Sunday, July 14, 2019

July 13, 2019 – Week 6, Day 3

5 Minutes NordicTrack Elliptical

Mobility Prep

Sandbag Tosses (over 15’)

Sandbag Rows

EMOM Medley (20, on turf)
Sandbag Carry – 250x50’
Keg Carry – 250x50’
Prowler 2 Push – 195x50’
Prowler 2 Drag – 195x50’
Sandbag Carry – 250x50’
Keg Carry – 250x50’
Prowler 2 Push – 195x50’
Prowler 2 Drag – 195x50’
Sandbag Carry – 250x50’
Keg Carry – 250x50’
Prowler 2 Push – 195x50’
Prowler 2 Drag – 195x50’
Sandbag Carry – 250x50’
Keg Carry – 250x50’
Prowler 2 Push – 195x50’
Prowler 2 Drag – 195x50’
Sandbag Carry – 250x50’
Keg Carry – 250x50’
Prowler 2 Push – 195x50’
Prowler 2 Drag – 195x50’


Comments: Another training session with it get above 90 degrees. I felt like I slept well the night before and woke up before my alarm went off. Didn’t need to use the snooze button either. Guess that’s what happens when you are rested. I was seriously considering staying home and just doing the workout at my house. Reason being that odds were high the gym would be crowded and this workout was probably going to take a long time to setup and have space available than it was to actually do it. I could go for a sled drag around the block to warm-up, do keg toss instead of sandbag toss and go from there. I think the thought hit me when I realized I’d still have to go an fill up my car before driving out to train. I ended up driving though when I realized that I didn’t have a keg close to 250lbs. I had thought my one keg was close but turns out it was like 25lbs lighter than I thought it was and my other keg is 296lbs. So driving it out it was. Then traffic. Apparently a lane was closed and was to be closed until tomorrow evening. My traffic app wasn’t connecting to the service and it kept saying stay on course. I took an exit and planned to go on the freeway again. Then I was thinking, why do I want to pay more money to do a workout that I could do at home? I just said I’d just do the sandbag carry twice instead of keg. Thankfully, the GPS started working and let me know that by taking the exit I would be past the traffic for the construction if I got back on. Smooth sailing from there. It was bright and hot today. Had to drink a fair amount of fluids before I even started warming up. I had worn a ¾ sleeve shirt to see if that kept the sweat off my forearms better. Kept the lights off for the elliptical. Despite my knee being achy, this felt better than it did last week. Movement prep stuff and stretching felt pretty good. Then lifting things. The sandbag tosses I added to this workout again. Advised to do no more than five, including any misses. I wasn’t expecting any with 30lbs. The camera tripod was so broken that the person that owns it took it home so I had Mike film. I wanted to see how my ankles looked and how high it was going. I took shorter rests since it was beastly hot out there and I was having him film it with no break. First toss was the best. I feel like I’m getting my ankles to move but watching the video and hearing from Mike, it’s like an inch at most. Second toss was ok, the third wasn’t great as I held on to the bag too long. Fourth was pure garbage as it got more than enough height but the trajectory was off so it didn’t go over. I rushed the fifth to just get this over with and got that over. Other than that first toss, not pleased with these. Sandbag rows next. Still to be treating these as warm-ups for the majority of the workout (EMOMstrocity).  Not feeling the power on these today. Supposed to do 10, 8, and then 6. Figured I’d just do 50lbs jumps. Maybe the bad sandbag tosses were bugging me. Right biceps didn’t feel great on the 200lbs sandbag so I took a break to make sure that it was nothing. Did some foam rolling on that arm before finishing things up. I was doing these the short way as I’ve been doing the loads the long ways. Change things up and train both. 250lbs felt better on my arm but I was not keen on the rest of the day with the EMOM for 20 minutes again. Plan was to do 50lbs more on the sandbag and keg from last time and more weight on the prowler. I was initially going to add 50lbs to that as well but the weight I used last time as brief warm-up felt tougher than I expected so went with just 30lbs more on that. It was busy so I ended up moving everything into the wind tunnel corridor so everything was on turf this time. I needed a bit more warming up for this besides sandbag rows. Did some jogging and sprints, followed by some foam rolling and doing some short carries with 200lbs on both the sandbag and the keg. I had been lazy this week and hadn’t taken my copper knee sleeves out of the drier this week so I had to hope that the longer sleeves on the shirt I had today would protect my lower biceps from the keg kisses. With how I was feeling, I was kind of dreading this. Worried I’d just bomb it on that first pick of the sandbag. No chalk, I’ve found that only when it is grip related is it good idea with this much heat and sweat. Gets mixed with my sweat and becomes useless. I can just dry my skin with a towel before I go and I’ll be good for that short time. But the EMOM was good. Keg and sandbag felt fine, even with 50lbs more on it and it being over 90 degrees. First run is always slower than the second and third round. Fourth and fifth is where it slows down. Some of that fluctuated as my last run of the drag was actually my fastest. I know the keg was slower on some because I was trying to avoid running over Ellie, the service dog during round three and four haha. I always feel like I did work after these longer EMOM workouts. I just kept sweating for a good bit after that. I stretched before heading home (also helped out with other people training). I know my knees will need the ice packs. Left shoulder was feeling wonky again and I’m not sure why as it wasn’t until I took a moment to relax that it did. Maybe the sandbag toss aggravated it (not doing them anymore this prep as I get more event specific) or it if was trying to find a good setup on the viking press with it empty. I got few days to recover (off Sunday, chiro Monday) before training commences on Wednesday.

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