2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
12” Log Viper Presses
Mobility Prep
12” Log Viper Presses
12” Log Strict Presses
Inverted Ring Rows
Slingshot Dips
Paused Band External Rotations
Inverted Ring Rows
Slingshot Dips
Paused Band External Rotations
Active Bar Hang (thick bar)
bw for 25 seconds
bw for 25 seconds
Comments: So more training. I was honestly expecting by this point to be feeling a bit more beat up then I did after Saturday’s workout considering that they were movements I hadn’t done in 6 weeks and the keg carry generally causing bruising in my midsection and lower arms. Especially after a long break from it. Trying to keep on top of the recovery work. Didn’t get icing in on my knees the night before training. It was either soft tissue work or icing and I chose the soft tissue work to give the lower arms and biceps extra attention with the keg bruises. Day of training didn’t start out great. Lower back felt tight. Not painful or anything, just like it was finally feeling Saturday’s training this many days later. It was also cold with wintry mix. So I was potentially going to have to alter training plans. It wasn’t bad and it mostly stopped by the time I was going to lift. However, with it being cold, I ended up putting down salt on the patio to keep it from freezing or refreezing. Warming up felt good and fine today. First up for the day being log viper pressing. Not working too heavy. Only working up to about the weight I was going to do my strict press work with. And I figured that these wouldn’t feel that good after the keg and sos stuff. I was a little stiff lapping the essentially empty log but got better as I went. Not trying to say I needed weight for mobility but kind of did haha. Not feeling like I was getting that full power hip drive but what I was getting seemed to be explosive enough. My one 2.5lbs plate that I broke months ago has been holding up but it came apart during my sets. I ended up reinforcing it with more tape. Fairly comfortable single. Would’ve liked to have done more but not the plan for the day. So needed to tear down to setup for the next thing. I decided that for this workout, I’d do the exercises as quickly as I felt I could and then drink my BCAAs during the period of time between setting up for the next exercise. So log strict press next. No set percentages. Just indicated to pick weight that I felt I’d hit perfect reps on for 5x2 and feel that I can easily add 5-10lbs to next time. My thinking here was that I did 207lbs for 3x3 last time beltless and without even my lifting shoes and felt pretty good. So I figured 5lbs more with my belt on (assuming that I’d be feeling some fatigue rather than being fresh) would be within my ability. Trying to get into a good groove on these to start. Hoping that kind of rocking and not just straight up pressing will give me more transfer with the motion of the viper pressing. I got a little off balance on the first set with how fast it went up and I wasn’t ready for it to go up and back. I usually take longer rests but I felt like just doing short rests here. Like almost EMOM rest periods. Left shoulder was a little achy on these but ok. So after that, more tearing down stuff to setup the next thing. This was a new one for me this training. Inverted rows with rings. I think it has been like 8 years since I did these with any intent. Maybe less time with other variations. I never liked them with a barbell but these feel nice with the rings. I ended up getting wooden rings as the plastic ones were sold out. And slightly thicker ones since they were slightly cheaper. I had been thinking about setting these up and testing out before today but it slipped my mind and I figured I’d just do it day of. So plan here was to do 3 sets of moderate reps. Leaving 2-3 reps in the tank on each set. I will say that this is my best form I’ve ever had on these. However, I didn’t really have an eye for filming this setup to see everything so only my last set really shows the full movement well. No biceps issues. Since wooden, can’t leave outside so had to tear down again. So after that, slingshot dips. So plan here was working up in 25lbs jumps after a warm-up set to a weight I felt I could do 10-12 reps but only be doing 5 reps. The plan going forward would be to just go up a very small amount each time. It has been a while since I’ve had a decent amount of weight on these (and by that, I mean 3 plates or more). I just felt like doing below that was not enough and not worth the hassle of setup. Sometimes, the setup to do it is more taxing then doing it. Lower back appreciated the traction on the earlier sets. I realized that usually when going heavier, it had been bigger jumps. So figuring plate math out was trick in how the chain would move. Over 100lbs was a pain in the ass to get into position. I put on wrist wraps for the 150lbs set. Could feel that. I’ll need to be mindful of how I setup the hanging weight as I totally forgot about my kettlebells that could’ve made things easier. Last items for the evening were the shoulder health stuff. Band external rotations with pauses and active bar hang. Just did them one after the other. Put stuff away while cooking my dinner and stretched after I ate. Iced knees, left shoulder and both elbows before bed.
Comments: So more training. I was honestly expecting by this point to be feeling a bit more beat up then I did after Saturday’s workout considering that they were movements I hadn’t done in 6 weeks and the keg carry generally causing bruising in my midsection and lower arms. Especially after a long break from it. Trying to keep on top of the recovery work. Didn’t get icing in on my knees the night before training. It was either soft tissue work or icing and I chose the soft tissue work to give the lower arms and biceps extra attention with the keg bruises. Day of training didn’t start out great. Lower back felt tight. Not painful or anything, just like it was finally feeling Saturday’s training this many days later. It was also cold with wintry mix. So I was potentially going to have to alter training plans. It wasn’t bad and it mostly stopped by the time I was going to lift. However, with it being cold, I ended up putting down salt on the patio to keep it from freezing or refreezing. Warming up felt good and fine today. First up for the day being log viper pressing. Not working too heavy. Only working up to about the weight I was going to do my strict press work with. And I figured that these wouldn’t feel that good after the keg and sos stuff. I was a little stiff lapping the essentially empty log but got better as I went. Not trying to say I needed weight for mobility but kind of did haha. Not feeling like I was getting that full power hip drive but what I was getting seemed to be explosive enough. My one 2.5lbs plate that I broke months ago has been holding up but it came apart during my sets. I ended up reinforcing it with more tape. Fairly comfortable single. Would’ve liked to have done more but not the plan for the day. So needed to tear down to setup for the next thing. I decided that for this workout, I’d do the exercises as quickly as I felt I could and then drink my BCAAs during the period of time between setting up for the next exercise. So log strict press next. No set percentages. Just indicated to pick weight that I felt I’d hit perfect reps on for 5x2 and feel that I can easily add 5-10lbs to next time. My thinking here was that I did 207lbs for 3x3 last time beltless and without even my lifting shoes and felt pretty good. So I figured 5lbs more with my belt on (assuming that I’d be feeling some fatigue rather than being fresh) would be within my ability. Trying to get into a good groove on these to start. Hoping that kind of rocking and not just straight up pressing will give me more transfer with the motion of the viper pressing. I got a little off balance on the first set with how fast it went up and I wasn’t ready for it to go up and back. I usually take longer rests but I felt like just doing short rests here. Like almost EMOM rest periods. Left shoulder was a little achy on these but ok. So after that, more tearing down stuff to setup the next thing. This was a new one for me this training. Inverted rows with rings. I think it has been like 8 years since I did these with any intent. Maybe less time with other variations. I never liked them with a barbell but these feel nice with the rings. I ended up getting wooden rings as the plastic ones were sold out. And slightly thicker ones since they were slightly cheaper. I had been thinking about setting these up and testing out before today but it slipped my mind and I figured I’d just do it day of. So plan here was to do 3 sets of moderate reps. Leaving 2-3 reps in the tank on each set. I will say that this is my best form I’ve ever had on these. However, I didn’t really have an eye for filming this setup to see everything so only my last set really shows the full movement well. No biceps issues. Since wooden, can’t leave outside so had to tear down again. So after that, slingshot dips. So plan here was working up in 25lbs jumps after a warm-up set to a weight I felt I could do 10-12 reps but only be doing 5 reps. The plan going forward would be to just go up a very small amount each time. It has been a while since I’ve had a decent amount of weight on these (and by that, I mean 3 plates or more). I just felt like doing below that was not enough and not worth the hassle of setup. Sometimes, the setup to do it is more taxing then doing it. Lower back appreciated the traction on the earlier sets. I realized that usually when going heavier, it had been bigger jumps. So figuring plate math out was trick in how the chain would move. Over 100lbs was a pain in the ass to get into position. I put on wrist wraps for the 150lbs set. Could feel that. I’ll need to be mindful of how I setup the hanging weight as I totally forgot about my kettlebells that could’ve made things easier. Last items for the evening were the shoulder health stuff. Band external rotations with pauses and active bar hang. Just did them one after the other. Put stuff away while cooking my dinner and stretched after I ate. Iced knees, left shoulder and both elbows before bed.
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