Sunday, September 1, 2019

August 31, 2019 – Week 13, Day 3

5 Minutes Sled Drag (55lbs for .25 miles)

Mobility Prep

Harness Sled Drags (1 minute rests)


Comments: Friday was mostly a good day. Other than getting ganged up on in a friendly arm-wrestling match, it was a good day. Got to go for a walk and relax knowing that I had a three day weekend to recover from the week and that I had just this last workout for the deload and a whole week to rest up. The last workout of the deload week is always usually a sled workout so I definitely was doing this one at home so I could sleep in. Boy did I sleep in. It was very close to 1:00PM when I stirred. I figured that things would go much quicker this time compared to last time I did a workout at home as I had a better idea of how to do the warm-up and movement prep stuff with what I had at my disposal. First thing was my sled drag warm-up. I found some additional chain to attach to it so that it didn’t get lifted off the ground from being too short. Felt good. Knees were a little achy on some things but I didn’t feel like I needed to wear the sleeves or socks for today. Shoulders were definitely tight. So for today, the only thing was sled drags. Keeping with the not using my hands theme, these were to be done with my kind of truck pull harness. Previous week had been to allow me to lean back, this to allow me to lean forward. Not full on sprints, power walking again. It was really nice out and I was going to be able to get some sunlight today haha. I may have gone a little light on these. I wasn’t sure on how the drag would feel and probably could’ve done another 50lbs on this but this was nice. Much easier to turn this around compared to the tire sled and chains. Probably helped that I could complete these runs in like a third of the time I did those haha. My fastest set was number six and I think that was because someone was walking down the street and I wanted to beat them to the finish haha. Get in good work and not be too stressful on the joints. I like how when I do a lot of sets of these, the friction can heat up some of the tar in the street. Feels bad ass haha. I definitely felt I could do another ten sets at this pace. Maybe another twenty. Got finished and stretched while cooling down. Hopefully the evening would be good. Now I just need to rest, recover and not do anything stupid for at least a week.

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