Friday, January 22, 2021

January 21, 2021 – Week 23, Day 2

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
Goblet Squats to Box (15”)

Paused Ab Wheel

Paused Side Plank Raises

Comments: Definitely feeling the wear of the week in both training and work. Sleep has been mostly good. And haven’t really had a moment to breath and worry about any aches. Finally getting to where not really feeling any tenderness in the lower back on the left side. I knew that this workout would be a shorter one with the current setup for these next few weeks with the deadlifting plans. Banded box squats one week, goblet squats the other. Much easier to setup one versus the other haha. Warming up felt fine. I was trying to get liquids in me earlier on so that I could try and go through the workout without taking too much time between exercises so I could then get started on dinner while putting stuff away. I was not expecting my knees to be achy when it came time to lift today. Especially not with how I was feeling. I did miss time the night before for soft tissue work besides my hamstrings, lower and upper back. Goblet squats were reduced intensity in the sense less total reps and the reps divided over 2 sets instead of 1. Knees being achy not a good time. So after that, deadlifts. As previously mentioned, this is weekly of working up to 5 singles EMOM style.  Aggressive jumps in weight being the hopeful plan. 40-50lbs jumps each session. I’m working at the higher end (as I was told it was ok to do 275lbs – 315lbs last time) and things feel good so hopefully I get to the goal on pace. I decided that I wanted to do this session no straps. But I added chalk for my working weight. I’m not sure yet if I will try for straps next time or not but it will definitely be with a hard belt. The 50lbs added was noticeable but still pulling these fast. Put on a good song for the EMOM stuff. Last single the song switched over and it was too loud so I missed the cue of the last timer going off haha. Usually I take a break to put stuff away before moving on to abdominal stuff. But like I said, I wanted to finish things up so I could move on to meal prep and relaxing. The usual paused abdominal work that I’ve been alternating with the weighted planks each week again. The reps were reduced quite a bit. So I tried my best to not rush the movement on the ab wheel in both the extension and retraction. I felt like my flexibility is getting better as well as having strength in the range of motion. I’m able to get my midsection to touch the floor on some reps now and not have my core collapse on me. For the plank raises, I’d been doing holds at the top and then lowered slowly with a fast concentric. I tried moving deliberately for the entire movement this time. After that, rehydrated and got cooking as I put weights away. Stretched after eating and iced my knees before bed. Looking forward to the weekend to sleep in.

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