Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February 11, 2020 – Week 11, Day 1

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

Axle Strict Presses + Push Presses
Thick Bar

Axle Strict Presses

Axle Push Presses


Precor Pec Flyes

Cybex Eagle NX Rows
280x26 PR+5 reps

Safety Squat Bar JM Presses


Comments: Got a bit of an ache in the SI joint on the left side. Got some symptoms in the left calf muscle. Not pain, but numbness. Can only hope that it goes away again. I’ve been doing so well to this point. At least the other niggling things seem to not be bothering me much. Had to be stuck thrice to get blood at the lab. Got a bruise on the one arm from it. Figured it was best to wear longer sleeve shirt for training. Warming up felt pretty good. I didn’t have to stop at home which was probably a good thing with how long this workout seems to take. My other knee was sore this time so I felt it was best to put on the copper knee sleeves from the start. Had to wait a bit for the one rack to open up. Axle to start things off again. The same drill though a little different. A few more reps on the warm-ups with the light stuff and then decrease in reps as working up. Like log last week. Push pressing felt good at the start but as I got up in weight, my one knee was aching on the catch at the top of the lift when it was down to singles on the push press with the strict pressing. Grazed my chin on the first rep of strict presses with 222lbs. Shoulders seemed to be beat but lockouts seemed strong. That’s good for me on the push presses. The push press set after the top set of strict presses didn’t start out great. I think I was hesitant as I didn’t want my knee to feel out of it. This weight felt heavy, like I was going to be stalling out at five reps. But I seemed to get my crap together and have a groove in place after that point. Last rep was slow to lockout but still solid so ended it there. I had expected to get this many reps with this weight to keep the projected max increasing. The usual accessory work for high reps followed. Pulldowns I had to wait a bit as I was having difficulties talking with someone to find out if I could work in with them or not. Short rest on these to get to that top weight. Only needed 11 here to beat my best but it wouldn’t be winning considering how many I’ve done with 10lbs less. I didn’t expect a lot today considering the sandbag rows just done on Sunday, the bruises in my arm from the attempted blood drawing and the tightness I was feeling in the upper right pectoral. Most of these things didn’t seem to matter but it was a tough one to get above 15 reps on this today. Upstairs for more machines. Pec flyes I had to wait again. Which was fine. I could use a breather. This was going to be my first time using in excess of the stack. Left shoulder was achy and I was keeping an eye on my right upper pec. Adding weight to the weight stack adds more than just the weight. The plate drags on the plastic covering protecting the weights so adds a bit of drag to it. 255lbs felt a lot tougher than 245lbs. I thought I’d get stopped at 12 reps but I managed to keep pushing. That was tough. Right into the rows. Well, not right away as I had to wait until someone else was done. The gym was packed today. This exercise I’m cautious about when my SI joint is achy as I have to squeeze my legs together and felt my core hard for bracing just right. It can still ache from that. With how pulldowns went, I wasn’t expected to hit any PRs on this today. Guess I was wrong haha. Finished up with the ssb jm presses. I got the camber right first try this time. Plan being to do a light set of ten and then sets of 8 up to max rep set with 5lbs more than last time. I was contemplating doing 10lbs more but this felt tougher than I remembered working up. Not sure why as the top set felt just like last time and I got a lot of reps. I really like how these feel on my joints and make my triceps work. I feel like my lockout is getting to be better from this extra triceps work. Home for late but big dinner. Hopefully I can continue with the recovery work efforts and get some sleep. I got time in case I need to take some steps back but I’d rather not. Hopefully this SI ache will be like the knees and oblique and it’s more of a side step.

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