Friday, January 29, 2021

January 28, 2021 – Week 24, Day 2

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
18” Box Squats
bwx26 (miscounted)

18” Safety Squat Bar Box Squats w/ bands
Added Bands (+25lbs bottom/+44lbs top)


bw+45x60 Seconds

Side Planks
bw+15x60/60 Seconds

Comments: Another cold day. And very windy. I was very busy with work so I didn’t really have the time to setup for the workout during my lunch break like I have been doing so that I can get through the workout quicker. So that meant getting my warm-ups on before training so that I could get everything setup for outside. I had not done all of the soft tissue work I had planned that day before and no icing of knees. I figured it was ok to skip that since the previous workout wasn’t really that rough on the knees. Warm-ups felt good. So on to the workout. So plan for the session was light stuff that moved fast. Like last time for the most part. So box squats with bands using the ssb. So ideally working up to 55% for 3x3. So really just adding 20lbs on to what my top weight was for last time to keep it simple-ish. I was surprised with how windy it was that my camera didn’t get knocked over. I guess my house blocking the drafts from getting just right like when I train out in the street. Ground almost frozen so it has been cold a good bit this week. Trying to treat these serious in that I’m wearing support stuff and not just doing them with no belt of any kind. Bodyweight squatting felt fine but I miscounted. I was either 2 over or just at 25. Trying to move this weight fast on the working sets. Like trying to make it move faster than the previous weights and sets. Not as easy I think as 205lbs was last time. I feel I didn’t exactly “box squat” the reps sometimes. More of a squat to box on the first two reps and then a true sit back box squat on the last rep of the set. I was taking about a minute rest between sets with the top weight. So after that was inside for deadlifts. Continuing with the weekly EMOM pulls and progression. It is aggressive jumps. Now something was different this time. My father had purchased a new barbell as he wanted to give my old one to my younger sister. I said ok as long as it fit my plates. It fits the same plates as my other one so that leaves about half my 45’s not fitting. To remedy that, he said he’d get another pair of 45’s of some kind. So bar definitely feels more “dead” in the hands as far as weight. Doesn’t feel like it will bend or flex any. Which is fine and good for training purposes. Knurling is a bit different and the markings are slightly wider spacing. Also it spins. Which actually became a problem. See, my garage is slightly slanted so sometimes the bar with weights rolls down but usually with enough weight it doesn’t. At least that was the case with the old junk bar as it would not spin freely. So after a few sets, I ended up putting the crash pads down so that it would keep my bar from rolling down into the garage door. So plan was to do 405lbs for the EMOM. I was still thinking of doing it with no straps. Just put chalk. 225lbs felt really good for that one single. Like, I wish that rep was every rep I did. When it was time to lift 405lbs for the EMOM, I wasn’t sure how it would go. Breathing was fine, putting on the hard belt didn’t hamper me. This still is a work in progress. It moved well but I really wish it moved better. Like, this is how 500lbs needs to move for me to be doing 700lbs. That was what I was thinking. No pain or anything. Rehydrated while putting stuff away so I could do abdominal stuff. Planks were easy. Nothing crazy. Finished up with cleaning up the stuff I lifted and eating dinner before stretching out. Iced knees before bed too.

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