2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
12” Log Viper Presses
264x1 PR+5lbs
12” Log Strict Presses
Bench Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows
70’sx50 PR+4 reps
Slingshot Dips
Paused Band External Rotations
Mobility Prep
12” Log Viper Presses
264x1 PR+5lbs
12” Log Strict Presses
Bench Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows
70’sx50 PR+4 reps
Slingshot Dips
Paused Band External Rotations
Active Bar Hang (thick bar)
bw for 25 seconds
bw for 25 seconds
Comments: I apparently decided to not enjoy the Christmas holiday. My body decided that it would feel sucky and my mind said it is time to be tired and apathetic. I must have missed the vote to decide on this plan of action. I can deal with them one at a time to some degree but not both. The apathy feeling is sometimes even worse than the crushing sadness part of depression. Because at least I feel something. Couldn’t sleep and just laid in bed for hours. Joints were bugging me. My lower back was tight. I had indicated to Mr. Westerling that I was feeling beat up and like crap and that I was not going to lift the rest of the week and maybe not this coming week. Part of it was worry that I was pushing too much and would injure myself in the process. December 2017 and 2018 are reminders of that. So part of that was rewrite’s for the next few workouts and attempting to reframe my mindset to cope with this unwanted intrusion of depression. So part of it was addressing the thoughts. Stressed out and ended up getting a cold or something. So avoided people for few days to be safe. Some of the thinking had been about why do this if I’m achy and lifting nowhere near the weight I want to be. Makes it difficult to play with my niece and nephews when they visit. But I see now that I just need to warm-up a little and then I’m good. Just like with training. Also knowing that not holding up to the goals of the training isn’t me as a failure. A few days off to clear my head and get stuff under control was good. Reduced warm-up again. Tried out the shoulder drills with the kettlebells while lying on a bench and I like those a lot more. Viper pressing on log for today. So initially listed as try 5lbs more than last time. Then those past few days and the adjusted plan was work up to just 200lbs with the cavet that I could do the original plan and stop when it feels like I need to. I had the intention of doing the original plan assuming my body cooperated. Last time I did these, my hip drive was pure crap and my lower back was shot. This time, I was feeling like I could do better but my biceps were really tight. And they didn’t seem like they’d be not tight after the first two singles with the log. But then they were fine. Ok then. Guess they just needed a good ass whooping. 20lbs jumps until I got to a weight I could swap out a “25” and go from there. 182lbs I knew I was good for a normal training day. 224lbs felt a little slower than I would’ve liked. 244lbs though went up smoother than 239lbs did last time so I figured I had another 5lbs. Didn’t struggle nearly as much as last time on that top set. Strict pressing with the log out of the rack followed. Adjusted plan had been only 3 doubles with progressing weights. Original plan was the normal 5x2. Well seeing as how viper pressing went well, might as well stick to the original plan for this workout. Felt good. Hardly any aches in the left shoulder on these. Easy stuff. Fourth set felt the easiest and smoothest of them. Into the garage after that for accessory work stuff. The dumbbell rows on the bench. Modified was to do 20 reps but I felt good so max reps it was. Goal was 2 more than last time. But also advised that if I hit 50 reps, the exercise would be changed up. So that was tempting. I felt really good at first but could feel it slow down about half way. I was surprised that I kept up the pace though. Got 50. I probably had a few more reps. So much time under tension since essentially rowing for a minute straight haha. Then slingshot dips. These seem to be necessary for my spine health as much as for building up the pressing. Almost did that first set without the slingshot again haha. Not fighting the odd weights on my 25’s at this point so just kept it the same and added 10lbs to that number as planned out here. I did get a little light headed (ok, a lot) from holding my breath on the penultimate set but fixed that on the last set. So to finish up the evening, some more shoulder health stuff. Paused band external rotations are back. Reduced reps with the holds and just a single set. I figured that I could push a little here since just the one set and lower reps. Brought out the mini bands for this. Though but didn’t feel like it was wrecking me. Active bar hang felt nice. Could do these for a good bit longer but building for now as new. Hopefully keep a good streak going now. Big dinner followed by stretching and icing my knees.
Comments: I apparently decided to not enjoy the Christmas holiday. My body decided that it would feel sucky and my mind said it is time to be tired and apathetic. I must have missed the vote to decide on this plan of action. I can deal with them one at a time to some degree but not both. The apathy feeling is sometimes even worse than the crushing sadness part of depression. Because at least I feel something. Couldn’t sleep and just laid in bed for hours. Joints were bugging me. My lower back was tight. I had indicated to Mr. Westerling that I was feeling beat up and like crap and that I was not going to lift the rest of the week and maybe not this coming week. Part of it was worry that I was pushing too much and would injure myself in the process. December 2017 and 2018 are reminders of that. So part of that was rewrite’s for the next few workouts and attempting to reframe my mindset to cope with this unwanted intrusion of depression. So part of it was addressing the thoughts. Stressed out and ended up getting a cold or something. So avoided people for few days to be safe. Some of the thinking had been about why do this if I’m achy and lifting nowhere near the weight I want to be. Makes it difficult to play with my niece and nephews when they visit. But I see now that I just need to warm-up a little and then I’m good. Just like with training. Also knowing that not holding up to the goals of the training isn’t me as a failure. A few days off to clear my head and get stuff under control was good. Reduced warm-up again. Tried out the shoulder drills with the kettlebells while lying on a bench and I like those a lot more. Viper pressing on log for today. So initially listed as try 5lbs more than last time. Then those past few days and the adjusted plan was work up to just 200lbs with the cavet that I could do the original plan and stop when it feels like I need to. I had the intention of doing the original plan assuming my body cooperated. Last time I did these, my hip drive was pure crap and my lower back was shot. This time, I was feeling like I could do better but my biceps were really tight. And they didn’t seem like they’d be not tight after the first two singles with the log. But then they were fine. Ok then. Guess they just needed a good ass whooping. 20lbs jumps until I got to a weight I could swap out a “25” and go from there. 182lbs I knew I was good for a normal training day. 224lbs felt a little slower than I would’ve liked. 244lbs though went up smoother than 239lbs did last time so I figured I had another 5lbs. Didn’t struggle nearly as much as last time on that top set. Strict pressing with the log out of the rack followed. Adjusted plan had been only 3 doubles with progressing weights. Original plan was the normal 5x2. Well seeing as how viper pressing went well, might as well stick to the original plan for this workout. Felt good. Hardly any aches in the left shoulder on these. Easy stuff. Fourth set felt the easiest and smoothest of them. Into the garage after that for accessory work stuff. The dumbbell rows on the bench. Modified was to do 20 reps but I felt good so max reps it was. Goal was 2 more than last time. But also advised that if I hit 50 reps, the exercise would be changed up. So that was tempting. I felt really good at first but could feel it slow down about half way. I was surprised that I kept up the pace though. Got 50. I probably had a few more reps. So much time under tension since essentially rowing for a minute straight haha. Then slingshot dips. These seem to be necessary for my spine health as much as for building up the pressing. Almost did that first set without the slingshot again haha. Not fighting the odd weights on my 25’s at this point so just kept it the same and added 10lbs to that number as planned out here. I did get a little light headed (ok, a lot) from holding my breath on the penultimate set but fixed that on the last set. So to finish up the evening, some more shoulder health stuff. Paused band external rotations are back. Reduced reps with the holds and just a single set. I figured that I could push a little here since just the one set and lower reps. Brought out the mini bands for this. Though but didn’t feel like it was wrecking me. Active bar hang felt nice. Could do these for a good bit longer but building for now as new. Hopefully keep a good streak going now. Big dinner followed by stretching and icing my knees.