Wednesday, February 19, 2020

February 18, 2020 – Week 12, Day 1

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

12” Log Strict Presses + Push Presses

12” Log Strict Presses

12” Log Push Presses

Neutral Grip Pulldowns

Slingshot Dips
bw+145x16 PR+5lbs

Neutral Grip Precor Chest Supported Rows

Standing Tate Presses
55’sx26 PR+5lbs


Comments: Feeling a little better in regards to the symptoms on the left leg. Not 100% gone but a fair deal better than what I was dealing with. I was hoping to make it to this day with no issues as I could deload my spine with dips. Med check came back good. Only issue being that blood sugar just under pre-diabetic levels (pre-pre-diabetic) and systolic on BP was a little elevated. My arm is just under the max circumference for the cuff they were using. And BMI has me as obese. So no real problems at this time. Doctor wants me to do another blood sugar test next year for the check up to monitor. I had my self together before work so I could go right to the gym after work. Warmed up ok. Log for this session again. The usual drill of warming up with dumbbells then log and doing the strict and push press combos. Another session of no videoing. Felt a bit weird but things were able to move quicker too. Not too much that really needs to be watched on these gym sessions for now. New events and moving stuff is another matter and I can still record at that gym openly. Pressing was a bit different. Bigger jumps and the weight increase for the top set was not a 20lbs jump like all the past sessions. 15lbs so still good. I was expecting 250lbs going into this session haha. Right shoulder felt a bit stiff, tight and achy. Like it was the leading side at the start. Wasn’t much caring for that. Right calf tight. Expected only taking a day of rest from last session. Really get these hammered on prowler pushes. Not so much on the left but I think that has more to do with nerve issues from disc bulges than it not being worked hard. I was wearing the Jenkins shirt for today. I tend to avoid it as I feel like I sweat more in darker colors but I also think that maybe some of that has to do with not feeling good enough to wear it to remember him. Silly I know. Worked up adding support pieces as I went. This seems to work for me. For the top weight, plan was to do 1-2 reps strict and then push press after a rest. I added copper knee sleeves and wrist wraps for that weight. I had been pushing off using the wrist wraps but I feel like now was a good time as while it is 80% of my contest best clean and push press, it is closer to 90% for the strict. Got set and went. Little slow that first rep, second rep went up quicker. I think that I could’ve done 5 gun to the head. Been a while since I’ve had the wrist wraps on for these. Not sure how my hands were take the compression. Lifting it felt heavy but once I got that first push press rep going, I felt ok. Wrist wraps allowed me to have better control in the rack and be able to just shove the log up there. Little bit of lean back in the back and hips on the last two reps. I feel one more rep was there. Ten is good. Felt good about that. I had been worried that I’d biff these. Neutral grip pulldowns after that. Only 5lbs added to these weights from last time. Probably a good idea. Upper back has been twitchy, especially the left side. These were feeling heavy today. I didn’t think it would be that much more of a struggle. I guess I didn’t realize how much more work the back does on a stone of steel load with no grip support versus rowing the implement. Must be that time under tension and how hard I have to contract. Reps dropped off by five from last time. I felt like I was heaving these earlier than usual too. Hopefully I’ll be adapted to it next time. Next was slingshot dips. This was to be banded pushups as they would probably tie the upper body and core together as one unit better but I indicated that these have been wonderful on my back. I definitely needed these today as even doing no weight had my back feeling good. 5lbs more for the top set and much lower reps for the work up sets. No idea how 5lbs more got so tough? Maybe because I’ve also increased in weight a bit? I could feel my scapulae aching from the second to last set so I figured it would be best to wear the wrist wraps on this set. Good idea. Again, my back felt great. This is a hefty weight and it sways. This very much became a rest-pause set. Got nine reps and then did sets of 4-2 with like 10 seconds rests to finish out the reps. Triceps felt strong. Supporting over 400lbs for this many reps is something. I knew my elbow and the surround muscles would be sore. Chest supported rows followed that. Advised to start light, do 50lbs jumps of five reps. I generally feel better in my back after a few sets, even if I feel like crap on the pulldowns. This was also a struggle. I was able to at least keep the reps over 20 for another session but boy was this exhausting. Like a third of these reps were ones from almost a dead start rather than continuous motion like I try to do. Final thing for the session was standing tate presses. Same as last time but 5lbs more again. With how my arms felt (the entire arm), I wasn’t thinking +20 reps was happening again. Especially since the only matching pair of 55lbs was the larger rubber ones. Fully prepared for like 12 reps here. I guess just doing the work up stuff fast to get warm and then actually focusing for the top set makes a world of difference in the difficulty. Last rep was a grinder but I got it to match last sessions reps. Home for leftovers for dinner. Stretched and did recovery work. Assuming the rest of this week’s training sessions go well, I’ll be signing up for USS Nats.

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