Sunday, July 28, 2019

July 27, 2019 – Week 8, Day 3

5 Minutes NordicTrack Elliptical

Mobility Prep

McMTS Viking Presses

18” I-Beam Farmer’s Walk
Turns at 50’
137x150’ in 21.48 seconds
227x150’ in 30.22 seconds
No Turns
307x100’ in 18.80 seconds

BiggDoggStrongg Frame Hold
590 for 50.68 seconds

Sandbag Over Bar (60”)

Vehicle Push (uphill)


Comments: Another early Saturday. Trying to do this so that I can try and beat the heat when it is at its worst and so that I can actually do stuff when I get home. Or at least have the time to do that. I really didn’t want to get up early. Even though I went to bed at a somewhat reasonable hour the night before, I didn’t feel rested at all. Even after my morning coffee I still felt tried and I had a full day planned. Brought everything I could need for the day to cover the bases. Drive out was pretty good besides the 6 miles or so where the highway splits into express lane and not express lane. No passing and stuff behind someone going like 10 miles under the normal flow of traffic speed. Fair number of people training. Mostly the people that are newer and train with the one owner that competes. There seem to be short spurts of large groups but they rarely are there very long. I travel a good distance so I have to make sure I get my money’s worth in. Usual routine of warming up in the cardio room in the dark. I reversed stride every 75 seconds as that seems to be better for my knee. Warmed up with the usual movement prep stuff and stretching. I felt good despite the knee. I wasn’t going to let that stop me on anything. Figuring that I could rest tomorrow and have the deep tissue massage for Monday after work that I could push the upper end on things. First thing for the session was viking press. Ideally, this would be done during the week like the other pressing but I don’t have a viking press at the Y and the power rack I had used to do a makeshift one in the past is gone so I can’t reasonably do one there anymore. But the strongman gym has one so rather than substitute it, might as well move things and use it. It might be the one that’s used at the contest in October as well. I wasn’t able to use it right away (it can double as a conan’s wheel so it was being used) so caught up with nonsense with my lifting friends. I did some overhead stuff with dumbbells to see how my knee was dealing and so that the first lift didn’t bother my shoulder. Leading up to this session, I had been testing things out to see how this felt and try and figure out some numbers. I’ve done viking press twice in competition, on different apparatuses each time. Both times I trained for it on a makeshift setup and really had to compare. Most aren’t going to know what the weight in hand is and just make guesses. I did testing on this one and found it was 80lbs empty in hand, variance between at the shoulders and overhead was maybe a kilogram different and whatever was added to it was 52% added to the weight in hands. So I got some data to work with. Not 100% but that doesn’t matter. So the goal for the day here was work up to a top triple and then do a down set with a weight I could hit for 10-15 reps. Initially, I was going to just do 20lbs jumps as this has felt like crap the previous two weeks just moving it around empty and with 50lbs on it. It didn’t feel like that today so I figured hell, just do 40lbs jumps as that is about a 20lbs increase in hand. Advice I had been given was to be like Travis Ortmayer and have my body like a spring. I’m usually pretty good at that on reps if the weight is light. Really trying to do these with no double dip. Usually not a rule for amateur but don’t know. Besides, this style with the push press will build the shoulders better. I realized this might take some time with how the first set felt. I had a few goals that I wanted to try and achieve here. The main thing was that the contest in October has 300lbs for the weight. No clue if that will be what they think in total, the weight added or the weight in hand. So I figured that I’d try and get it for each of those markers. While the movement up and down is fairly smooth, the weight loading section is very unstable so it moves around a lot, making this quite difficult as the weight increases. I managed to get the apparatus with +360lbs on it for a triple. I thought that I could get +400lbs but no, I was just lucky to get a single. 300lbs in hand based off my calculation is definitely there come contest for a single. Did some math to figure out what would be a decent weight for the rep set that I would get at least 10 on but not more than 15. It appears I got it just right. Couldn’t just press and go as I had to let the weight stabilize at the top a few times. This felt like good work. I had been fully prepared to put on knee braces for this but didn’t need it. Farmer’s walk stuff next. Adding 10lbs to everything from last time. Outside again as the one lane is partially blocked by the fingal finger. I was about an hour later than I was expecting to be doing this. Maybe 2hrs as the sun was out in full force. I elected to use mostly bumper plates that when it was time to take them back in, it wouldn’t burn my hands. Also so that even on my light set, the weights would be the same diameter and I couldn’t keep them as close to my body. Draped a towel over the handles too in between sets. Hand truck appears to have been overloaded as the bottom was warped and bent. Made moving the I-beams a little trickier. With how my knee felt and how sore my legs felt, I had to be smart with my warming up. And that went well. The light set with the turns went well. I felt I could control the turns better. The weight wasn’t turning me, I was actively turning it. Also the song “The Distance” by Cake plays in my head literally every time I do these with the multiple turns. This actually ended up to be faster than last time. I had trouble slowing down at the end with how sore my legs still are from the 20 rep box squat and the jack stand pulls. As great as that first set felt, the second set with 90lbs more garbage slow. My grip held up but I was really slow. I could tell it was slow. Ended up being a little over 30 seconds total. Hopefully the 307lbs set doesn’t feel like that. This felt like it was going to pop right out of my hands as soon as I took my first step but I kept going and finished this solid. So after that was the frame hold. 10lbs more than last time so 600lbs. I really took my time putting the farmer’s walk stuff away so that my grip could recover. Nobody really uses the frame so it gets stuff in front of it and in it all the time. Had to move the wheelbarrow and grill out of the way. There were rubber mats sandwiched between it and the wall and apparently this added some “resistance” I had to overcome to stand up with it. Not the best thing when trying to do a grip hold for time. I felt like this felt much better compared to the previous two sessions. But it was not to be. Ended up losing it just after passing 50 seconds. I’ve done a minute with this weight before but I have to take into consideration that the last time, it had been after only a few 50’ runs on farmer’s walks and when it was much cooler. I got to take into consideration the heat making grip a bit tougher and that I’m essentially pre-fatiguing with the longer distance stuff. Just have to keep at this and hope that come competition, it will be super compensated. Next was sandbag loads. No want to do. Never want to do. These are terrible. No real fast way to do them. It’s going to be a slog. Plan was 250lbs – 275lbs for a set of 10 reps. Well, I did 250lbs last time. Have to keep pushing. Copper knee sleeves were on my knees today so I had thought about doing the 3/4th sleeve shirt again like I had done with the keg carry EMOM. Also help with the sweat.  My right biceps felt tight and I knew I wasn’t going to be rushing these. Just go at my own pace and finish when I finish. I got six reps before I had to start taking a breather that was more than just me walking to the other side of the yoke. I was trying my best to keep a more neutral spine on these. Getting lazy from being tried with the sandbags is probably what contributed to the most recent pain relapse in December. That and overly tight hamstrings which I’ve been working on like crazy. Rep eight it slipped down in my lap before I attempted the load and it resulted in my having to shove it over with my body. I wasn’t going to finish if I did that again. Got the next two over with no problem. Other than being wiped. Last thing for the day was vehicle push. Mike had been kind enough to stick around so I could push his truck again. It has nice handholds and is much heavier than the little car from last time. I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to keep pushing for the full minute with how tired I felt but I did and managed almost 40’ more than last time I did it with his car. Took a bit for me to cool down. Spent some more time talking crap with friends before heading home to stretch.

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