2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
12” Log Strict Presses
Bench Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows (1 second holds)
Slingshot Dips
Mobility Prep
12” Log Strict Presses
Bench Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows (1 second holds)
Slingshot Dips
Paused Band External Rotations
Active Bar Hang (thick bar)
bw for 25 seconds
bw for 25 seconds
Comments: So last few days been a mixed bag. Depends on which days you start at. If we are talking about Thursday to Saturday, they were some sucky ass days. Lot of back pain, lot of self-doubt and self-loathing. Thinking about quitting strongman and strength training in general. Friday and Saturday I could feel my appetite becoming less and less and Tylenol wasn’t doing anything for me. I stayed in bed for about 14hrs Friday into Saturday and spent all day sitting in my recliner with a heating pack on my back watching stupid crap on Netflix to just pass the time. I know better than that. You can’t just stop if you can move. Letting things get stiff isn’t going to help recovery. But I wasn’t thinking about that. Not a proud moment. Frustrated, dehydrated and annoyed. And to be honest, I’d probably still be like that if my dad didn’t check in on me to see why I hadn’t put up my training and why I was doing one word text responses. I didn’t want to admit to myself I was injured again. I didn’t want to go back into the injury clinic for the same thing. Uncontrolled pain frustrates me. But thankfully some analgesic cream and Advil seemed to be curbing the pain. Got back to walking and doing hamstring dynamic work. Obviously workout plan changed a good bit. Each day the pain seems to lessen (feels best in the morning) so that is encouraging. No issues with my warm-ups. I wasn’t too sure I’d be able to do all of them but I could without issue. No cleaning of the log so it was just pressing out of the rack instead. Plan being to do empty log for 5 reps and then do singles with 10-20lbs jumps up to a weight I felt safe with doing for 3x3. I was trying to move through things quick and figured that I’d be better off if I did this workout as if I were coming in off the street. So no support gear and just my regular shoes. Overhead pressing like that was a little off-putting. Kind of the idea so I didn’t overdo it. I felt pretty good with things eventually went up to 207lbs for the working sets. Last rep of the first set I got a little off balance so the lockout was a little tougher. Felt better each set and I felt I could do several more sets like this. Inside for bench rows. These are getting swapped out but no reason risking injury with something new. So reduced the reps a lot but made them paused reps with holds at contraction. That really increases the difficult factor. It felt tiring even with the lighter stuff to warm up with. Then on to dips with slingshot. I have been doing some bodyweight ones over the past few days for the back. Initially things were too tight for it too much but now the inflammation is done enough that it helps again. Low weight for higher reps so I just went one right after the other. Singing along to Garth Brooks haha. Outside again for more shoulder health stuff. Shoulders seem to tolerate the lower volume of the band external rotations as I can use a much higher band tension now. Bar hang felt good on the lower back. Definitely in a better frame of mind and hopefully I can get back to feeling like myself by next week physically.
Comments: So last few days been a mixed bag. Depends on which days you start at. If we are talking about Thursday to Saturday, they were some sucky ass days. Lot of back pain, lot of self-doubt and self-loathing. Thinking about quitting strongman and strength training in general. Friday and Saturday I could feel my appetite becoming less and less and Tylenol wasn’t doing anything for me. I stayed in bed for about 14hrs Friday into Saturday and spent all day sitting in my recliner with a heating pack on my back watching stupid crap on Netflix to just pass the time. I know better than that. You can’t just stop if you can move. Letting things get stiff isn’t going to help recovery. But I wasn’t thinking about that. Not a proud moment. Frustrated, dehydrated and annoyed. And to be honest, I’d probably still be like that if my dad didn’t check in on me to see why I hadn’t put up my training and why I was doing one word text responses. I didn’t want to admit to myself I was injured again. I didn’t want to go back into the injury clinic for the same thing. Uncontrolled pain frustrates me. But thankfully some analgesic cream and Advil seemed to be curbing the pain. Got back to walking and doing hamstring dynamic work. Obviously workout plan changed a good bit. Each day the pain seems to lessen (feels best in the morning) so that is encouraging. No issues with my warm-ups. I wasn’t too sure I’d be able to do all of them but I could without issue. No cleaning of the log so it was just pressing out of the rack instead. Plan being to do empty log for 5 reps and then do singles with 10-20lbs jumps up to a weight I felt safe with doing for 3x3. I was trying to move through things quick and figured that I’d be better off if I did this workout as if I were coming in off the street. So no support gear and just my regular shoes. Overhead pressing like that was a little off-putting. Kind of the idea so I didn’t overdo it. I felt pretty good with things eventually went up to 207lbs for the working sets. Last rep of the first set I got a little off balance so the lockout was a little tougher. Felt better each set and I felt I could do several more sets like this. Inside for bench rows. These are getting swapped out but no reason risking injury with something new. So reduced the reps a lot but made them paused reps with holds at contraction. That really increases the difficult factor. It felt tiring even with the lighter stuff to warm up with. Then on to dips with slingshot. I have been doing some bodyweight ones over the past few days for the back. Initially things were too tight for it too much but now the inflammation is done enough that it helps again. Low weight for higher reps so I just went one right after the other. Singing along to Garth Brooks haha. Outside again for more shoulder health stuff. Shoulders seem to tolerate the lower volume of the band external rotations as I can use a much higher band tension now. Bar hang felt good on the lower back. Definitely in a better frame of mind and hopefully I can get back to feeling like myself by next week physically.
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