Saturday, September 28, 2019

September 28, 2019 – Week 16, Day 3

5 Minutes Sled Drag (55lbs for .25 miles)

Mobility Prep

Prowler Pushes (1 minute rests)


Comments: I didn’t feel like I did a lot on Thursday evening. But my body felt like a wreck Friday. First half of the day it was like my allergies were acting up but thankfully that stopped. My hips, quads and hamstrings were really tight so despite feeling tired, I made myself walk. I think that knowing that I could sleep in the next day kept me up later. This was going to be another sled workout and since I wasn’t going to be doing any other stuff, meant it made more sense to stay home for the workout. And I slept like a boss. Very close to 13.5hrs. Just been putting it off. Not healthy I know. Better to get that out today then the next day. I was really, really slow to getting up and going. I mean, I did get up at just before 1:30PM so it wasn’t like I had a lot of daylight after eating. My left glute and hip area (sciatic stuff) was feeling inflamed and I was hoping that ibuprofen and heating pad would loosen things up but not really. This was going to be a very low impact workout so I needed to get this over with. No sense pushing this on to tomorrow and be miserable and mopey about things. Not healthy and it is unnecessary. I won’t tolerate it either. And maybe moving around will help things and I’ll have an excuse to do some stretching afterwards. First thing was my sled drag warm-up. It was odd in that it was warm and humid out, not what I’d expect for early fall. Felt fine enough with the warm-up and the movement prep stuff. I figured out a way to get the kettlebell setup to be heavier with what I got. Still feels light compared to what I use at the gym(s). Stuff seemed to be moving well. Just would prefer if I didn’t have to be cautious about how the disc issue is. Almost like putting a handicap on myself and that’s not good. Fear is the mind killer as it were. So prowler pushing for this workout. 10 sets of 100’ with a minute rest. I figured I’d go with 4 plates total on the prowler. I was a little nervous with how my shoulders would take with having been so beat up from last Saturday. No issues here. Just felt a little slow on that first set to warm-up. Again, using a roast in the oven to keep me on pace haha. I knew I was going to be a sweaty mess so I put a hand towel in my waistband to dry off between sets. Felt good when I was done. I was sweaty and out of breath. I mean this was 20lbs more than I’ve used for this workout before. I spent a good 10 minutes toweling off inside after I was done before I felt it was safe enough to stretch without having a puddle of sweat follow me through my house. My hope is that I can rest and recover well this coming week though things could get crazy from non strongman related stuff.

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