to get it down now. No clue if it will make my job of shoveling any easier. 

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