Wednesday, January 20, 2021

January 19, 2021 – Week 23, Day 1

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
Axle Clean and Push Presses

Axle Half Clean and Push Presses
Rack Chins (yoke, straps)

12” Log Incline Bench Presses

Paused Floor Band Trap 3 Raises (2 count, cross style)
Active Bar Hang (thick bar)
bw for 25 seconds

Comments: Well I guess something better than others haha. I apparently had a really stiff neck last time I did this kind of workout. This time around, some lower back stuff. Obviously not as bad as it was but some sensations. Trying to not use Advil stuff to mask pain. It was needed last week for sure. Left shoulder was a little beat up from roughhousing with my little nephew for 3 days in a row. But other than ok. Ok, besides the irritability I was having with work that day back after a 3 day weekend. I kind of needed that with how intense my Saturday workout was and to get back on track with things as far as recovery stuff and chores. I got some things setup during my lunch break for later. Ended up weighing myself for the first time in what feels like months and I was 291lbs. I figured I should check as people saying I look bigger and I also don’t want to be over 308lbs by mistake and screw things up for USS Nats event order. Have I ever weighed over 300lbs even with my shoes on? No. Warm-ups fine. I was expecting some knee aches since Saturday was a tougher session for the knees compared to the rest of the week but felt good. The shoulder drill has been good. It was a little harder on the shoulders (left really) this time around but that’s ok. Still better than the worst it has felt on these by a long shot (when doing them on the ground). So after that, it was time to do the training. Axle clean and press for today to start things off. So some changes. The normal stuff of working up in singles doing 20lbs jumps stayed the same. As well as starting with the bumpers from the start which started last time. However, the plan here was just to work up to the weight that I wanted to be doing for the half clean and push press stuff later. My goal for that was working weight of 250lbs so that meant working up to that with the full lift first. So good was knees didn’t ache too bad, even at the start. But I did notice that my biceps were sore and that could mean that I’m not going to be able to pull high enough as the weight increases to stick to just a single pop for these. I also need to be smarter on picking the shirts for upper body sessions. Just having a grip shirt under a shirt isn’t good enough to keep from having stuff slide. I had thought the shirt I had on was good but apparently not. I had to resort to double pop on the gut after putting my hard belt on. Now unlike the last time this happened, it didn’t throw me off and I was able to go with it. 250lbs was sloppy technically. The press was super easy. However, I caught it a little low on the clean and rather than standing up to let it settle, I went for the press from that position. I have a bad habit of trying to go for the press right after the recovery of the clean and sometimes it isn’t the best option. Sometimes I get stuck on the appropriate track of approach. Between “you stop, you die” and “smooth is fast”. So from there, on to the half clean and push presses. The plan here being 5x1 done EMOM style. I figured that 10lbs more than what I was doing 5x2 with (with 2 minutes rest or so) would be within the parameters. This felt tough. The shirt situation I was really having to fight the weight to get it to a good spot to transition to the shoulders. The press part of it was easy. Felt like half my rest was putting the wrist wraps back on haha. I’m proud of myself of not rushing things on the clean even with the weight taking a few attempts to get it where it needs to be. I’m getting better at knowing when the bar is at the right spot. This might be the most weight I’ve attempted to do for overhead presses EMOM style. So rack chins again after that. A bit of change up here too. So I guess given more options on how to proceed here. If I felt like pure crap, just do 3x10 and call it a day. If I feel pretty good but not like I’d set any kind of PR, I’d go and do the method of 1 extra rep volume increase progression that I’ve been doing. If however, I felt like a beast, I could do a warm-up set and then do a max rep set. Now, I’ve rarely felt like a possessed beast after all that axle clean and pressing haha. However, I figured that since I don’t have a PR for reps with just bodyweight on this exercise, It would make sense to try and set one to then get a gauge of things going forward. First set I always feel off and it usually is just something to decompress from the pressing and get the shoulders, lats and biceps stretched out. 20 reps would tie what I’ve done with 35lbs added to my waist so I wanted to do at least 21 reps. I kind of follow the set progression of doing them with back tension at the start, then switching to deadhang reps and then using some momentum to keep the set going. Similar to how I’d do my high rep pulldowns with heavy weight in the past. I stopped at 27 as I felt that I’d need too much to keep going. Next back outside for incline log pressing. Same as it has been, 5lbs more for the top set. Although if I feel like crap, just do like five reps and call it there. This one can be tricky to tell. I had to check to see if I had been using wrist wraps or not. I’ve been not. Figure I keep them off until I start to see reps go down a lot. Still feeling good on these. I just remember how the biceps tendonitis in the lead up to Arnold had made benching not be viable options for me in training. Shoulders feel ok and chest muscles feeling the work. After that, shoulder health things. The band trap stuff felt much better this time around and didn’t seem to be stressing the left shoulder so much. Actually seemed to take some tension off of it. Easy bar hang stuff. After that was done, put all the weights away and ate a pot roast. Stretched and iced my knees to call it a night.

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