Wednesday, October 28, 2020

October 27, 2020 – Week 11, Day 1

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)
Mobility Prep
Lock Big 3
Axle Clean and Push Presses
Axle Push Presses
Rack Chins (yoke, straps)
Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses
Band External Rotations
Comments: It has been damp and rainy the past two days. Today it decided to be sunny for a bit. Enough to dry things out and my garage lights were working again. Been pretty lucky with weather these past few months with not having to change up my workout routine days training outside in the elements. Lower back on the left side still a bit stiff from sandbag. To be expected. Getting dark out sooner so the sun that was out was mostly gone by the time I started doing the warm-ups. The one drill is a bear for the knee health. It wasn’t so bad when I was doing like half the depth/ROM but it is an event in its own right. Rest of the prep is pretty easy compared to it. I can tell my conditioning to the reps is getting better. My left shoulder is still not a fan of parts of the dumbbell stuff but it is getting better. More manageable. The issues feel less each time and I’m feeling like I’m better at control and constant tension. Hardest to do that on the first of the three. Axle for today. Finally working up to a weight that has some heft to it. Rather than do just the 15lbs increase to top weight, I went with the actual percentage (75%) so that required 2lbs more. It was getting dark out pretty quick so I was trying to make haste. Mostly good on this. My plan was to implement a belt for the last set. I needed to see if my new belt would work or not for axle clean and press. My last weight jump prior to the top weight didn’t go smoothly. I was bit more methodical on the top weight so no issues there. It was getting really dark and brought out a little halogen lantern so that it wasn’t completely pitch black besides the lights from the windows and patio. Push pressing out of the rack. Not sure why unracking feels weird on my knees versus catching in the rack from a clean. I felt some hesitancy on that first rep. Video says these were all easy reps. I think the third set I was off to the one side a little as my left shoulder felt a bit stiff. Hard to gauge with no knurling at night. Not sure if the last set was the fastest but it felt like my best and strongest reps. Into the garage with some light on the subject. Rack chins again. As discussed, going up a rep on each set for progression. Something seems to have clicked after last time’s session as I was feeling good on these and was doing some good constant tension for a majority of each set. I could feel fatigue building each set and my lower biceps were feeling stress. Not like a bad stress. Like the joints and ligaments were getting a good workout with blood flow. Incline dumbbell benching after that. Making sure I got the reps I was supposed to this time around. These felt a little tough this time. Maybe because getting into good weight on the push pressing. 193lbs strict pressing is quite different from 232lbs push pressing with same volume. Video suggests that the difficulty was in my head. Making sure I’m pressing in a plane of motion to recruit the upper chest and shoulders. No real funky feeling like last time to distract me. Definitely feeling the chest on these today. I think I figured out the band rotations thing. I do them at the end of every upper body workout but noticing that they are tougher to do after incline benching versus slingshot dips. One requires more external rotator recruitment I guess haha. So as would be the case, they felt tough today. More so the one side than the other but both really close in difficulty. Stretched and cooked dinner and iced the knees. They are going to need it.

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