Sunday, January 3, 2021

January 2, 2021 – Week 20, Day 3

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
Titan Fitness Farmer’s Walk
Turns at 50’
135x100’ in 14.79 seconds (right)
135x100’ in 14.76 seconds (left)
Turns at 25’
185x50’ in 10.74 seconds (right)
185x50’ in 10.81 seconds (left)
No Turns
235x50’ in 7.84 seconds
285x50’ in 8.36 seconds

Sandbag Rows (long ways)

Sandbag Loads (62”)

Comments: There is always some anxiety going into these workouts. More and more as the weights and tasks get heavier and tougher. The fear is always the same. Failure. Lower back, glutes and hips had been tight after the last workout session. But been sleeping well. Like 12hrs a night the past few days. The only thing I had been at all worried about was the sandbags because of the change (going to be harder). But I woke up to a left lat and trap that just wouldn’t calm down and tight biceps. Not ideal. I did some foam rolling but no change. Going to be one of those days I guess. Plan was see how things felt and stop if stuff made things not good. Did some sweeping of debris in the street to clean up my course as well as see if that loosened up anything. Since I had played hooky the last event day, this was going to be my first and not the second go of the new knee health stuff. Went better than expected. My bad knee is now my good knee on these and my good knee is now my bad knee on these. I do complain about the joint aches but I’m not usually dealing with them in the moment. Or when I’m warming up for moving events. Which is nice. No issues with my knees warming up for the farmer’s walks. I was tempted to do some more warm-ups but figured I’d get enough work with the actual sets. So some changes to the farmer’s walk. The start was still the same with it being two runs of 100’. Same weight as last time. I’m not sure if it was because the street was still slick from rain (I had thought it would dry up in the sun) or if I was just off but my turns weren’t that great and I was slower than I would’ve liked. I ended up wearing copper sleeves on my arms because my biceps were tight and sore and I think maybe that was part of it too. I moved on to the next part of it which rather than being just a bump in weight for straight shot was more turns. 50lbs more per hand and half the course length.  These really make the turn tough as literally not enough runway to get to max speed and have to plot that turn right away. Turns not great here. They will improve in time. I’m confident in that. Just going to be rough for now haha. These turns with starting back at the end meant I had very little that I had to prep between sets.  Once that was done, I moved on to the straight shot runs so I got a little more built in rest for these. These two runs felt very similar to last time. I ended up being just a little faster on my first run compared to last time with 10lbs more weight. I was about a quarter of a second slower on the heaviest set compared to last time. The road was slick and I had built up a good bit of speed by the end that I kind of had to go with the handles to safely stop. Brought everything from in the street into the garage to finish up the day. Rows as per usual. On both week rotations (for now) they are kind of just maintenance with hitting the same weights each time before doing the next thing. This week they are more of a tester for how the sandbag stuff is going to be whereas the other week the lighter stuff seems to be more warm-up and getting biceps happy. I was not sure what these were going to be like today. I felt fine on farmer’s but these are more than just having the back stabilize. Got to move the back muscles and use my arms. I remembered before I did these to put athletic tape around my shin where I had the gash from deadlifting on Thursday. I just knew that I was going to be scraping that up good. Rows felt so so. Not bad but not amazing. Also was feeling a little burpy so being bent over not great haha. The loads was the thing I was worried about. Dropping the EMOM and just doing one set of reps. I haven’t done more than a single with this weight sandbag. I’ve only done reps up to 275lbs. Two easy lifts before I got started. This wasn’t to be rushed, just take my time. But this is kind of that one thing where if you stop, you get beat. I just wanted to make it through with no misses. First rep went up no trouble. Not surprising, I’ve done it 25 times over 2 months. Following that up with another rep and another was going to be the tricky part. 2nd rep I got it up and caught it on the crossbar. I just had to shove the bag over. Ok, obviously getting tougher. Knew that was likely. 3rd rep was the most sucky. It got caught a little lower and only part of it went up. So now I had it sandwiched between the yoke and myself with most of it facing me as it rotated 90 degrees. I was also moving the yoke with it as well. Finally it went over. So damn ugly. I had two more of these. It was at that point I took longer rest than just walking around to the other side to lift. I kind of had to after that effort and to get the sandbag back to being long ways for me to pick it. 4th and 5th were about the same as the 2nd rep, just a little bit tougher. My biceps and hamstrings were hating me after that. Took me just over 3 minutes to finish. Considering with the EMOM style, this is in 2 minutes less time. Put the stuff away and stretched before going out to spend all my Christmas gift cards on Chipotle for dinner. Ate it all in like 15 minutes and then cleaned up and iced my knees.

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