Wednesday, September 18, 2019

September 17, 2019 – Week 15, Day 1

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

Narrow Grip Bench Presses w/ Chains (28lbs)
No Chains
Added Chains

Neutral Grip Precor Chest Supported Rows

Standing Tate Presses


Comments: Might have jumped back into things a bit too soon. Lower back hasn’t forgiven me for the heavier viking press stuff. Got a bit of compression I think in the disc and muscles spasms so trying to manage that. Walked on Monday after work. Been trying to keep my calories up. Had meant to use TENS unit but I lost track of time and was hoping I wouldn’t need it. Shoulders have been angry at me, especially the right one from the javelin throws. So not very high energy going into the gym today for this workout. I knew that even not feeling so great I could put in work with how things were setup. Right middle finger taped due to the wound from friction burn on arm-over-arm. More to keep it covered and not have open exposed skin in the gym or at work. Warmed up on the AMT. Heart rate peaked at 155bpm. It had gone up pretty darn fast at the start so I’m surprised it didn’t go higher. Again. I know that I got some pain/stress as I got an eye twitch going. Movement prep stuff felt mostly good. Had to wait a little bit for a bench to open up for the start of the workout. Close grip benching with chains again. Back down to two plates for the working sets. Trying to work on speed here. Quarter, plate, quarter jumps. Bigger jumps don’t always feel that great though and usually the first work set feels rough. It was feeling ok today though. I was worried with the back and my right shoulder. Anxious, just waiting for my back to start hurting and have pain relapse again and/or have my shoulders tear and/or explode. The more I did, the warmer my shoulders felt. I’ve been feeling pretty good about pushing out negative thoughts as of late so to have things resurging isn’t great but I feel like I have healthier ways of coping now. I was taking shorter rests than I did before. Only time that was interrupted was when the bench behind me had a spotter and his legs hit my head as I was preparing to unrack so I had to wait until that was done before going again. After that was the chest supported rows. Back to normal style finally. Goal was a 6rm. I had this stupid notion of doing 480lbs, so essentially starting with a plate and 10lbs a side and adding plates all the way up. I figured that this would give me a gauge of where I was as I worked up. I’d have a good idea of where I was with the sets of 300lbs and 390lbs if 480lbs felt like it was happening. This felt like something I had to try if I wanted to stand a chance at getting a heavy stone at the next show (aiming for 491lbs stone). 390lbs was tough but I felt I had more. But I made sure that I put on my copper knee sleeves on my arms and chalked up my hands. Mental thing with the sleeves. That first rep was a bear. Just so much weight. The pull just took my breath away and I had to regroup. I had felt the gravity and I went to work on the next reps. Most weight I’ve attempted on this. Getting close to 500lbs on this thing. It will happen one day. Last thing was triceps exercise. Sticking with the standing tate presses again. I like how strong they make my lockouts feel. I felt that rather than doing straight weight and sets like the first two times, I’d increase the weight. It would be the same volume and tonnage but I’d try and do 10lbs more per hand than I’ve ever done on this exercise. Strange thing, the 55lbs set felt tougher than the 65lbs set. I was taking “social media” breaks at this point as it wasn’t much rest if I just switched the dumbbells and put away the plates on the row. 75lbs per hand felt very challenging. Maybe because the dumbbells were slipping on my shirt haha. Home to stretch and hopefully recover while eating.

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