Thursday, July 18, 2019

July 17, 2019 – Week 7, Day 1

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Mobility Prep

12” Log Clean and Strict Presses (1 clean)

250x24 PR+3 reps

Precor Pec Flyes


Comments: Workout for this week was pushed out a bit to accommodate things I had planned. Those ended up being adjusted as I could’ve done my workout on my usual day but with how my shoulder was feeling and I didn’t have anything prepared it made sense to wait another day. Hot and muggy. Got up to 95 and then it was raining. Not sure how that works haha. I had a certain nervous energy today. Work was very busy and stressful. The nervous energy was something where I felt like there might be a small tremor from an earthquake under the ground. On the drive to the gym, I had put my hazard lights on because I thought a tree had fallen on powerlines causing a delay but that’s just how that tree has always been. I know when I have this kind of nervous energy I will either have a great workout or a terrible one. No in-between. AMT to start off the session. 155bpm highest reading. A bit higher than I would’ve liked. The upstairs is not as well ventilated as the downstairs and it was really muggy there. I went back downstairs to do my movement and stretching regiment, otherwise I was going to be sweating to death for no reason. Log for today was singles on the clean and strict press. No set jumps this time. I had a goal in mind of 270lbs so best option was 30lbs jumps from the empty log. This would set me up to hit an all-time best clean and strict press on log. The two risers I was using were gone so I ended up using the bumper plates. I was feeling good on these. I did a set with 5lbs dumbbells for ten just to get the shoulders used to the movement. Don’t need a lot of weight as seen with using the PVC for the axle. Just need reps in the movement to keep the shoulder happy. 240lbs didn’t feel as powerful as I’d want to insure that 270lbs was going up but I watched the video and it just got out in front a little but was strong. Figured that chalking up my shirt (I’d brought a shirt with a decal to combat the sweat factor). That did the trick. My right knee shifted a little on me lapping the log. I felt some hesitation. Bullet time feel but it went up after a slight pause as my triceps and shoulders took over from my chest and it went up with authority. Definitely more there. Pleased that it is progressing. Need strong shoulder for fighting with the heavies and super heavies. Hopefully this translates over to my log push pressing. Took a bit for my body to calm down from that excitement and it was on to the reps of back and chest. Pulldowns up next. Same weight and sets as last time but aiming for more reps with 250lbs. I was feeling a little fatigued as I was working up. I think I was taking less rest really until I got to the top set. I felt good after 220lbs for a good showing. First rep with 250lbs was really easy but I felt like the seat was too high and I was paranoid and adjusted it one as I thought someone had changed it while I wasn’t looking. Stupid as the setting I had it one was the same for all the sets and the right one. I was just being pulled up by the weight. Even with that mess up, I recovered and got a lot of reps. Pec flyes after that and upstairs. Not as muggy now that a fair number of people had left and temperature outside had dropped by at least 10 degrees. Right biceps was acting up a little so cautious on these today. I figured start lighter and do an extra set to work up to the top weight to make sure. Good thing as the really light set I felt my right biceps having to adjust to it. Once that was done, it was fairly smooth sailing from there. Only 5lbs more on the top set but I still did well on the reps. This was my limit, much like last time. So good workout and got burritos for dinner. Stretched and iced my knees as my right knee was a little stiff from the log.

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