Saturday, February 29, 2020

February 28, 2020 – Week 13, Day 2

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

Hatfield Squats to box (18”)

Romanian Deadlifts (top start)
Added Straps
425x12 PR+20lbs

Pulldown Abs (pulldown station)

Side Planks
bw+50x60/60 seconds


Comments: All in all, have to say this session was a better one than I was anticipating and better than what was two weeks ago. Two weeks ago the signs went up about no filming and I was still getting symptoms popping up from janky sandbag loading technique. I was worried this would be a subpar workout when I woke up on Monday. I felt sick and my lower back was just so tight. I didn’t think that just taking a day off from work to sleep was going to fix that but it did. Another late workout start due to the oversleeping in the morning to make up for the undersleeping at night. I was definitely a bit irritable and hair-trigger from having to shoulder another’s responsibilities at work for the week. And might have to do that again next week or the following. Warming up at least felt fine. Been trying to ice my knees twice a day (morning and night) to get inflammation down as they were not feeling good Sunday. Main focus is the right knee. Hatfield squats again. Same as last time in that work up in triples to the top set of five. 10lbs more this time. Not sure how long this will go but this seems to be the best squat style for me right now to not overstress my back, let me build the deadlift and work the legs well. I’m sure things would change if and when needed. Only change was the jump from 2 plates a side to have it be 50lbs jumps as I went up after that. Top weight 500lbs for a set of five. Someone I know at the gym that trains there thought I’d need a spot when I was doing 400lbs and I told them I shouldn’t need one and that I hopefully don’t need one for any of the weights I was doing today. Working up in the belts for support. No copper knee sleeves today. I’ve been thinking about knee sleeves and elbows sleeves a little bit. Something that would be firm and stiff as that seems to be the thing for a little extra pop to lockout. But it seems like more gear and would require some trial and error and I don’t know if I want to deal with that for right now with how I’ve got to be careful with injury relapse. Anyways, I did that thing where I did the thinner prong belt for the second to last set and then the thick ratchet belt for the top set. The support from that belt is crazy but mobility is down I think when I try and move with it. Not sure if that is work experimenting with. The 500lbs felt easier than 450lbs is what I was trying to say. Definitely felt I had another 5 reps there. I was sweaty but it was solid and controlled. Romanian deadlifts next. Like last time, I was definitely not feeling my best on them. Again, could just be that weight on these has gone up a lot comparatively. Did same thing as last time with my belts and assistance being added. Grip was feeling a little fatigued but still strong. On some sets, I wanted to not pause and hold at the top and move at a faster clip. I need to assert my control and dominance over the weight but it is good that I feel like I can move at the normal tempo if needed. Doesn’t always feel like that on some things. Young guy at the gym took the 15lbs bumper plates I was going to be using to do bench press (sigh) as I try to keep having metal plates on the ends with the platform in case I have to put it down on. 425lbs felt darn heavy. But I somehow got past five reps and I knew I could reach my goal of ten reps. This was adjusted based off how 405lbs went last time. Ten was thankfully not my limit but eleven was tough. I had to try for 12, make up for last time. This would be big one. I lost tightness in my brace on the concentric but I didn’t round and I didn’t hitch. Lockout was just difficult as hell and my glutes were sore. I was a struggle to walk this back into the rack. Happy with this. Not happy that my form broke but happy that I got the rep PR and that I didn’t feel in pain. I just got to keep my ego in check. It feel like a lesson I have to keep learning. Or a cue I need to keep using like “only a man” or something. The heavy stuff was done and now time for abdominals and core work. Pulldown abs next. This was changed a bit in that the reps were the same on each set. Grip was fatigued. I didn’t feel like this was pulling on my spine like usual. Maybe that’s good that it didin’t feel like that as my back may not be compressed right now. Again, had to wait a little to do my final set as a young woman decided to do pulldowns while I was putting my weights away. But I kind of welcomed the rest as this was hard to hold for that many reps on my hands. Last set feels like the most work for my core. Side planks afterwards. Like I said, sticking to the 50lbs dense weight for these. I don’t feel like I need to go any heavier to get what I need out of it right now. This weight is very challenging and I feel not only the obliques working hard to brace and stabilize but my hips, glutes and legs. I didn’t feel so destroyed this time but I was just as sweaty from straining as I was last week haha. It was late and rather than cook the chicken I had dethawed, I got recovery burritos so I could eat first and then stretch so that I could relax at my leisure and have another meal later.

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