Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September 24, 2019 – Week 16, Day 1

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

Swiss Bar Push Presses


Comments: Another deloadish week I guess. Essentially got in three hard workouts before time to reel it back. I’ve gone to the chiro three times so far in the past week. Plan is one more tomorrow to be on the safe side so that I can get things done as far as decompression of the spine, stretching and getting the disc bulge to calm down. Left shoulder is sore and achy. It was like this the last time I did fingal fingers. It’s still not feeling that great from when I took the sandbag to the shoulder. Been told anything from AC sprain to bursitis and both require rest and anti-inflammatories. Not sure how much I can rest it as the last time I did extended rest, I started to get problems in my shoulders not doing anything. Just going to have to keep an eye on things. Noticing that usually these deloads are somewhat heavy overhead, speed squats and then sled work to finish things off. Seems to work fine for most of the time. But hard to say with overhead as sometimes it is great. Log has been really hit or miss though and it’s been in most of the contests I’ve done. Block press (was much lighter on that deload) and circus dumbbell have gone well. Just hoping I wasn’t too beat from Saturday’s workout to put in a good effort and to not have this workout knock me out of things again. Warmed up on the AMT. I felt good. Heart rate really jumped up there at the end to 149BPM. All the movement stuff and stretches after that. Felt fine. Shoulders needed the kettlebell arm bar holds today. The ideal plan would be doing viking press on this day. But I don’t have one at the Y as previously noted and I no longer can set up one like I used to with the new rack. So it was going to be axle work but then I figured after seeing my friend Brian doing swiss bar work for his viking press training that I could do that too. Today the plan was work up in doubles to a top set and then do drop sets to get a total of 15 reps across the sets. I did a set of 20 with 5lbs dumbbells before moving to the swiss bar out of the rack. This thing is awful on overhead. The balance is different, the ROM is greater and it doesn’t really rest on your body like say any other implement. Besides viking press. So have that constant time under tension with this thing. But I really forgot how sucky this was. So much so that I haven’t done this lift in 9 years I think haha. Everything felt heavy on my shoulders and chest but I kept powering it up there so I didn’t let that “weight” on my chest get to me. I really wanted to do two plates and quarter for the top set and took 30lbs jumps. 175lbs felt unlawfully heavy but I kept going. I wanted to hit five reps and then do 2 more sets of five for the drop set. I know that the viking press at the show is going to be repfest if I’m on point. Didn’t want to fail today. Don’t want to have a missed rep like the wagon wheel deads. I felt I could do it on that first rep. Four reps going fine but number five I pushed out in front of me. I had to resettle and go again with a deeper dip and drive. Got it but boy that was tough. I had only planned on dropping off 20lbs but after that, I knew I needed to take more off so 50lbs it was. And I just barely got that fifth rep. I wasn’t expecting to drop it so much so I had to take off weight and put on smaller plates for the last set. That was easy enough. Good work I think. Shoulders are going to be made at me but the rest of the week should be smooth and I just need to keep the recovery work up. Home to stretch and eat pot roast.

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