5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)
Mobility Prep
Goblet Squats to Box (15”)
2” Platform Deadlifts w/ bands
No Bands
Added Bands (+21lbs bottom/+114lbs top)
Added Straps
Ab Wheel
Paused Side Plank Raises
Comments: My shoulders were really stiff after training Tuesday upon waking Wednesday. Thankfully that stiffness went away. Didn’t end up doing as much soft tissue work as I wanted but I at least got stuff done on my lower back and hamstrings. Stiff got tightness and discomfort in the left side from having the disc bulge pressure but that is to be expected since it took like two weeks to get stuff to settle down enough to be able to traction it with the weighted dips. I’m just glad that even with that going on, it didn’t hamper my training. It has been a very warm week for late October. I had switched to heating after it was getting below 60 in the house but now it is back up to high 60’s, low 70’s and I’m not keen on during the A/C back on haha. Allergies were acting up in the morning but thankfully only nasal spray needed to stop that nonsense. I had made sure to ice my knees yesterday and do so early in the day today. Walking felt ok. Some lower leg aches and stiffness. The knee intensive part of the movement and warm-up stuff is still difficult but I am adapting. The adjustment was stark last time. It is still very tough but it will improve in time. Lights weren’t working today as it had been raining in the early morning so damp so not the best lighting in the garage. I probably should’ve put the fans on to keep from being a sweaty mess but again, might as well enjoy it while it lasts. Goblet squats to start things off today. Achy knees. Second set seemed to feel slightly better. Still getting a lower back pump from these higher reps going from goblet squats to deadlifts but not as bad as it was the last two weeks. Probably due to getting my back to loosen up a tad. Banded deadlifts after that, as has been the case for the past 9 weeks. I had set things up prior to training to cut down on workout time as I have been doing. Like last week, I did a lighter set than I usually do with the bands because I have those 10lbs bumper plates now. More build up sets, more volume added. Now the plan was only to do 5lbs more than last time as this week and next week are hard lifts to do and trying to keep upping the weights each time so that I can keep building. Pulls were actually feeling pretty good so I was thinking that maybe I would be good for a 10lbs jump. I was a little worried that my grip wouldn’t hold up for 365lbs with how humid it was with no chalk. I know I’m not fully recovering as the grip does seem fatigued slightly. The weight felt solid though so I went up 50lbs rather than 40lbs so that I had a better feel for how I was doing once I put on the straps. It didn’t feel as crisp and easy as I would’ve liked so I went back to doing just the planned 5lbs increase on the top singles. The good news is that none of the lifts had the shifty issue. I think I got the stance width figured out to not have that be an issue. Or it could be from having the disc bulge issue resolved and that might have been causing issues. Not 100% sure on that but I think the stance width had something to do with it. This stuff felt heavy. Video seemed to show no real slowing down at any point so that is good. I felt these had to be slower than last time I did this. Actually getting a chance to review on the editing deck showed me that my first pull almost matched my best speed wise last time I did this band and platform combination. The next 3 did slow down a bit with 3rd being slowest and the 4th just behind it. I’m not sure what happened on the last one. I guess I got the switch to flip finally. Maybe because I knew it was the last one. Maybe the song was one that I could attach a good mood to. I had thought I could do that with the other music. Guess not as this was my best pull of the day and it is my fastest pull with this kind of weight compared to the past two sessions with this setup. I felt it was a good one when I did it but never know. So that makes me happy haha. My midsection was just wrecked going into the abdominal work. I think I realize why this is some times. The different height platforms for the pull can make it hard to have a tight belt. I can’t wear my thicker belts at the highest platform. This workout I can wear my newer belt but I can’t get it as tight as I would pulling from the floor or like when I do moving events. So a little loose and I have to brace a little more. Not that this is a bad thing. It is fine and allows me to rotate that over the band and platform cycle too. Really needed the refreshment break after the pulls in the sweaty garage. I kept my soft belt on while putting away the deadlift stuff to keep midsection happy. So ab wheel was mighty tough to get an extra rep from last week. Still got reps in reserve so it is ok. Side plank raises with pauses are tough more due to the time under tension. Not just the core but my shoulders having to support my own weight the whole time. Sweat factor also haha. Had to take a moment between sides to cool down slightly. Had to do the same after training before I felt I could eat dinner. Stretched after dinner and iced my knees before bed.
Mobility Prep
Goblet Squats to Box (15”)
2” Platform Deadlifts w/ bands
No Bands
Added Bands (+21lbs bottom/+114lbs top)
Added Straps
Ab Wheel
Paused Side Plank Raises
Comments: My shoulders were really stiff after training Tuesday upon waking Wednesday. Thankfully that stiffness went away. Didn’t end up doing as much soft tissue work as I wanted but I at least got stuff done on my lower back and hamstrings. Stiff got tightness and discomfort in the left side from having the disc bulge pressure but that is to be expected since it took like two weeks to get stuff to settle down enough to be able to traction it with the weighted dips. I’m just glad that even with that going on, it didn’t hamper my training. It has been a very warm week for late October. I had switched to heating after it was getting below 60 in the house but now it is back up to high 60’s, low 70’s and I’m not keen on during the A/C back on haha. Allergies were acting up in the morning but thankfully only nasal spray needed to stop that nonsense. I had made sure to ice my knees yesterday and do so early in the day today. Walking felt ok. Some lower leg aches and stiffness. The knee intensive part of the movement and warm-up stuff is still difficult but I am adapting. The adjustment was stark last time. It is still very tough but it will improve in time. Lights weren’t working today as it had been raining in the early morning so damp so not the best lighting in the garage. I probably should’ve put the fans on to keep from being a sweaty mess but again, might as well enjoy it while it lasts. Goblet squats to start things off today. Achy knees. Second set seemed to feel slightly better. Still getting a lower back pump from these higher reps going from goblet squats to deadlifts but not as bad as it was the last two weeks. Probably due to getting my back to loosen up a tad. Banded deadlifts after that, as has been the case for the past 9 weeks. I had set things up prior to training to cut down on workout time as I have been doing. Like last week, I did a lighter set than I usually do with the bands because I have those 10lbs bumper plates now. More build up sets, more volume added. Now the plan was only to do 5lbs more than last time as this week and next week are hard lifts to do and trying to keep upping the weights each time so that I can keep building. Pulls were actually feeling pretty good so I was thinking that maybe I would be good for a 10lbs jump. I was a little worried that my grip wouldn’t hold up for 365lbs with how humid it was with no chalk. I know I’m not fully recovering as the grip does seem fatigued slightly. The weight felt solid though so I went up 50lbs rather than 40lbs so that I had a better feel for how I was doing once I put on the straps. It didn’t feel as crisp and easy as I would’ve liked so I went back to doing just the planned 5lbs increase on the top singles. The good news is that none of the lifts had the shifty issue. I think I got the stance width figured out to not have that be an issue. Or it could be from having the disc bulge issue resolved and that might have been causing issues. Not 100% sure on that but I think the stance width had something to do with it. This stuff felt heavy. Video seemed to show no real slowing down at any point so that is good. I felt these had to be slower than last time I did this. Actually getting a chance to review on the editing deck showed me that my first pull almost matched my best speed wise last time I did this band and platform combination. The next 3 did slow down a bit with 3rd being slowest and the 4th just behind it. I’m not sure what happened on the last one. I guess I got the switch to flip finally. Maybe because I knew it was the last one. Maybe the song was one that I could attach a good mood to. I had thought I could do that with the other music. Guess not as this was my best pull of the day and it is my fastest pull with this kind of weight compared to the past two sessions with this setup. I felt it was a good one when I did it but never know. So that makes me happy haha. My midsection was just wrecked going into the abdominal work. I think I realize why this is some times. The different height platforms for the pull can make it hard to have a tight belt. I can’t wear my thicker belts at the highest platform. This workout I can wear my newer belt but I can’t get it as tight as I would pulling from the floor or like when I do moving events. So a little loose and I have to brace a little more. Not that this is a bad thing. It is fine and allows me to rotate that over the band and platform cycle too. Really needed the refreshment break after the pulls in the sweaty garage. I kept my soft belt on while putting away the deadlift stuff to keep midsection happy. So ab wheel was mighty tough to get an extra rep from last week. Still got reps in reserve so it is ok. Side plank raises with pauses are tough more due to the time under tension. Not just the core but my shoulders having to support my own weight the whole time. Sweat factor also haha. Had to take a moment between sides to cool down slightly. Had to do the same after training before I felt I could eat dinner. Stretched after dinner and iced my knees before bed.
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