Sunday, October 18, 2020

October 17, 2020 – Week 9, Day 3

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)
Mobility Prep
NY Barbell Yoke
180x50’ in 5.47 seconds
270x50’ in 5.37 seconds
360x50’ in 6.19 seconds
450x50’ in 6.64 seconds
500x25’ in 4.29 seconds
540x25’ in 4.33 seconds
580x50’ in 7.58 seconds
580x50’ in 8.22 seconds
Sandbag Rows
Stone of Steel Loads (62”, tacky towel)
Comments: These are strange times. Lower back, hips, knees are stiff and/or achy. The lower back stuff isn’t as bad as it was at the end of training two weeks ago so it is tolerable. Hamstrings are tight. I didn’t ice them the day before but I did make a point of foam rolling them out for a good bit the day before. I guess I didn’t ice my knees as I figured if I was needing to do that every day, isn’t that an issue? But I guess I need to keep up daily maintenance to keep going. I’d like to get in 12 weeks without having to take an easy day or week. Maybe the other aches are taking my mind off the elbow and shoulder stuff or that is actually finally recovering and healing. But damn, should it be taking almost 2 months for stuff to recover? I’m getting older and I feel like I’m already 40 with the aches. Late start to the day as is usually the case for Saturday training at home. Cooler than I expected but that is more my house taking a long time to heat up when it is cold at night and gets warmer in the afternoon. My body was feeling really stiff too after getting a lot of sleep. Joints achy walking. Catching last day of nationals on livestream. Some regrets not trying this year but I think it was the smart decision. Training weights are mostly around 70% of contest. I’d have zeroed every event on Day 2 at this time. Over my 1rm on overhead events for reps and top 10 guys pulling over 800lbs raw. It can be mighty discouraging. And outside of the ability aspect of myself (past four months have been rough mentally) I’m concerned that it could be a “super spreader” as the proposed guidelines advertised for safety weren’t enforced or followed. I remember how sick I got from 2017 Nats with the flu. Any ways, on to training. Movement prep mostly good. I feel I can progress slightly on the knee rehab/prehab stuff for next week. So yoke for this training. As mentioned, dropping to top weight for 2 sets now. My one neighbor had a leaf pile near her driveway. I usually use the length of street up to that point for marking 50’ as it lines up just right with certain cracks in the concrete. So I didn’t want to keep ruining that pile with the yoke sliding into it on downhill sets, I elected to move the course up the street a good bit. So lot of sweeping up debris out of the way and off my own driveway to make moving weights on the hand truck easier. Knees achier than usual on yoke today so it took a bit of warming up. My quads felt “flabby” on the first set. No other way to really describe it. Didn’t feel solid. I will say that I’m not noticing calf stress like usual on moving events as I have the past few weeks and I think that has to do with the calf exercise change in the mobility warm-ups. Also took a few sets of yoke for my traps and shoulders to not be so tense. Second set felt fine. Set with 450lbs I felt like it was shaking me a lot and eventually near the end I just let go of the yoke rather than fighting it. Ended up being a little slower than I had thought it felt. Since only two top sets, I figured that I had best do the first working set downhill and the last one uphill. Main reason being that it is easier to move the weights back inside with the yoke closer to the driveway. I can’t move the yoke around easy like I can the farmer’s handles with the hand truck. So rather than trying to do an in-between run for 450lbs and 580lbs, I did half runs with smaller jumps. Work on that start speed and get a total of 50’ out of the two runs. First run felt like crap off the start. Better the second run. Working set, I felt like I was moving on that first set. I knew I was slower on the second set by a good bit. I didn’t expect my times to be that much higher than last time. I was hoping I had another training session before I was slowing down this much. But I don’t know these things until later with timing so on to the next thing. So sandbag rows followed after packing stuff up into the garage. Lower back and glutes and abdominals didn’t feel like they did last time so that was a relief. Knees weren’t bothering me either. The sandbag stuff on the other weeks is getting heavier now so sandbag rows on this week are kind of maintenance mode to help with getting warmed up for stone of steel work. Sets of eight and they felt comfortable. Stone of steel time after that. Again, plan being work up to 5 EMOM singles with more weight than last time. Advised 5-10lbs more. I was going with 10lbs (as close as it will let me I guess) as I wanted to have it be plate jumps up to the max 45lbs I can fit in the implement. It has been many weeks to get back up to this weight range. Back and knees weren’t bothering me this time around. Extensions are becoming tough at this point. I was wondering if 4 plates was a bit much with how my last single to warm-up felt. As with last time, I used the old tacky towel and then used the fresher one for the working weight. The toughest one of the day was the first one as I didn’t quite clear the bar and I instinctively grabbed the yoke to shove it over. Picks and lapping felt really easy today. The extension never feels easy. I was hesitating less as I went with the initial pick too. Each single was faster than the previous one. Made dinner, stretched, ate dinner and then finished stretching. Iced my knees before bed.

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