Friday, October 9, 2020

October 8, 2020 – Week 8, Day 2

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)
Mobility Prep
Goblet Squats to Box (15”)
Added Straps
Ab Wheel
Paused Side Plank Raises
Comments: Felt like stuff was conspiring to make this workout not a good one. High winds the day before and I started to feel allergies acting up before bed so nasal spray before bed and then again in the morning. Head a little hazy so trying to remember if I did any icing or more aggressive soft tissue work the day before. Lower back stiff on the left side. Left ankle decided to feel crappy right before I got ready to train. Since this was no bands week for the deadlift, I didn’t have to worry about setting things up but that also makes me lazy. I didn’t start my lifting until about an hour later than I usually do if I start right after work. Body felt a little better moving around and walking. Very small improvements in the one knee as far as pain tolerance but it is improving. Despite it being fairly warm, I didn’t put on fans as I knew it would be getting dark soon since I started training later this evening. No mosquitos which was surprising considering the past few trainings. Goblet squats again. The next jump up is 70lbs and honestly, the lighter weights feel fine and good. Then deadlift time. The week with no bands or platforms. This is a bit different from the others as this is a percentage rather than just adding 20-10lbs to the previous cycles lifts. So a bit harder to gauge as this will be a bigger jump in weights as this was to be 85% for the five singles. Originally, this would’ve been 467lbs based off 550lbs but with how things felt the last time, that projected number was adjusted. Based off of that max of 570lbs, the weight I would be using was more appropriate of 485lbs or so. Lower back felt so stiff warming up with the bar. Reps I could just feel my lower back fatigued. Felt better with singles and as I put on more lumbar support. Trying to not rocket the weight up. I felt a little slow this time. Camera said the bar speed was good with 405lbs despite feeling slow off the floor. Put on straps for 445lbs. Not that I felt they were needed here but I wanted to feel the straps and how that pull felt. Felt pretty good. Comparable to 455lbs last time I did no bands. So then up to 485lbs. Not sure what to expect here. First one moved ok. Second pull I feel was my best of the night. It felt good and powerful and I was bit excited (though trying to keep composed). So I wasn’t expecting the next two pulls to feel so not as good. They move ok but the third pull I seemed to have to shift to the left to get above my knees and shift to the right on the fourth pull. I’m not sure what that was all about. I was thinking maybe I had made the stance too narrow those times? Last pull was better. I’d say 2nd best of the pulls with how it moved and felt. I still feel like such a newbie with deadlifting despite doing this for most of my life. I should be happy I have some progress here as far as form and having the weight not make me what to give up. But I also remember a time when I could do 495lbs for 10x3 with about a minute rest between sets. This is the one thing I don’t know if I can get ready for US Nats 2021 in time. Even if I had another decade. But that’s my problem. Could see it was getting dark in between each set. I took a break to tear down stuff. I wasn’t in a rush as the pot roast I had cooking was larger than usual and I had started it later in the morning than I had planned. Give me a chance to get liquids in. Ab wheel given a rep range now of 20-25 reps. After talking with Mr. Westerling about progression, I decided that even with this range, I’d just aim for 1 extra rep each session. So even though I could do 25, I went for just 21 reps. Since I mentioned how easy the side plank raises had gotten, I was told to do them with a second hold at the top of each rep and see if I could maintain the reps. This was much tougher but I did it. I stretched before I ate pot roast and about fell asleep after eating it.

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