Mobility Prep
16” Front Box Squats
Wide Grip Deadlifts
Added Straps
Back Raise Bench Sit-ups
Comments: Body is raw. I feel like newly molted tarantula.
Scary strong but total spongey right now. Lot of muscle soreness. But taking
some time off my joints seem to not be so achy. Haven’t had to ice or buff
stuff so far this week. Right foot (the one I dropped 310lbs on) had ached a
few days but not anymore. Just some light bruising. But tired. I didn’t want to
really workout with how light it was to be but I got to as I got very few
training weeks of actual weight for these next two competitions. Even having
the motivation of racing against the clock by putting a roast in the oven wasn’t
enough to really motivate me to get off my duff and workout. I think a majority
of my fooling around time after work was trying to get my new printer to work
after get all these stupid ink cartridges. Still not working. I don’t got time
for this during the week haha. So out to the gym, racing against the clock. I’d
have an overcooked roast if I was tardy. AMT to warm-up. Heart rate up to 144bpm. I was expecting to
be higher. I was actually not going to check. Most of my movement prep and
stretching was fine but then I did some bodyweight box squats and my quads
wanted to murder me. Happens when they get a little deconditioned not doing
them for a week three times a week I guess. But it wasn’t going to be an issue
with the workout anyways. First up being front box squats. Just working up to
225lbs for three triples. No real knee issues today so that was great. Just did
quarter-plate jumps. I took shorter rests than I usually do on these as it was
lighter and I needed to move fast. No hard belts today. As is usually the case,
last set felt the best. No breathing issues here. Tried to move quickly on to
wide grip deads. A little unusual having a set with the empty bar. I figured no
straps for that and more of a warm-up. Straps on for the next two sets (plate
jumps). Lower back and hamstrings still very toasty from competing. I was
worried I miscounted on the last set and only did four reps. Rest was just
however long it took to add weight. No belts of any kind for these. Finished up
with the back raise bench situps. I like these after the back stuff to work the
abs and relieve some tension in the spine. Second set felt better but was
tougher if the makes sense. I rushed home for a slightly overcooked roast and
ate dinner before stretching out and hitting the hay.
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