Friday, October 30, 2020

October 29, 2020 – Week 11, Day 2

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)
Mobility Prep
Goblet Squats to Box (15”)
1” Platform Deadlifts w/ bands
No Bands
Added Bands (+8lbs bottom/+46lbs top)
Added Straps
Ab Wheel
Paused Side Plank Raises
Comments: I was a bit low energy going into this workout but reading my thoughts from a four weeks ago, I seem in a much better place mentally. I seem a little more restful with sleep. Cold and rainy today. Sticking with just the shorts and t-shirt despite the temperature drop as I know I let off a lot of heat once I’m warmed up in the garage or house. Didn’t care for the wet ground during warm-ups on some things. Knees seemed to be ok. I had already moved stuff around earlier in the day. Didn’t need to move as much stuff since lightest band tension week for the deadlifts. Goblet squats to start things off. Knees didn’t feel as creaky and my hips seem to be going through the motions well. As with last week, second set felt better. Noticed a skinny earthworm near my setup in the garage where I was doing the goblet squats. Paid that no mind and just watched my step. Deadlifting after that. Aiming for just 5lbs more on last time as I know I’m near the end of the wick I’m burning on these. Yes I ended the last pull last session on high but it was a bit more agitation than normal. For whatever reason, I seemed to be hesitating with my setup a little as far as getting the right tightness. Kind of the same thing I had with farmer’s walk on the pick. It’s like I don’t have hamstrings, just quads. I’m not sure if this is what I feel like when my hamstrings are beat to hell or what. Stuff was feeling heavy quicker than I wanted. I thankfully didn’t have a bad of a lower back pump after the warming up stuff as I usually do. I’ve noticed fatigue in my grip over the cycles. This time, despite stuff feeling heavy in the hands, my grip was secure. I had to set down 425lbs right away last time and this time I could hold it fine. Even though the bar speed felt slower. I knew this was going to be a long night when 475lbs felt like how I hoped 520lbs was not going to feel like. I was seriously worried that I wasn’t going to be able to budge the weight for 1, let alone 5. Woof. I got set for that first pull with 520lbs and it was slow. My neck could feel the strain on that one. My second pull managed to be much quicker but still slow. It ended up being my fastest pull which had been slower than my slowest pull when this combo was in the rotation. Not sure what happened with my bracing to break the weight off the floor on the third lift but it got a little too far out in front of me. I was able to course correct for the last two pulls but they were still awful. I really strained today and I guess I should be pleased that did for multiple lifts and didn’t have my form break. I can also say that I didn’t feel like quitting like I did months ago when 455lbs felt difficult. No pain for the lower back, just super tight as well as my hamstrings. My left hamstring has been really tight the past 2-3 weeks and been massaging and foam rolling. Ugh, why is this getting stronger stuff so hard on deadlifts? Did the usual get a big swig of drink and tear down before finishing up with abdominal stuff. Taking the platform away, I found the earthworm again. Stupid bastard had slithered under the platform I was standing on for the deadlifts and was flattened into the thinnest object in the known universe. Sigh. I was glad to move onto abdominal stuff. Ab wheel felt nice this time. Easy. I lost count and was worried that I would match last time so I did an extra rep. Good thing as I had been one short so I got the planned 1 rep increase. I could’ve done several more. Side plank raises after that. These don’t get much easier since I have to support myself the entire time so time under tension is tough. Ate pot roast and then stretched before icing my knees before bed.

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