5 Minutes Precor AMT
Mobility Prep
Hatfield Squats to box (18”)
Romanian Deadlifts (top start)
Added Straps
Pulldown Abs (pulldown station)
Side Planks
bw+35x60/60 seconds
Comments: This month has been wearisome. Not to say there
haven’t been good things but it just seems like little things keep piling on.
Back is acting up on me. Not sure why as it seemed to be ok if not a little
stiff from sandbag loads on Sunday. But I guess getting on the floor to play
with my young niece was not a good idea for it as it feels not that great. Got
some symptoms at times. I did end having to take some ibuprofen before bed to
see if that helped at all. I really don’t want to back track. Another late
workout start due to the oversleeping in the morning to make up for the
undersleeping at night. I also had ordered new compression shorts as the one’s
I’ve had for about a decade finally split a seem on the right inner thigh.
However, the fabric on these new ones are bit shear and I’d get put on some watch
list if I went out in public. So ended up having to wear the new with the old
ones on top. Gym was pretty crowded. Going upstairs, I was confronted by a
large poster board sign that indicated no recording devices allowed among other
things. Seeing as how I’ve recorded my training for visual feedback in some way
since 2004, I was not pleased with this. Especially since I’m trying to keep my
form on point with video and I send these videos to Mr. Westerling for
training. So unless I decide to train elsewhere during the week (very inconvenient)
I’m going to only be able to film on the weekends and maybe sneak something on
my phone for PR sets of important exercises. I was definitely a powder keg at
this point so really didn’t want people to talk or even look at me. Warming up
at least felt fine. Hatfield squats again. Same as last time in that work up in
triples to the top set of five. 10lbs more this time. Going for that small
increases as much as I can. Keep doing work, keep progressing but not beat
things up for other stuff like deadlifts, rdls and event work. I was a little
concerned about the lower back. This is an exercise that I can do with good
form and not feel painful even when my back is feeling like crap. Just don’t
want to be pushing things or having it feel like I got a lower back pump going.
I didn’t have that or feel like my one cheek was higher than the other. Knees
didn’t really bother me and I kept moving these well and at a good pace.
Controlling the negatives and moving up fast. The ceiling feels high for these
but again, not a comp lift, just training. Romanian deadlifts next. My back was
a little stiff as I had mentioned. But doesn’t seem to be a problem with these.
I was definitely not feeling my best on them though. Maybe the back was
hampering things. I ended up belting up earlier than I had originally planned
on these. I did use chalk for the double at 365lbs. 405lbs for the rep set. I
had told myself that most I’d accept here was a dozen. Ten would’ve tied my PR
from a while ago. But that had been no hard belt, no straps but it had been
with worse form and was not the pause style I’ve been doing. This weight felt
difficult. Every rep felt difficult. There was definitely one rep where it went
forward on me in the beginning. Slow and steady. I got 12 and tried to do one
more for the baker’s dozen. But I knew it wasn’t happening as I started that
rep as I was shot and the only way I’d get the lift was if I broke my form
substantially. Risk of back injury and it would become more of a deadlift with
a hitch than the planned exercise. So ended up just setting the weight down. So
12.5 reps I guess haha. This would be the first time in 11 weeks were the
projected max on the bigger lifts (overheads and rdls) has gone down. Trying to
keep positive despite the little irritations. I know that the high rep stuff is
going for hypertrophy and getting tendons and stuff ready and that it isn’t
always a set increase based off the high rep stuff to the one rep stuff. As
long as I’m healthy, I still got time to work on that aspect. 19 weeks to go I
think. So hamstrings were sore from that effort. Pulldown abs next. Reps the
same with them being high but adding 10lbs to each set. Needed these today.
Help with the spine and hamstrings. Give a nice deload while doing them. I did
have to deal with some youngsters having on to it when I was going to do my
last set. The rope attachment does look out of place on the pulldown station
but still. I was younger too but today I just wasn’t in the mood. Last item was
side planks. The plan being 30-60 seconds. Kind of wanted to push this a bit
heavier with the 35lbs weight. More to just simmer in my anger of not being
able to record my training tonight. This was challenging. Didn’t hurt so that
was good. Again, way too many people. I literally had people bumping into me
while I was holding these planks. I just wanted to eat my Mississippi roast and
do my recovery work and sleep after this.
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