5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)
Mobility Prep
NY Barbell Yoke
200x50’ in 5.52 seconds
290x50’ in 5.48 seconds
380x50’ in 6.33 seconds
470x50’ in 6.27 seconds
560x50’ in 7.26 seconds
560x50’ in 6.74 seconds
560x50’ in 7.42 seconds
Sandbag Rows
Stone of Steel Loads (62”, tacky towel)
Comments: As previously mentioned, there were time sensitive things for today so I needed to train early. Well, earlier than I usually do on the weekend. Woke up about the same time I do for work (telework time, not commute time haha) to get ready. A bit cooler right now so not sure how that would feel on things. More that my house stays cooler but if the sun is out, not bad as not windy. Trying to get things up and going and trying to keep breakfast down. Warm ups felt roughly the same as the previous day as far as the progressions and movement stuff so that is a good sign. Trying to move at a good pace to try and give myself some time buffer. Yoke up first. Same as last time with working up to 3 runs of 50’ but with 20lbs more. I’d been told that this is the last week of 3’s and will be going to 2’s like farmer’s walk starting next block. Right knee was a bit achy. Moving with the empty yoke for a few lengths, gradually building up speed, seems to be a better thing then just the empty sprints I used to do. However, I wouldn’t be able to do this in most circumstances since most yoke’s and farmer’s aren’t this light empty. But not competing for 8 months so time to worry about that when things get more specific. And assuming 2021 isn’t a continuation of 2020. I was initially going to work up in 50’ runs and then switch to 25’ runs to not wear myself out but I figured that the short runs would just get confusing (would be an odd number to reset the course) and 90lbs jumps would move faster and this is still “light weight” so stop being a wuss. I think that because I had the 10lbs bumper plates that look like 45’s that I was okay with loading the yoke this way. Speed felt good warming up but I had doubts in my mind. Doesn’t help matters seeing someone report a severe knee injury. Aches and I fear the worst. Ever since 2019 WSM seeing multiple people tear calf and Achilles tendon I’ve been paranoid anytime I feel tightness or an ache there. But I just keep going. This week was maybe the first time that I really noticed the “off balance” nature of the yoke with the plates being uneven number. Working set weight felt tough that first run and I felt like it was not super fast on the second run. Third run I thought I was moving faster than my first set. Wrong on the speed for all three actually. My last run was my slowest and that was still faster than my slowest last week. My second run actually got under 7 seconds by a decent amount. A quarter of second really but it is a big improvement for this kind of weight for speed. Over a half a second faster than 550lbs from June and over 2/10ths a second faster than 520lbs from a month ago. Super small numbers and improvements really but considering that this yoke has been notoriously tougher compared to other yokes I’ve used and my times at this kind of weights is beating times on the sturdier yokes is a good sign. So sandbag rows followed after packing stuff up into the garage. My left side of my lower back was really tight after that last run of yoke. I think I lost tightness near the end in my core. I was worried that I might need to stop for the day. The big concern was if this was another relapse and was going to sideline me for months. I can’t have that again. Especially not this year. It has been a super shit year. Sandbag stuff same as last time, just doing an extra rep on each set. Really focusing on bracing. Could feel my left glute tensing and my left knee not liking me bending down. I’m glad these didn’t bother the biceps at all today. As I’ve said, I’m trying my best to treat these seriously and with focus. Stone of steel after the sandbag stuff. I’ve gotten a little paranoid that my setup isn’t enough to protect the garage floor. I added an extra cushion and moved it to a different spot to observe the results. Maybe the cracks have always been there and I’m just noticing them now that I’ve been training in the garage for months now. Plan for today was 10lbs more than last time for 5 singles EMOM style. I just knew that I’d be doing over 300lbs today for the first time in a long time. Since next time (assuming the progressions continue) I’ll be doing 4 plates in the SOS, I figured I’d do those jumps up until the top single and weigh the thing each time in the garage to get an idea of what I’m lifting since stuff seems to be heavier. The hemispheres didn’t feel as secure in spots as usual. Lower back was a little stiff. After the last work up single, I decided that I should use a newer tacky towel for the work sets. I didn’t want to risk slippage. I think that I’ll use the older one for the warm-ups and work up sets and the fresher one for the working sets. The pick of the thing felt easy on the EMOM stuff but it feels heavy in the lap. Curious thing is that I feel like I got better as the set went on. My hesitancy to pick up the thing was less, right biceps felt less issues and I got better extension. I had a decent time buffer before I had to go but with having to insure I got food, put stuff away, stretched and cleaned up, I felt that I’d have to put the stretching on hold until that was done. I was quite stiff by the time I was able to stretch a few hours later. The back feels muscular as far as the soreness and stiffness. Not pain, just that I worked really hard. Going to need to make sure I keep up with my soft tissue stuff.
Mobility Prep
NY Barbell Yoke
200x50’ in 5.52 seconds
290x50’ in 5.48 seconds
380x50’ in 6.33 seconds
470x50’ in 6.27 seconds
560x50’ in 7.26 seconds
560x50’ in 6.74 seconds
560x50’ in 7.42 seconds
Sandbag Rows
Stone of Steel Loads (62”, tacky towel)
Comments: As previously mentioned, there were time sensitive things for today so I needed to train early. Well, earlier than I usually do on the weekend. Woke up about the same time I do for work (telework time, not commute time haha) to get ready. A bit cooler right now so not sure how that would feel on things. More that my house stays cooler but if the sun is out, not bad as not windy. Trying to get things up and going and trying to keep breakfast down. Warm ups felt roughly the same as the previous day as far as the progressions and movement stuff so that is a good sign. Trying to move at a good pace to try and give myself some time buffer. Yoke up first. Same as last time with working up to 3 runs of 50’ but with 20lbs more. I’d been told that this is the last week of 3’s and will be going to 2’s like farmer’s walk starting next block. Right knee was a bit achy. Moving with the empty yoke for a few lengths, gradually building up speed, seems to be a better thing then just the empty sprints I used to do. However, I wouldn’t be able to do this in most circumstances since most yoke’s and farmer’s aren’t this light empty. But not competing for 8 months so time to worry about that when things get more specific. And assuming 2021 isn’t a continuation of 2020. I was initially going to work up in 50’ runs and then switch to 25’ runs to not wear myself out but I figured that the short runs would just get confusing (would be an odd number to reset the course) and 90lbs jumps would move faster and this is still “light weight” so stop being a wuss. I think that because I had the 10lbs bumper plates that look like 45’s that I was okay with loading the yoke this way. Speed felt good warming up but I had doubts in my mind. Doesn’t help matters seeing someone report a severe knee injury. Aches and I fear the worst. Ever since 2019 WSM seeing multiple people tear calf and Achilles tendon I’ve been paranoid anytime I feel tightness or an ache there. But I just keep going. This week was maybe the first time that I really noticed the “off balance” nature of the yoke with the plates being uneven number. Working set weight felt tough that first run and I felt like it was not super fast on the second run. Third run I thought I was moving faster than my first set. Wrong on the speed for all three actually. My last run was my slowest and that was still faster than my slowest last week. My second run actually got under 7 seconds by a decent amount. A quarter of second really but it is a big improvement for this kind of weight for speed. Over a half a second faster than 550lbs from June and over 2/10ths a second faster than 520lbs from a month ago. Super small numbers and improvements really but considering that this yoke has been notoriously tougher compared to other yokes I’ve used and my times at this kind of weights is beating times on the sturdier yokes is a good sign. So sandbag rows followed after packing stuff up into the garage. My left side of my lower back was really tight after that last run of yoke. I think I lost tightness near the end in my core. I was worried that I might need to stop for the day. The big concern was if this was another relapse and was going to sideline me for months. I can’t have that again. Especially not this year. It has been a super shit year. Sandbag stuff same as last time, just doing an extra rep on each set. Really focusing on bracing. Could feel my left glute tensing and my left knee not liking me bending down. I’m glad these didn’t bother the biceps at all today. As I’ve said, I’m trying my best to treat these seriously and with focus. Stone of steel after the sandbag stuff. I’ve gotten a little paranoid that my setup isn’t enough to protect the garage floor. I added an extra cushion and moved it to a different spot to observe the results. Maybe the cracks have always been there and I’m just noticing them now that I’ve been training in the garage for months now. Plan for today was 10lbs more than last time for 5 singles EMOM style. I just knew that I’d be doing over 300lbs today for the first time in a long time. Since next time (assuming the progressions continue) I’ll be doing 4 plates in the SOS, I figured I’d do those jumps up until the top single and weigh the thing each time in the garage to get an idea of what I’m lifting since stuff seems to be heavier. The hemispheres didn’t feel as secure in spots as usual. Lower back was a little stiff. After the last work up single, I decided that I should use a newer tacky towel for the work sets. I didn’t want to risk slippage. I think that I’ll use the older one for the warm-ups and work up sets and the fresher one for the working sets. The pick of the thing felt easy on the EMOM stuff but it feels heavy in the lap. Curious thing is that I feel like I got better as the set went on. My hesitancy to pick up the thing was less, right biceps felt less issues and I got better extension. I had a decent time buffer before I had to go but with having to insure I got food, put stuff away, stretched and cleaned up, I felt that I’d have to put the stretching on hold until that was done. I was quite stiff by the time I was able to stretch a few hours later. The back feels muscular as far as the soreness and stiffness. Not pain, just that I worked really hard. Going to need to make sure I keep up with my soft tissue stuff.
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